// 整型变量 int myInt = 10; // 浮点型变量 float myFloat = 3.14; // 字符类型变量 char myChar = 'A'; // 字符串类型变量 std::string myString = "Hello, World!";
, -
, *
, /
, %
, !=
, >
, <
, >=
, <=
, ||
, !
int a = 10; int b = 5; // 算术运算 int sum = a + b; int difference = a - b; int product = a * b; int quotient = a / b; int remainder = a % b; // 关系运算 bool isEqual = (a == b); bool isNotEqual = (a != b); bool isGreater = (a > b); // 逻辑运算 bool condition = (a > b && b < a); bool condition2 = (a > b || b < a); bool condition3 = !isNotEqual;
、else if
// if 语句 if (a > b) { std::cout << "a is greater than b." << std::endl; } else if (a < b) { std::cout << "a is less than b." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "a is equal to b." << std::endl; } // for 循环 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { std::cout << "Iteration " << i << std::endl; } // while 循环 int counter = 0; while (counter < 5) { std::cout << "Counter is " << counter << std::endl; counter++; } // do-while 循环 int count = 0; do { std::cout << "Count is " << count << std::endl; count++; } while (count < 5);
// 函数定义 int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } // 函数调用 int result = add(3, 4); std::cout << "Result is " << result << std::endl; // 局部变量与全局变量 int globalVar = 10; void exampleFunction() { int localVar = 20; std::cout << "Local: " << localVar << std::endl; std::cout << "Global: " << globalVar << std::endl; } exampleFunction();
class Rectangle { public: int length; int width; void area() { std::cout << "Area: " << length * width << std::endl; } }; Rectangle rect; rect.length = 5; rect.width = 10; rect.area();
class Point { public: int x; int y; // 构造函数 Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {} // 析构函数 ~Point() { std::cout << "Point destroyed." << std::endl; } void display() { std::cout << "Point: (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << std::endl; } }; Point p(1, 2); p.display();
class Shape { public: virtual void draw() = 0; // 虚函数声明 }; class Circle : public Shape { public: void draw() override { std::cout << "Drawing Circle" << std::endl; } }; class Rectangle : public Shape { public: void draw() override { std::cout << "Drawing Rectangle" << std::endl; } }; void drawShape(Shape& shape) { shape.draw(); } Shape* createShape(int type) { if (type == 1) { return new Circle(); } else if (type == 2) { return new Rectangle(); } return nullptr; } int main() { Circle c; Rectangle r; drawShape(c); drawShape(r); Shape* shape = createShape(1); shape->draw(); delete shape; return 0; }
class Account { private: int balance; public: Account(int initialBalance) : balance(initialBalance) {} void deposit(int amount) { balance += amount; } void withdraw(int amount) { if (amount <= balance) { balance -= amount; } else { std::cout << "Insufficient funds." << std::endl; } } int getBalance() const { return balance; } }; Account account(100); account.deposit(50); account.withdraw(20); std::cout << "Balance: " << account.getBalance() << std::endl;
#include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string name; std::cout << "Enter your name: "; std::cin >> name; std::cout << "Hello, " << name << "!" << std::endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> int main() { std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end()); for (int num : numbers) { std::cout << num << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string str = "Hello, World!"; std::string sub = str.substr(7, 5); std::cout << "Substring: " << sub << std::endl; int index = str.find("World"); if (index != std::string::npos) { std::cout << "Found at index: " << index << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Not found." << std::endl; } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> int main() { std::cout << std::setw(10) << "Hello" << std::endl; std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << 3.1415926 << std::endl; std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); std::cout << "Current time: " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&now)) << std::endl; return 0; }
项目名称: 学生管理系统 需求分析: 1. 添加学生信息 2. 查询学生信息 3. 更新学生信息 4. 删除学生信息 5. 显示所有学生信息
// Student.h #ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H class Student { private: int id; std::string name; int age; public: Student(int id, std::string name, int age); void printInfo(); int getId(); std::string getName(); int getAge(); void setName(std::string name); void setAge(int age); }; #endif
// Student.cpp #include "Student.h" #include <iostream> Student::Student(int id, std::string name, int age) : id(id), name(name), age(age) {} void Student::printInfo() { std::cout << "ID: " << id << ", Name: " << name << ", Age: " << age << std::endl; } int Student::getId() { return id; } std::string Student::getName() { return name; } int Student::getAge() { return age; } void Student::setName(std::string name) { this->name = name; } void Student::setAge(int age) { this->age = age; }
// StudentManager.h #ifndef STUDENTMANAGER_H #define STUDENTMANAGER_H #include <vector> #include "Student.h" class StudentManager { private: std::vector<Student> students; public: void addStudent(int id, std::string name, int age); void printAllStudents(); void updateStudent(int id, std::string name, int age); void removeStudent(int id); }; #endif
// StudentManager.cpp #include "StudentManager.h" #include <iostream> void StudentManager::addStudent(int id, std::string name, int age) { students.push_back(Student(id, name, age)); } void StudentManager::printAllStudents() { for (const auto& student : students) { student.printInfo(); } } void StudentManager::updateStudent(int id, std::string name, int age) { for (auto& student : students) { if (student.getId() == id) { student.setName(name); student.setAge(age); return; } } std::cout << "Student not found." << std::endl; } void StudentManager::removeStudent(int id) { for (auto it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); ++it) { if (it->getId() == id) { students.erase(it); return; } } std::cout << "Student not found." << std::endl; }
// main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "StudentManager.h" int main() { StudentManager manager; manager.addStudent(1, "Alice", 20); manager.addStudent(2, "Bob", 22); manager.printAllStudents(); manager.updateStudent(1, "Alice Smith", 21); manager.printAllStudents(); manager.removeStudent(2); manager.printAllStudents(); return 0; }
void testStudentManager() { StudentManager manager; manager.addStudent(1, "Alice", 20); manager.addStudent(2, "Bob", 22); manager.printAllStudents(); manager.updateStudent(1, "Alice Smith", 21); manager.printAllStudents(); manager.removeStudent(2); manager.printAllStudents(); }
// 优化后的代码示例 void StudentManager::addStudent(int id, std::string name, int age) { students.emplace_back(id, name, age); }
项目名称: 图书管理系统 项目目标: 1. 添加图书信息 2. 查询图书信息 3. 更新图书信息 4. 删除图书信息 5. 显示所有图书信息
// Book.h #ifndef BOOK_H #define BOOK_H class Book { private: int id; std::string title; std::string author; int year; public: Book(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year); void printInfo(); int getId(); std::string getTitle(); std::string getAuthor(); int getYear(); void setTitle(std::string title); void setAuthor(std::string author); void setYear(int year); }; #endif
// Book.cpp #include "Book.h" #include <iostream> Book::Book(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year) : id(id), title(title), author(author), year(year) {} void Book::printInfo() { std::cout << "ID: " << id << ", Title: " << title << ", Author: " << author << ", Year: " << year << std::endl; } int Book::getId() { return id; } std::string Book::getTitle() { return title; } std::string Book::getAuthor() { return author; } int Book::getYear() { return year; } void Book::setTitle(std::string title) { this->title = title; } void Book::setAuthor(std::string author) { this->author = author; } void Book::setYear(int year) { this->year = year; }
// BookManager.h #ifndef BOOKMANAGER_H #define BOOKMANAGER_H #include <vector> #include "Book.h" class BookManager { private: std::vector<Book> books; public: void addBook(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year); void printAllBooks(); void updateBook(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year); void removeBook(int id); }; #endif
// BookManager.cpp #include "BookManager.h" #include <iostream> void BookManager::addBook(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year) { books.push_back(Book(id, title, author, year)); } void BookManager::printAllBooks() { for (const auto& book : books) { book.printInfo(); } } void BookManager::updateBook(int id, std::string title, std::string author, int year) { for (auto& book : books) { if (book.getId() == id) { book.setTitle(title); book.setAuthor(author); book.setYear(year); return; } } std::cout << "Book not found." << std::endl; } void BookManager::removeBook(int id) { for (auto it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); ++it) { if (it->getId() == id) { books.erase(it); return; } } std::cout << "Book not found." << std::endl; }
// main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "BookManager.h" int main() { BookManager manager; manager.addBook(1, "Clean Code", "Robert C. Martin", 2008); manager.addBook(2, "Design Patterns", "Erich Gamma", 1994); manager.printAllBooks(); manager.updateBook(1, "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Construction", "Robert C. Martin", 2009); manager.printAllBooks(); manager.removeBook(2); manager.printAllBooks(); return 0; }
部署步骤: 1. 编译项目代码 2. 将编译后的二进制文件复制到服务器 3. 配置运行环境 4. 启动应用 5. 监控运行状态
Q: 如何解决编译错误?
A: 首先检查是否有语法错误,然后检查是否正确包含所需的头文件,最后检查变量是否已经声明。
Q: 如何理解C++中的引用?
A: 引用是C++中的一种特殊类型,它实际上是现有变量的别名。引用在声明时必须初始化,并且不能指向空值。