React-router 4
route3中实现按需加载只需要按照下面代码的方式实现就可以了。 const about = (location, cb) => { require.ensure([], require => { cb(null, require('../Component/about').default) },'about') } //配置route <Route path="helpCenter" getComponent={about} />
2.router4按需加载方式(three steps)
one step:
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; class Bundle extends React.Component { state = { // short for "module" but that's a keyword in js, so "mod" mod: null } componentWillMount() { // 加载初始状态 this.load(this.props); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.load !== this.props.load) { this.load(nextProps); } } load(props) { // 重置状态 this.setState({ mod: null }); // 传入组件的组件 props.load((mod) => { this.setState({ // handle both es imports and cjs mod: mod.default ? mod.default : mod }); }); } render() { // if state mode not undefined,The container will render children return this.state.mod ? this.props.children(this.state.mod) : null; } } Bundle.propTypes = { load: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.func }; export default Bundle;
second step:
import aContainer from 'bundle-loader?lazy!./containers/A' const A = (props) => ( <Bundle load={aContainer}> //这里只是给this.props.child传一个方法,最后在Bundle的render里面调用 {(Container) => <Container {...props}/>} </Bundle> )
third step:
render() { return ( <div> <h1>Welcome!</h1> <Route path="/about" component={About}/> <Route path="/dashboard" component={A}/> </div> ) }
module.exports = function (cb) { __webpack_require__.e/* require.ensure */(2).then((function (require) { cb(__webpack_require__(305)); }).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe); };
这里是我们通过import loadDashboard from 'bundle-loader?lazy!./containers/A'这种方式引入的container控件。我们使用了bundle-loader将A的源码转化成了上面的代码,具体实现大家可以看bundle-loader源码,代码很少。
上面说到Bundle.js其实就使用来处理这个文件的,这个文件需要一个callback的参数,在Bundle的load方法中,我们会设置这个callback,当路由要调到A Container这里的时候,就回去加载A Container,然后调用这个callback,这个callback会调用setState方法,将我们之前传入的load设置给mod,然后渲染出来。
{ // 匹配routers下面所有文件 // ([^/]+)\/?([^/]*) 匹配xxx/xxx 或者 xxx test: /containers\/([^/]+)\/?([^/]*)\.jsx?$/, include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/routers/'), // loader: 'bundle-loader?lazy' loaders: ['bundle-loader?lazy', 'babel-loader'] }
var loaderUtils = require("loader-utils"); module.exports = function() {}; module.exports.pitch = function(remainingRequest) { this.cacheable && this.cacheable(); var query = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {}; if( { var options = { context: query.context || this.options.context, regExp: query.regExp }; var chunkName = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this,, options); var chunkNameParam = ", " + JSON.stringify(chunkName); } else { var chunkNameParam = ''; } var result; if(query.lazy) { result = [ "module.exports = function(cb) {\n", " require.ensure([], function(require) {\n", " cb(require(", loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, "!!" + remainingRequest), "));\n", " }" + chunkNameParam + ");\n", "}"]; } else { result = [ "var cbs = [], \n", " data;\n", "module.exports = function(cb) {\n", " if(cbs) cbs.push(cb);\n", " else cb(data);\n", "}\n", "require.ensure([], function(require) {\n", " data = require(", loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, "!!" + remainingRequest), ");\n", " var callbacks = cbs;\n", " cbs = null;\n", " for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) {\n", " callbacks[i](data);\n", " }\n", "}" + chunkNameParam + ");"]; } return result.join(""); } /* Output format: var cbs = [], data; module.exports = function(cb) { if(cbs) cbs.push(cb); else cb(data); } require.ensure([], function(require) { data = require("xxx"); var callbacks = cbs; cbs = null; for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) { callbacks[i](data); } }); */
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import * as reactRedux from 'react-redux'; import BaseContainer from '../../../containers/ReactBaseContainer'; class A extends BaseContainer { constructor(props) { super(props); this.renderCustom = function renderCustom() { return ( <div > Hello world In A </div> ); }; } render() { // 返回父级view return super.render(); } } A.propTypes = { dispatch: PropTypes.func, }; function mapStateToProps(state) { return { state }; } export default reactRedux.connect(mapStateToProps)(A);
import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter, Switch, Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Route } from 'react-router'; import PostContainer from '../containers/PostsContainer'; // 设置trunk文件的名字 the basename of the resource import aContainer from './containers/A'; import bContainer from './containers/B'; import cContainer from './containers/C'; import Bundle from '../utils/Bundle'; const A = () => ( <Bundle load={aContainer}> {Component => <Component />} </Bundle> ) const app = () => <div> {/* path = "/about" */} {/* "/about/" 可以,但"/about/1"就不可以了 exact 配置之后,需要路径绝对匹配,多个斜杠没有关系,这里直接在浏览器里面设置还有问题*/} {/* path = "/about/" */} {/* "/about/1" 可以,但"/about"就不可以了 用了strict,path要大于等于的关系,少一个斜杠都不行 */} {/* exact 和 strick 都用了就必须一模一样,连斜杠都一样 */} <Link to="/about/"> Link to about</Link> <Route path="/" component={PostContainer} /> <Route path="/about/" component={A} /> {/* <Route path="/home" component={B} /> <Route component={C} /> */} </div> ; export default function () { // 用来判断本地浏览器是否支持刷新 const supportsHistory = 'pushState' in window.history; return ( <BrowserRouter forceRefresh={!supportsHistory} keyLength={12}> <div> {app()} </div> </BrowserRouter> ); }