KingbaseES V8R6通过sys_backup.sh执行物理备份,默认sys_backup.sh执行备份初始化时,需要连接test数据库进行身份的认证;在一些生产环境为了安全需求,会删除test库或被误删除,导致sys_rman连接数据库失败 。如果是误删除,比较容易解决,重新创建一个test库即可。如果是安全需求删除,不能重建test库,则需要修改sys_backup.sh脚本,修改认证库,本案例将详细介绍如何修改脚本完成sys_backup.sh的初始化和备份。
KingbaseES V8R6
prod=# select version(); version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KingbaseES V008R006C005B0041 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit (1 row)
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ ./ksql -U system test -p 54325 ksql (V8.0) Type "help" for help. test=# \c prod You are now connected to database "prod" as user "system". prod=# drop database test; DROP DATABASE prod=# \l List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+------------------- prod | system | UTF8 | ci_x_icu | zh_CN.UTF-8 | prod1 | system | UTF8 | ci_x_icu | zh_CN.UTF-8 | security | system | UTF8 | ci_x_icu | zh_CN.UTF-8 | template0 | system | UTF8 | ci_x_icu | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/system + | | | | | system=CTc/system template1 | system | UTF8 | ci_x_icu | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/system + | | | | | system=CTc/system (5 rows)
2、执行sys_backup.sh init
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ ./sys_backup.sh init # generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE # update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE # create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds) ERROR: create stanza failed, check log file /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/log/sys_rman_stanza-create.log
2022-06-30 17:18:44.380 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: aborted with exception [056] 2022-06-30 17:21:22.930 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=10771-16130362 --kb1-path=/data/kingbase/v8r6_041/data --kb1-port=54325 --kb1-user=system --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/log --log-subprocess --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo --stanza=kingbase WARN: unable to check kb-1: [DbConnectError] unable to connect to 'dbname='test' port=54325 user='system'': FATAL: database "test" does not exist ERROR: [056]: unable to find primary cluster - cannot proceed 2022-06-30 17:21:22.944 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: aborted with exception [056]
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ cat sys_backup.conf |grep target # target db style enum: single/cluster _target_db_style="single" # 首先确定,本次备份是singl还是cluster备份模式。
=由于sys_backup.sh可用于single和cluster的备份模式,所以在修改脚本前必须确定此次备份的模式,然后修改对应funcation下的执行语句,减少对脚本不必要的修改。此次案例备份采用的single模式,所以只需要修改“ function func_single_init()”下的语句即可。=
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ cat sys_backup.sh 196 function func_single_init() 197 { ........ 289 /bin/echo "# create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds)" 290 ${_os_rm_cmd} -rf "${_repo_path}/archive" 291 ${_os_rm_cmd} -rf "${_repo_path}/backup" #需要修改的语句,增加:---kb1-database=template1 292 ${_rman_bin} --config=${_rman_conf_file} --stanza=${_stanza_name} --kb1-database=template1 --log-level-console=info stanza-create >> "${_log_dir}/sys_rman_stanza-create.log" 2>&1 293 if [ "X0" != "X$?" ] ; then 294 /bin/echo "ERROR: create stanza failed, check log file ${_log_dir}/sys_rman_stanza-create.log" 295 exit 2 296 fi 297 if [ "Xcluster_standby_step1" != "X${_cluster_standby_step}" ] ; then 298 ########################### #需要修改的语句,增加:---kb1-database=template1 299 ${_rman_bin} --config=${_rman_conf_file} --stanza=${_stanza_name} --kb1-database=template1 --log-level-console=info check >> "${_log_dir}/sys_rman_check.log" 2>&1 300 if [ "X0" != "X$?" ] ; then 301 /bin/echo "ERROR: check stanza failed, check log file ${_log_dir}/sys_rman_check.log" 302 exit 3 303 fi 304 ########################### 305 fi 306 /bin/echo "# create stanza and check...DONE" 307 308 if [ "Xcluster_standby_step1" != "X${_cluster_standby_step}" ] ; then 309 ########################### 310 /bin/echo "# initial first full backup...(maybe several minutes)" #需要修改的语句,增加:---kb1-database=template1 311 ${_rman_bin} --config=${_rman_conf_file} --stanza=${_stanza_name} --kb1-database=template1 --log-level-console=info --archive-copy --type=full backup >> "${_log_dir}/sys_rman_backup.log" 2>&1 313 if [ "X0" != "X$?" ] ; then 314 /bin/echo "ERROR: full backup failed, check log file ${_log_dir}/sys_rman_backup.log" 315 exit 4 316 fi 317 /bin/echo "# initial first full backup...DONE" 318 ########################### 319 fi 320 321 /bin/echo "# Initial sys_rman OK." 322 /bin/echo "'sys_backup.sh start' should be executed when need back-rest feature." 323 324 } # end of function single init #如上所示,在sys_rman的执行语句中,指定用template1库做连接认证。
3、执行sys_backup.sh init
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ ./sys_backup.sh init # generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE # update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE # create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds) # create stanza and check...DONE # initial first full backup...(maybe several minutes) # initial first full backup...DONE # Initial sys_rman OK. 'sys_backup.sh start' should be executed when need back-rest feature. # 如上所示,执行init成功。
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ cat ~/kbbr1_repo/sys_rman.conf # Genarate by script at 20220701102150, should not change manually [kingbase] kb1-path=/data/kingbase/v8r6_041/data kb1-port=54325 kb1-user=system kb1-database=template1 [global] repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo repo1-retention-full=5 log-path=/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/log log-level-file=info log-level-console=info log-subprocess=y process-max=4 #### default gz, support: gz none compress-type=gz compress-level=3 band-width=0 # 如上所示,增加kb1-database参数。
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ ./sys_backup.sh start Enable some sys_rman in crontab-daemon Set full-backup in 7 days Set incr-backup in 1 days 0 2 */7 * * kingbase /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/bin/sys_rman --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo/sys_rman.conf --stanza=kingbase --archive-copy --type=full backup >> /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/log/sys_rman_backup_full.log 2>&1 0 4 */1 * * kingbase /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/bin/sys_rman --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo/sys_rman.conf --stanza=kingbase --archive-copy --type=incr backup >> /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/log/sys_rman_backup_incr.log 2>&1
[kingbase@node101 bin]$ /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8R6_041/Server/bin/sys_rman --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr1_repo/sys_rman.conf --stanza=kingbase info stanza: kingbase status: ok cipher: none db (current) wal archive min/max (V008R006C005B0041): 000000010000000000000082/000000010000000000000083 full backup: 20220701-102154F timestamp start/stop: 2022-07-01 10:21:54 / 2022-07-01 10:22:30 wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000083 / 000000010000000000000083 database size: 736MB, database backup size: 736MB repo1: backup set size: 102MB, backup size: 102MB