(1). ES6提供了new.target元屬性,來檢查函數或者構造函數是否被new操作符調用。
如:function Animal(name) {
if (!new.target) { throw `Please use 'new' operator with Animal.`; };
// 如果沒有使用new操作符,將會報錯
this.name = name;
Animal('Cat'); // Error: Please use 'new' operator with Animal.
如:class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
let cat = new Animal('Cat'); // 'Animal'
(1). ES6引入static關鍵詞來定義靜態方法
如:class Animal {
constructor(name) { this.name = name; };
get name() { return this.name; };
static greeting(){ console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`); };
Animal.greeting(); // 'Hello, Animal'
(2). 在類的構造器,或實例方法中調用靜態方法的兩種語法
如:Animal.greeting(); // 'Hello, Animal'
如:let cat = new Animal('bobo');
cat.constructor.greeting(); // 'Hello, Animal'
(1). 使用static關鍵詞定義靜態屬性
如:class Food { static eat = 2; };
console.log(Food.eat); // 2
(2). 在構造器中調用靜態屬性的兩種語法
如:class Food { static eat = 2; };
如:class Food {
static eat = 0;
constructor(name, quantity){
this.name = name;
this.quantity = quantity;
static eatCount() { return Food.eat; };