sqlite是嵌入式SQL数据库引擎SQLite(SQLite Embeddable SQL Database Engine)的一个扩展。SQLite是一个实现嵌入式SQL数据库引擎小型C语言库(C library),实现了独立的,可嵌入的,零配置的SQL数据库引擎。特性包括:事务操作是原子,一致,孤立,并且持久的,即使在系统崩溃和电源故障之后。 零配置——不需要安装和管理。 实现了绝大多数SQL92标准。
早在symbian 9.0 之前,openc 出来后,我就研究sqlite到symbian的移植。后来symbian9.3 nokia就已经集成了sqlite。
现在我们来看看android sqlitedatabase 包里面的关键api:
static SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String path, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) //打开数据库 Cursor query(String table, String[] columns, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit) //执行查询SQL void execSQL(String sql) //执行非查询sql
sdk 1.0 关于cursor和sqlite的相关api对于前面的版本改变很多。
我觉得关键是没了query(String sql)这个简单的方法了,很不爽。
//执行select type,name from sqlite_master where name='colaconfig' String col[] = {"type", "name" }; Cursor c =db.query("sqlite_master", col, "name='colaconfig'", null, null, null, null); int n=c.getCount(); //执行多表查询 //select fee,desc from acctite a,bills b where a.id=b.id String col2[] = {"fee", "desc" }; Cursor c2 =db.query("acctitem a,bills b", col, "a.id=b.id", null, null, null, null); int n2=c2.getCount(); Log.v("cola","c2.getCount="+n2+""); c2.moveToFirst(); int k = 0; while(!c2.isAfterLast()){ String ss = c2.getString(0) +", "+ c2.getString(1); c2.moveToNext(); Log.v("cola","ss="+ss+""); }
public void initApp(){ BilldbHelper billdb=new BilldbHelper(this); billdb.FirstStart(); billdb.close(); }
下面我们给出BilldbHelper.java 代码:
package com.cola.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.util.Log; /** * Provides access to a database of notes. Each note has a title, the note * itself, a creation date and a modified data. */ public class BilldbHelper { private static final String TAG = "Cola_BilldbHelper"; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "cola.db"; SQLiteDatabase db; Context context; BilldbHelper(Context _context) { context=_context; db=context.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); //创建数据库 Log.v(TAG,"db path="+db.getPath()); } public void CreateTable_acctitem() { try{ db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE acctitem (" //创建账目表 + "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "PID integer," + "NAME TEXT," + "TYPE INTEGER" + ");"); Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem ok"); }catch(Exception e){ Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists."); } } public void CreateTable_bills() { try{ db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE bills (" + "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "fee integer," + "userid integer," + "sdate TEXT," + "stime TEXT," + "desc TEXT" + ");"); Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem ok"); }catch(Exception e){ Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists."); } } public void CreateTable_colaconfig() { try{ db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE colaconfig (" + "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "NAME TEXT" + ");"); Log.v("cola","Create Table colaconfig ok"); }catch(Exception e){ Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists."); } } public void InitAcctitem() { db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (100,0,'收入',0)"); db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (100100,100,'工资',0)"); db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (200,0,'支出',1)"); db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (200100,200,'生活用品',1)"); db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (200101,200,'水电煤气费',1)"); db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (200103,200,'汽油费',1)"); Log.v("cola","insert into ok"); } public void QueryTable_acctitem(){ } public void FirstStart(){ //如果是第一次启动,就不存在colaconfig这张表. try{ String col[] = {"type", "name" }; Cursor c =db.query("sqlite_master", col, "name='colaconfig'", null, null, null, null); int n=c.getCount(); if (c.getCount()==0){ CreateTable_acctitem(); CreateTable_colaconfig(); CreateTable_bills(); InitAcctitem(); } Log.v("cola","c.getCount="+n+""); }catch(Exception e){ Log.v("cola","e="+e.getMessage()); } } public void close(){ db.close(); } }
Android 个人理财工具二:使用SQLite实现启动时初始化数据
以上就是对Android SQL的讲解及实例,后续继续做个人理财项目,谢谢大家支持!