A priority queue is a container adaptor that provides constant time lookup of the largest (by default) element, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction.
优先队列也可以看作是最大堆或者最小堆的具体实现,所以该数据结构自带的top(), pop()可以类比于堆结构。
template< class T, class Container = std::vector<T>, class Compare = std::less<typename Container::value_type> > class priority_queue;
template<typename T> void print_queue(T q) { // NB: pass by value so the print uses a copy while(!q.empty()) { std::cout << q.top() << ' '; q.pop(); } std::cout << '\n'; } int main() { std::priority_queue<int> q; const auto data = {1,8,5,6,3,4,0,9,7,2}; for(int n : data) q.push(n); print_queue(q); std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int>> q2(data.begin(), data.end()); print_queue(q2); // Using lambda to compare elements. auto cmp = [](int left, int right) { return (left ^ 1) < (right ^ 1); }; std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, decltype(cmp)> q3(cmp); for(int n : data) q3.push(n); print_queue(q3); }
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class Solution { public: void print_queue(vector<int>& q) { // NB: pass by value so the print uses a copy for(auto & ele : q){ std::cout<<ele<<' '; } std::cout << '\n'; } vector<int> sortArray(vector<int>& nums) { sort(nums.begin(), nums.end(), less()); print_queue(nums); sort(nums.begin(), nums.end(), greater()); print_queue(nums); return nums; } };
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