function chess1() % chess - Chinese chess for two players % % Jianjiang Feng % 2008-01 clc close all h=zeros(2,16);%改进,储存棋子的句柄 % Constant values % nSize = 60; nRowNum = 8; nColNum = 9; offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; chess_name = {{'帥','仕','相','马','車','炮','兵'},{'將','仕','象','马','車','炮','卒'}}; chess_type = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7]; colors = 'rk'; % global variables chess_x = -ones(2,16); chess_y = -ones(2,16); pos_chess = zeros(nRowNum+1,nColNum+1); cur_turn = 1; cur_cid = 0; hText = zeros(2,16); figure(1); hold on axis([-offset_x nColNum+offset_x -offset_y nRowNum+offset_y]) s = title('红'); axis equal set(1,'name','中国象棋',... 'menubar','figure',... 'toolbar','none',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',@OnWindowButtonDown); set(s,'string','红','color','r','fontsize',20); InitializeChessPosition; DrawBoard; DrawAllChess; % 改进 set(gca,'xtick',[]) set(gca,'ytick',[]) set(gca,'xcolor','w','ycolor','w') function DrawBoard() for k = 1:2 for r = 1:nRowNum+1 x = [(k-1)*5 4+(k-1)*5]; y = [(r-1) (r-1)]; plot(x,y,'b-') end for c = 1:nColNum+1 x = [(c-1) (c-1)]; y = [0 nRowNum]; plot(x,y,'b-') end x = [0 2] + (k-1)*7; y = [3 5]; plot(x,y,'b-') x = [0 2] + (k-1)*7; y = [5 3]; plot(x,y,'b-') end text(4.5,1.2,'楚 河 汉 界','rotation',90) end %------------------- function DrawAllChess() for k = 1:2 for i = 1:16 if i>9 plot(chess_x(k,i),chess_y(k,i),'d','MarkerSize',15) end h(k,i)=plot(chess_x(k,i),chess_y(k,i),'MarkerSize',70,'Color',colors(k),'marker','.');%改进 hText(k,i) = text(chess_x(k,i)-0.35,chess_y(k,i),['\fontsize{20}' chess_name{k}{chess_type(i)}],'color','w'); end end end %------------------- function InitializeChessPosition() chess_x(:,1:9) = [zeros(1,9);9*ones(1,9)]; chess_x(:,10:11) = [2 2;7 7]; chess_x(:,12:16) = [3*ones(1,5); 6*ones(1,5)]; chess_y(:,1:9) = [0:8;0:8]; chess_y(:,10) = [1;1]; chess_y(:,11) = [7;7]; chess_y(:,12:16) = [0:2:8;0:2:8]; pos_chess = zeros(nRowNum+1,nColNum+1); pos_chess(:,1) = [1:9]'; pos_chess(:,nColNum+1) = [1:9]'+16; pos_chess(2,3) = 10; pos_chess(2,nColNum-1) = 10+16; pos_chess(8,3) = 11; pos_chess(8,nColNum-1) = 11+16; pos_chess(1:2:9,4) = [12:16]; pos_chess(1:2:9,nColNum-2) = [12:16]+16; end %------------------- function OnWindowButtonDown(src,evnt) pt = get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); x = round(pt(1,1)); y = round(pt(1,2)); if x<0 || x>nColNum || y<0 || y>nRowNum %判断是否在棋盘外 return end cc = pos_chess(y+1,x+1);%如果在棋盘内,则给cc赋值 if cc~=0 ct = ceil(cc/16); cc = mod(cc,16); if cc == 0 cc = 16; end end if cur_cid==0 if cc~=0% chess clicked if ct==cur_turn cur_cid = cc; % set(h(cur_turn,cur_cid),'color','g') % set(hText(cur_turn,cur_cid),'Color','k'); end end else% have current chess if cc~=0% chess clicked if cc==cur_cid && ct==cur_turn% no change return end if ct==cur_turn% change chess % set(hText(cur_turn,cur_cid),'Color','none'); cur_cid = cc; set(hText(cur_turn,cur_cid),'Color','k'); else % kill if CanMove(x,y)==1 KillChess(ct,cc); end end else% no chess clicked, go there if CanMove(x,y)==1 MoveChess(x,y); ChangeTurn(); end end end end %------------------- function flag = CanMove(x,y) flag = 1; oldx = chess_x(cur_turn,cur_cid); oldy = chess_y(cur_turn,cur_cid); switch chess_type(cur_cid) case 1% 将 % move 1 step if ~(x==oldx && abs(y-oldy)==1) && ~(y==oldy && abs(x-oldx)==1) flag = 0; return end % out area if cur_turn==1 if ~(x>=0 && x<=2 && y>=3 && y<=5) flag = 0; return end else if ~(x>=7 && x<=9 && y>=3 && y<=5) flag = 0; return end end case 2% 士 % move 1 step if ~(abs(x-oldx)==1 && abs(y-oldy)==1) flag = 0; return end % out area if cur_turn==1 if ~(x>=0 && x<=2 && y>=3 && y<=5) flag = 0; return end else if ~(x>=7 && x<=9 && y>=3 && y<=5) flag = 0; return end end case 3% 象 % move 1 step if ~(abs(x-oldx)==2 && abs(y-oldy)==2) flag = 0; return end % out area if cur_turn==1 if ~(x>=0 && x<=4) flag = 0; return end else if ~(x>=5 && x<=9) flag = 0; return end end % in the way mx = (x+oldx)/2; my = (y+oldy)/2; if pos_chess(my+1,mx+1)~=0 flag = 0; return end case 4% 马 % move 1 step if ~(abs(x-oldx)==1 && abs(y-oldy)==2) && ~(abs(x-oldx)==2 && abs(y-oldy)==1) flag = 0; return end % in the way if abs(y-oldy)==2 mx = oldx; my = (y+oldy)/2; else mx = (x+oldx)/2; my = oldy; end if pos_chess(my+1,mx+1)~=0 flag = 0; return end case 5% 车 if ~(x==oldx && y~=oldy) && ~(x~=oldx && y==oldy) flag = 0; return end % no chess in the way if x==oldx inc = 1; if oldy>y inc = -1; end if ~isempty(find(pos_chess(oldy+1+inc:inc:y+1-inc,x+1)~=0)) flag = 0; return end else inc = 1; if oldx>x inc = -1; end if ~isempty(find(pos_chess(y+1,oldx+1+inc:inc:x+1-inc)~=0)) flag = 0; return end end case 6% 炮 if ~(x==oldx && y~=oldy) && ~(x~=oldx && y==oldy) flag = 0; return end % no chess in the way if x==oldx inc = 1; if oldy>y inc = -1; end if pos_chess(y+1,x+1)~=0 if ~(length(find(pos_chess(oldy+1+inc:inc:y+1-inc,x+1)~=0))==1) flag = 0; return end else if ~(isempty(find(pos_chess(oldy+1+inc:inc:y+1-inc,x+1)~=0))) flag = 0; return end end else inc = 1; if oldx>x inc = -1; end if pos_chess(y+1,x+1)~=0 if ~(length(find(pos_chess(y+1,oldx+1+inc:inc:x+1-inc)~=0))==1) flag = 0; return end else if ~(isempty(find(pos_chess(y+1,oldx+1+inc:inc:x+1-inc)~=0))) flag = 0; return end