班级: 2134
姓名: 刘伟洁
必修/选修: 公选课
from PIL import Image import math import pygame import sys import mod from mod import Hook from mod import Mine, Time_countdown from mod import screen # 窗口设置 pygame.init()#初始化程序 pygame.display.set_caption("黄金矿工")#设置当前窗口标题 screen_size = (800, 600)#屏幕大小 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)#显示屏幕大小,初始化显示窗口或屏幕 backcolour = (255, 255, 255)#背景颜色 screen.fill(backcolour)#填颜色 FPS = 60 fclock = pygame.time.Clock()#时钟 # 图标初始化 hook = Hook() man = mod.Matchman(hook.rect.top - 80, hook.rect.left + hook.rect.width / 2 - 50) # 创建精灵组,在显示开始游戏界面的时候用来让用户点击按钮 news_group = pygame.sprite.Group() # 创建3个按钮(开始画面时要显示的按钮) for i in range(3): news_group.add(mod.Button(i)) screens = 0 goals = [100, 150, 300]#坐标 time_limited = [20, 30, 20]#时限 # 积分 scores = mod.Scores(0)#积分初始化 # 播放背景音乐 pygame.mixer.init() bgm = pygame.mixer.Sound("music/bgm.wav") bgm.play()#播放 clock = pygame.time.Clock()#时钟 # 程序开始循环执行 while True:#循环 # 填充背景色 screen.fill(backcolour) # 开始界面 if screens == 0:#为假 mod.show_back(0) for spr in news_group:#遍历在组里的精灵 spr.show()#显示精灵 for event in pygame.event.get():#遍历事件 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:#退出 sys.exit()#退出系统 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:#鼠标移动的坐标 for spr in news_group:#组里的精灵循环 if spr.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):#将坐标传递,该点在矩形的边界外 spr.check = 0#为假 else: spr.check = 1#否则为真 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:#鼠标 for spr in news_group: if spr.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): if spr.index == 0: # 点击开始按钮 level = 0#初始化 first_draw = 1 timee = Time_countdown(time_limited[level])#时间计时 event_count_time = pygame.USEREVENT + 1#时间每变化1 matchmen_change = pygame.USEREVENT + 2#人物变换2 pygame.time.set_timer(event_count_time, 1000)#每一秒变换 pygame.time.set_timer(matchmen_change, 200)#每200ms变换 rotate = 1#初始化 run = 0 wait = 0 miner_back = 0 special_change_speed = 0 change_man = True#始终为真 hook.reset()#钩子 screens = 1 finish = 0 scores.score = 0#积分 elif spr.index == 1:#若过关 screens = 2 elif spr.index == 2:#若没过关 sys.exit() pygame.QUIT#退出 # 游戏运行界面 elif screens == 1: mod.show_back(1) # 显示不同的背景 if first_draw: timee.reset(time_limited[level]) # 重新计时 first_draw = 0 miner_group = mod.set(level) # 事件检测(键盘的处理) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: # 如果按了方向键下 run = 1 rotate = 0 if event.type == event_count_time: timee.miner() if event.type == matchmen_change: if run: man.change() # 碰撞后物体与钩子衔接 if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(hook, miner_group, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask): miner = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(hook, miner_group, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask)[0] if miner.first: miner.first = False ayis = (hook.rect.top + hook.rect.height / 2) + (miner.rect.height / 2) * math.sin( math.radians(hook.angle)) axis = (hook.rect.left + hook.rect.width / 2) - (miner.rect.height / 2) * math.cos( math.radians(hook.angle)) miner.rect.top = ayis - miner.rect.height / 2 miner.rect.left = axis - miner.rect.width / 2 hook.direction = [-hook.direction[0], -hook.direction[1]] miner.direction = hook.direction if miner.speed >= 1: FPS *= miner.speed else: special_change_speed = 1 hook.speed = miner.speed miner_back = 1 if rotate: if hook.angle == 170: hook.turn_direct = -1 elif hook.angle == 10: hook.turn_direct = 1 hook.rotate(hook.turn_direct) if run: if hook.rect.left <= 0 or hook.rect.left + hook.rect.width >= screen_size[ 0] or hook.rect.top + hook.rect.height >= screen_size[1]: hook.direction = [-hook.direction[0], -hook.direction[1]] elif hook.rect.top < hook.ini_top: run = 0 rotate = 1 hook.reset() if miner_back: miner_back = 0 scores.score += int(miner.value) miner_group.remove(miner) FPS = 60 special_change_speed = 0 continue elif miner_back and special_change_speed: if (-hook.rect.left + hook.ini_left) != 0: r = math.atan((hook.rect.top - hook.ini_top) / (-hook.rect.left + hook.ini_left)) hook.direction = [10 * math.cos(r), -10 * math.sin(r)] if (r < 0): hook.direction = [-hook.direction[0], -hook.direction[1]] hook.move() pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (hook.rect.left + hook.rect.width / 2, hook.rect.top + hook.rect.height / 2), (hook.ini_left + hook.rect.width / 2, hook.ini_top + hook.rect.height / 2), 4) if miner_back: miner.direction = hook.direction miner.move(hook.speed) miner.rect = screen.blit(miner.img, miner.rect) for i in miner_group: if i.index != 4: break else: finish = 1 if len(miner_group) == 0 or timee.now == 0 or finish: if scores.score >= goals[level] and level <= 2: level += 1 screens = 4 if level == 3: continue else: screens = 3 timee.reset(time_limited[0]) finish = 0 for spr in miner_group: spr.rect = screen.blit(spr.img, spr.rect) mod.show_txt(str(goals[level]), screen_size[0] / 19 * 14, screen_size[1] / 15) timee.show() scores.show() man.show() hook.rect = screen.blit(hook.load, hook.rect) # 规则界面 elif screens == 2: mod.show_back(2) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: screens = 0 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # 失败界面 elif screens == 3: mod.show_back(3) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == (pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or pygame.KEYDOWN): screens = 0 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # 成功界面 if screens == 4: mod.show_back(4) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == (pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or pygame.KEYDOWN): if level >= 3: screens = 0 else: screens = 1 first_draw = 1 hook.reset() scores.score = 0 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() pygame.display.update() fclock.tick(FPS)
最后一次实验,令人感慨万千,回想起一路走来的磕磕绊绊,觉得自己成长了许多,从第一次翻开python书,从第一次在键盘上敲出'helllo world',都让我感受到小小代码的神奇。有时候,学的越多,越明白自己还是有很多的不足之处,对于python和我自己来说,我只觉得我在初入门的阶段。