MySQL | InfluxDB | Clickhouse | |
导入时间 | 70分钟 | 35分钟 | 70秒 |
磁盘占用空间 | 12.35GB | 5.9GB | 2.66GB |
全表count | 24366ms | 11674ms | 100ms |
全表max/min | 27023ms | 26829ms | 186ms |
全表求平均值 | 24841ms | 12043ms | 123ms |
全表求方差 | 24600ms | OOM | 113ms |
复杂查询1 | 30260ms | OOM | 385ms |
复杂查询2 | 470ms | 200ms | 8ms |
wget -O- https://zenodo.org/record/5092942 | grep -oP 'https://zenodo.org/record/5092942/files/flightlist_\d+_\d+\.csv\.gz' | xargs wget
在互联网连接良好的情况下,下载大约需要 2 分钟。共有 30 个文件,总大小为 4.3 GB。
CREATE TABLE opensky ( callsign String, number String, icao24 String, registration String, typecode String, origin String, destination String, firstseen DateTime, lastseen DateTime, day DateTime, latitude_1 Float64, longitude_1 Float64, altitude_1 Float64, latitude_2 Float64, longitude_2 Float64, altitude_2 Float64 ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (origin, destination, callsign);
ls -1 flightlist_*.csv.gz | xargs -P100 -I{} bash -c 'gzip -c -d "{}" | clickhouse-client --date_time_input_format best_effort --query "INSERT INTO opensky FORMAT CSVWithNames"'
最后,clickhouse-client会做插入。它将以CSVWithNames格式读取输入数据。并行上传需要 24 秒。如果不想使用并行上传,还可以使用顺序上传,可能需要的时间长一点,大概 75 秒,具体执行命令如下:
for file in flightlist_*.csv.gz; do gzip -c -d "$file" | clickhouse-client --date_time_input_format best_effort --query "INSERT INTO opensky FORMAT CSVWithNames"; done
$ clickhouse-client $ create database test; $ use test; $ CREATE TABLE opensky(callsign String,number String,icao24 String,registration String,typecode String,origin String,destination String,firstseen DateTime,lastseen DateTime,day DateTime,latitude_1 Float64,longitude_1 Float64,altitude_1 Float64,latitude_2 Float64,longitude_2 Float64,altitude_2 Float64) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (origin, destination, callsign); $ exit # Import data (about 75 seconds) $ cd /tmp/flightlist $ for file in flightlist_*.csv; do cat "$file" | clickhouse-client --date_time_input_format best_effort --query "INSERT INTO test.opensky FORMAT CSVWithNames"; done # Check if the data was imported successfully $ clickhouse-client $ SELECT count() FROM test.opensky;
# Link MySQL to build database and table $ mysql -uroot -p123456 $ use test; $ CREATE TABLE `opensky` (`callsign` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`number` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`icao24` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`registration` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`typecode` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`origin` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`destination` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,`firstseen` datetime DEFAULT NULL,`lastseen` datetime DEFAULT NULL,`day` datetime DEFAULT NULL,`latitude_1` double DEFAULT NULL,`longitude_1` double DEFAULT NULL,`altitude_1` double DEFAULT NULL,`latitude_2` double DEFAULT NULL,`longitude_2` double DEFAULT NULL,`altitude_2` double DEFAULT NULL,KEY `idx_callsign` (`callsign`),KEY `idx_origin` (`origin`),KEY `idx_destination` (`destination`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; # Import data (about 70 minutes) $ load data local infile 'flightlist_20190101_20190131.csv' into table opensky character set utf8mb4 fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines; # Omit the other 29 import commands:load data local infile 'flightlist_*_*.csv' into table opensky character set utf8mb4 fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines; # Check if the data was imported successfully $ select count(*) from test.opensky;
# Import data (about 30 minutes) $ influx -username 'admin' -password 'admin123456' -import -path=/tmp/flightlist/flightlist_20190101_20190131.txt -precision=ns; # Omit the other 29 import commands:influx -username 'admin' -password 'admin123456' -import -path=/tmp/flightlist/flightlist_*_*.txt -precision=ns; # Check if the data was imported successfully $ influx -username 'admin' -password 'admin123456' $ select count(latitude_1) from test.autogen.opensky;
$ mysql -uroot -p123456 $ use test; -- Enable performance analysis set profiling = 1; -- query disk space select table_rows as `total_lines`, (data_length + index_length)/1024/1024/1024 as `disk_usage(G)` from information_schema.`TABLES` where table_name = 'opensky'; -- full table count select count(latitude_1) from opensky; -- full table max/min select max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1) from opensky; -- full table average select avg(latitude_2) from opensky; -- full table variance select var_pop(longitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 1: Aggregate query of multiple fields in the whole table select count(latitude_1),max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1),avg(latitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 2: Number of flights departing from the three main Moscow airports SELECT origin, count(1) AS c FROM opensky WHERE origin IN ('UUEE', 'UUDD', 'UUWW') GROUP BY origin; -- output analysis results show profiles;
$ influx -username 'admin' -password 'admin123456' $ use test; -- Time-consuming statistics,queryReqDurationNs is the cumulative query time, and the subtraction of the time of the two tasks is the time-consuming select queryReq,queryReqDurationNs/1000/1000,queryRespBytes from _internal."monitor".httpd order by time desc limit 10; -- query disk space select sum(diskBytes) / 1024 / 1024 /1024 from _internal."monitor"."shard" where time > now() - 10s group by "database"; -- full table count select count(latitude_1) from opensky; -- full table max/min select max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1) from opensky; -- full table average select mean(latitude_2) from opensky; -- full table variance select stddev(longitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 1: Aggregate query of multiple fields in the whole table select count(latitude_1),max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1),mean(latitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 2: Number of flights departing from the three main Moscow airports SELECT count(latitude_1) AS c FROM opensky WHERE origin =~/^UUEE|UUDD|UUWW$/ GROUP BY origin;
$ clickhouse-client $ use test; -- Time-consuming statistics select event_time_microseconds,query_duration_ms,read_rows,result_rows,memory_usage,query from system.query_log where query like '%opensky%' and query_duration_ms <> 0 and query not like '%event_time_microseconds%' order by event_time_microseconds desc limit 5; -- query disk space SELECT formatReadableSize(total_bytes) FROM system.tables WHERE name = 'opensky'; -- full table count select count(latitude_1) from opensky; -- full table max/min select max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1) from opensky; -- full table average select avg(latitude_2) from opensky; -- full table variance select var_pop(longitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 1: Aggregate query of multiple fields in the whole table select count(latitude_1),max(longitude_1),min(altitude_1),avg(latitude_2) from opensky; -- Complex query 2: Number of flights departing from the three main Moscow airports SELECT origin, count() AS c FROM opensky WHERE origin IN ('UUEE', 'UUDD', 'UUWW') GROUP BY origin;
Clickhouse 广泛使用 SIMD 来提高计算效率。通过使用SIMD,基本上可以带来数倍的性能提升。
此外,ClickHouse 还通过线程级并行进一步提高效率,充分利用服务器资源。
MergeTree 存储结构对写入的数据进行排序,然后有序存储。有序存储有两个主要优点:
MergeTree 是 ClickHouse 表引擎中的核心引擎。其他引擎基于 MergeTree 引擎,在数据合并过程中实现不同的特性,从而形成 MergeTree 表引擎家族。
对于非标准的SQL,join的实现比较特殊,性能不好;频繁的小批量数据操作会影响查询性能。目前还没有可以满足各种场景需求的OLAP引擎。本质原因是没有一个系统可以同时在查询效率、及时性和可维护性方面做到完美。只能说ClickHouse是为了极致的查询性能。做了一些取舍。ClickHouse 的优缺点是显而易见的。是否采用取决于与实际业务场景的契合度。适合你的架构是最好的架构。
另外,博主出书了《Kafka并不难学》和《Hadoop大数据挖掘从入门到进阶实战》,喜欢的朋友或同学, 可以在公告栏那里点击购买链接购买博主的书进行学习,在此感谢大家的支持。关注下面公众号,根据提示,可免费获取书籍的教学视频。