Kotlin MutableMap
是集合框架的接口,它以键和值对的形式保存对象。 通过使用相应的键来检索MutableMap
接口的值。 键和值可以是不同类型的对,例如<Int,Int>
或mutableMapOf <k,v>()
interface MutableMap<K, V> : Map<K, V> (source)
属性 | 描述 |
MutableSet<MutableEntry<K, V>> |
这将返回映射中所有键和值对的MutableSet 。 |
MutableSet<K> |
这将返回此映射中MutableSet 的所有键。 |
MutableCollection<V> |
这将返回当前映射中MutableCollection 的所有值。 此集合可能包含重复值。 |
函数 | 描述 |
abstract fun put(key: K, value: V): V? |
使用映射中的指定键添加给定值。 |
abstract fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>) |
使用指定映射中的键/值对更新当前映射。 |
abstract fun remove(key: K): V? |
从映射中删除指定的键及对应的值。 |
open fun remove(key: K, value: V): Boolean |
仅当映射中存在键和值实体时,它才会从映射中删除它们。 |
abstract fun clear() |
此函数用于从映射中删除所有元素。 |
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.contains(key: K): Boolean |
它检查映射中是否包含给定键。 |
abstract fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean |
如果map 包含指定的键,则返回true 。 |
fun <K> Map<out K, *>.containsKey(key: K): Boolean |
如果map 包含指定的键,则返回true 。 |
abstract fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean |
如果映射包含给定值的一个或多个键,则返回true 。 |
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.containsValue(value: V): Boolean |
如果映射包含给定值的一个或多个键,则返回true 。 |
fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.count(): Int |
它返回映射的项目总数。 |
operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.get(key: K): V? |
它返回与键对应的值,如果在映射中找不到指定键,则返回null 。 |
fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.getOrDefault(key: K, defaultValue: V): V |
它返回带有相应指定键的值,或者如果映射中没有键的映射,则返回默认值。 |
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.getOrElse(key: K, defaultValue: () -> V ): V |
它返回映射中提及键的值,或者如果找不到给定键的此类条目,则返回默认值函数。 |
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.getValue(key: K): V |
它返回与给定键对应的值,如果在映射中找不到键,则抛出异常。 |
并遍历它的示例。 在这个例子中,使用不同的方式(MutableMap <Int,String>,MutableMap <String,String>
和MutableMap <Any,Any>)
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap1: MutableMap<Int, String> = mutableMapOf<Int, String>(1 to "Java", 4 to "Ruby", 2 to "Ajax", 3 to "Vivi") val mutableMap2: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap2.put("name", "Susen") mutableMap2.put("city", "海口") mutableMap2.put("department", "研发部") mutableMap2.put("hobby", "撸代码") val mutableMap3: MutableMap<Any, Any> = mutableMapOf<Any, Any>(1 to "Maxsu", "name" to "Ruby", 2 to 200) println(".....traverse mutableMap1........") for (key in mutableMap1.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap1[key]}") } println("......traverse mutableMap2.......") for (key in mutableMap2.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap2[key]) } println("......traverse mutableMap3......") for (key in mutableMap3.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap3[key]}") } }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
.....traverse mutableMap1........ Key = 1, Value = Java Key = 4, Value = Ruby Key = 2, Value = Ajax Key = 3, Value = Vivi ......traverse mutableMap2....... Key = name, Value = Susen Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = 研发部 Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 ......traverse mutableMap3...... Key = 1, Value = Maxsu Key = name, Value = Ruby Key = 2, Value = 200
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Susen") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") val hashMap: HashMap<String,String> = hashMapOf<String,String>() hashMap.put("department", "研发部") hashMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } mutableMap.putAll(hashMap) println("......traverse mutableMap after mutableMap.putAll(hashMap).......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Susen Key = city, Value = 海口 ......traverse mutableMap after mutableMap.putAll(hashMap)....... Key = name, Value = Susen Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = 研发部 Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码
函数用于检查MutableMap中是否存在指定的键。 如果它包含指定的键,则返回true
。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "研发部") mutableMap.put("hobby", "女") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } println("......mutableMap.containsKey(\"city\").......") println(mutableMap.containsKey("city")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = 研发部 Key = hobby, Value = 女 ......mutableMap.containsKey("city")....... true
函数用于检查MutableMap中是否存在指定的值。 如果映射包含给定的一个或多个值,则此函数返回true
。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "研发部") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } println(".......mutableMap.containsValue(\"上海\")......") println(mutableMap.containsValue("上海")) println(".......mutableMap.containsValue(\"Maxsu\")......") println(mutableMap.containsValue("Maxsu")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = 研发部 Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 .......mutableMap.containsValue("上海")...... false .......mutableMap.containsValue("Maxsu")...... true
。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Susen") mutableMap.put("city", "Haikou") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "Coding") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } println("......mutableMap.contains(\"city\").......") println(mutableMap.contains("city")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Susen Key = city, Value = Haikou Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = Coding ......mutableMap.contains("city")....... true
。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Susen") mutableMap.put("city", "Haikou") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "Coding") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = "+key +", "+"Value = "+mutableMap[key]) } println(".......mutableMap.get(\"department\")......") println(mutableMap.get("department")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Susen Key = city, Value = Haikou Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = Coding .......mutableMap.get("department")...... Development
中找不到键,则抛出异常。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } println(".......mutableMap.getValue(\"department\")......") println(mutableMap.getValue("department")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 .......mutableMap.getValue("department")...... Development
指定键的对应值。 如果MutableMap
中不存在指定的键,则返回默认对应值。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } println(".......mutableMap.getOrDefault(\"name\", \"Default Value\")......") println(mutableMap.getOrDefault("name", "default-value")) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 .......mutableMap.getOrDefault("name", "Default Value")...... Maxsu
中存在的元素总数。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } println(".....mutableMap.count()........") println(mutableMap.count()) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 .....mutableMap.count()........ 4
函数用于删除与指定键对应的值。 而remove(key,value)
函数删除包含键和值的元素。 如果成功删除指定的键及其值,则remove(key,value)
。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "Development") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } println("......mutableMap.remove(\"city\").......") println(mutableMap.remove("city")) println(".......mutableMap.remove(\"hobby\",\"撸代码\")......") println(mutableMap.remove("hobby","撸代码")) println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = Development Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 ......mutableMap.remove("city")....... 海口 .......mutableMap.remove("hobby","撸代码")...... true ......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = department, Value = Development
中删除所有元素。 例如:
fun main(args: Array<String>) { val mutableMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf<String, String>() mutableMap.put("name", "Maxsu") mutableMap.put("city", "海口") mutableMap.put("department", "技术部") mutableMap.put("hobby", "撸代码") println("......traverse mutableMap.......") for (key in mutableMap.keys) { println("Key = ${key}, Value = ${mutableMap[key]}") } println("......mutableMap.clear().......") println(mutableMap.clear()) println(mutableMap) }
执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -
......traverse mutableMap....... Key = name, Value = Maxsu Key = city, Value = 海口 Key = department, Value = 技术部 Key = hobby, Value = 撸代码 ......mutableMap.clear()....... kotlin.Unit {}