a,b=10,30 print('a>b吗?',a>b) print('a<b吗?',a<b) print('a<=b吗?',a>=b) print(a is b)#这个比较的是id标识
a>b吗? False a<b吗? True a<=b吗? False False
print(a==1 and b==2)#ture and true-->ture print(a==1 and b<2)#ture and false-->false print(a!=1 and b==2)#false and ture-->false print(a!=1 and b!=2)#false and false -->false print('---------------or 或者-----------------------------------------') print(a==1 or b==2)#ture or true-->ture print(a==1 or b<2)#ture or false-->ture print(a!=1 or b==2)#false or ture-->ture print(a!=1 or b!=2)#false and false -->false print('---------------not 对运算数取反-----------------------------------------') f=True f2=False print(not f) print(not f2) print('---------------in 与not in-----------------------------------------') s='helloworld' print('w'in s) print('k'in s) print('w'not in s) print('k'not in s)
True True False False False ---------------or 或者----------------------------------------- True True True False ---------------not 对运算数取反----------------------------------------- False True ---------------in 与not in----------------------------------------- True False False True