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cd nginx-1.18.0
... http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen 80; #http-flv的拉流端口 ... # http-flv的相关配置 location /live { flv_live on; #打开HTTP播放FLV直播流功能 chunked_transfer_encoding on; #支持'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'方式回复 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; #添加额外的HTTP头 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true'; #添加额外的HTTP头 } ... } } rtmp_auto_push on; rtmp_auto_push_reconnect 1s; rtmp_socket_dir /tmp; rtmp { out_queue 4096; out_cork 8; max_streams 128; timeout 15s; drop_idle_publisher 15s; log_interval 5s; #log模块在access.log中记录日志的间隔时间,对调试非常有用 log_size 1m; #log模块用来记录日志的缓冲区大小 server { listen 1935; server_name www.test.*; #用于虚拟主机名后缀通配 #ffmpeg推流的application application myapp { live on; gop_cache on; #打开GOP缓存,减少首屏等待时间 on时第一帧加载快,off时第一帧加载慢 # @StringKai 在博客提到on时延高,off时延低,不过我在测试时并没有感觉出时延的差别 } ... } ... }
worker_processes 1; #should be 1 for Windows, for it doesn't support Unix domain socket #worker_processes auto; #from versions 1.3.8 and 1.2.5 #worker_cpu_affinity 0001 0010 0100 1000; #only available on FreeBSD and Linux #worker_cpu_affinity auto; #from version 1.9.10 error_log logs/error.log error; #if the module is compiled as a dynamic module and features relevant #to RTMP are needed, the command below MUST be specified and MUST be #located before events directive, otherwise the module won't be loaded #or will be loaded unsuccessfully when NGINX is started #load_module modules/; events { worker_connections 4096; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen 80; location / { root /var/www; index index.html index.htm; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } location /live { flv_live on; #open flv live streaming (subscribe) chunked_transfer_encoding on; #open 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' response add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; #add additional HTTP header add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true'; #add additional HTTP header } location /hls { types { application/ m3u8; video/mp2t ts; } root /tmp; add_header 'Cache-Control' 'no-cache'; } location /dash { root /tmp; add_header 'Cache-Control' 'no-cache'; } location /stat { #configuration of streaming & recording statistics rtmp_stat all; rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl; } location /stat.xsl { root /var/www/rtmp; #specify in where stat.xsl located } #if JSON style stat needed, no need to specify #stat.xsl but a new directive rtmp_stat_format #location /stat { # rtmp_stat all; # rtmp_stat_format json; #} location /control { rtmp_control all; #configuration of control module of rtmp } } } rtmp_auto_push on; rtmp_auto_push_reconnect 1s; rtmp_socket_dir /tmp; rtmp { out_queue 4096; out_cork 8; max_streams 128; timeout 15s; drop_idle_publisher 15s; log_interval 5s; #interval used by log module to log in access.log, it is very useful for debug log_size 1m; #buffer size used by log module to log in access.log server { listen 1935; server_name www.test.*; #for suffix wildcard matching of virtual host name application myapp { live on; gop_cache on; #open GOP cache for reducing the wating time for the first picture of video } application hls { live on; hls on; hls_path /tmp/hls; } application dash { live on; dash on; dash_path /tmp/dash; } } server { listen 1935; server_name *; #for prefix wildcard matching of virtual host name application myapp { live on; gop_cache on; #open GOP cache for reducing the wating time for the first picture of video } } server { listen 1935; server_name; #for completely matching of virtual host name application myapp { live on; gop_cache on; #open GOP cache for reducing the wating time for the first picture of video } } }
1935与nginx配置listen 1935对应,myapp与nginx配置中application myapp对应,mystream为推流密码
-rtsp_transport tcp: 固定写法
-c copy: 输出直接复制,不转换格式
-f flv:转成flv
根据Nginx配置文件生成,端口号1935与nginx配置中的listen 1935对应;
myapp对应配置文件中的application myapp;
var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: 'flv', enableWorker: true, //浏览器端开启flv.js的worker,多进程运行flv.js isLive: true, //直播模式 hasAudio: true, //开启音频 hasVideo: true, stashInitialSize: 128, enableStashBuffer: false, //播放flv时,设置是否启用播放缓存,只在直播起作用。 url: '' })
url格式 http://ip:80/live?port=1935&app=myapp&stream=mystream
ip:80中的80端口与nginx配置中listen 80对应,
1935与nginx配置listen 1935对应,
myapp与nginx配置中application myapp对应,
mystream与ffmpeg推流命令最后的rtmp:// 对应
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title>flv.js demo</title> <style> .mainContainer { display: block; width: 1024px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .urlInput { display: block; width: 100%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; } .centeredVideo { display: block; width: 100%; height: 576px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: auto; } .controls { display: block; width: 100%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="mainContainer"> <video id="videoElement" class="centeredVideo" controls width="1024" height="576">Your browser is too old which doesn't support HTML5 video.</video> </div> <br> <div class="controls"> <button onclick="flv_start()">开始</button> <button onclick="flv_pause()">暂停</button> <button onclick="flv_destroy()">停止</button> <input style="width:100px" type="text" name="seekpoint" /> <button onclick="flv_seekto()">跳转</button> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> var vElement = document.getElementById('videoElement'); if (flvjs.isSupported()) { var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({ type: 'flv', enableWorker: true, //浏览器端开启flv.js的worker,多进程运行flv.js isLive: true, //直播模式 hasAudio: true, //关闭音频 hasVideo: true, stashInitialSize: 128, enableStashBuffer: false, //播放flv时,设置是否启用播放缓存,只在直播起作用。 url: '' }); flvPlayer.attachMediaElement(vElement) flvPlayer.load() //加载 } setInterval(function () { vElement.playbackRate = 1 console.log("时延校正判断"); if (!vElement.buffered.length) { return } var end = vElement.buffered.end(0) var diff = end - vElement.currentTime console.log(diff) if (5 <= diff && diff <=60) { console.log("二倍速") vElement.playbackRate = 2 } if (diff > 60) { console.log("跳帧") vElement.currentTime = end } }, 2500) function flv_start() { } function flv_pause() { flvPlayer.pause() } function flv_destroy() { flvPlayer.pause() flvPlayer.unload() flvPlayer.detachMediaElement() flvPlayer.destroy() flvPlayer = null } function flv_seekto() { player.currentTime = parseFloat(document.getElementsByName('seekpoint')[0].value) } </script> </body> </html>
主要参考了github issues以及【入门】无插件web直播解决方案,ffmpeg+nginx-http-flv-module+flv.js给出的解决方案:
setInterval(function () { vElement.playbackRate = 1 console.log("时延校正判断"); if (!vElement.buffered.length) { return } var end = vElement.buffered.end(0) var diff = end - vElement.currentTime console.log(diff) if (5 <= diff && diff <=60) { console.log("二倍速") vElement.playbackRate = 2 } if (diff > 60) { console.log("跳帧") vElement.currentTime = end } }, 2500)
需要在video标签中加入autoplay 属性实现自动播放,但是一些浏览器比如chrome禁止音频内容的自动播放,可以在video标签中加入muted属性,如下:
<video id="videoElement" class="centeredVideo" muted autoplay width="1024" height="576">Your browser is too old which doesn't support HTML5 video.</video>
function flv_destroy() { flvPlayer.pause() flvPlayer.unload() flvPlayer.detachMediaElement() flvPlayer.destroy() flvPlayer = null }
server { listen 1935; server_name www.test.*; #用于虚拟主机名后缀通配 application myapp { live on; record video; #记录直播视频 record_path /tmp/rec; #视频保存路径 record_suffix -%d-%b-%y-%T.flv; #视频保存名:日期+.flv
@PostMapping("check") public void check(@RequestParam("key") String key){ System.out.println(key); }
# Many publishers, many subscribers # no checks, no recording application myapp { live on; # The following notifications receive all # the session variables as well as # particular call arguments in HTTP POST # request # Make HTTP request & use HTTP retcode # to decide whether to allow publishing # from this connection or not on_publish http://localhost:8080/publish; # Same with playing on_play http://localhost:8080/play; on_play_done http://localhost:8080/play_done; # Publish/play end (repeats on disconnect) on_done http://localhost:8080/done; # All above mentioned notifications receive # standard connect() arguments as well as # play/publish ones. If any arguments are sent # with GET-style syntax to play & publish # these are also included. # Example URL: # rtmp://localhost/myapp/mystream?a=b&c=d # record 10 video keyframes (no audio) every 2 minutes record keyframes; record_path /tmp/vc; record_max_frames 10; record_interval 2m; # Async notify about an flv recorded on_record_done http://localhost:8080/record_done; }