深度优先学习简介深度优先搜索(Depth-First Search, DFS)是一种用于遍历或搜索树或图的算法。它从给出的树的根节点开始,然后遍历根节点的孩子节点。然后选择一个孩子节点,继续遍历其孩子节点。如果在任一节点处没有子节点,那么在回溯到其父节点后,选择另一个子节点进行遍历。该过程一直持续到遍历完所有节点。
class TreeNode: def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): self.val = val self.left = left self.right = right def dfs(root): if root is None: return print(root.val) # 处理当前节点 dfs(root.left) # 递归处理左子树 dfs(root.right) # 递归处理右子树 # 创建一个简单的二叉树 root = TreeNode(1) root.left = TreeNode(2) root.right = TreeNode(3) root.left.left = TreeNode(4) root.left.right = TreeNode(5) # 调用深度优先搜索函数 dfs(root)
函数来遍历它。输出结果是:1, 2, 4, 5, 3。
def dfs(maze, start, end, path=[]): if start == end: print("Path found:", path) return True if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited path.append(start) if dfs(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, path) or \ dfs(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, path): return True path.pop() # Backtrack maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 # Unmark the cell return False # Example usage maze = [[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] start = (0, 0) end = (4, 4) dfs(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_visited(maze, start, end, visited=None): if visited is None: visited = set() if start == end: print("Path found:", list(visited)) return True if start in visited: return False if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False visited.add(start) # Mark the cell as visited if dfs_with_visited(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, visited) or \ dfs_with_visited(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, visited) or \ dfs_with_visited(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, visited) or \ dfs_with_visited(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, visited): return True visited.remove(start) # Backtrack return False # 使用带有访问标记的DFS dfs_with_visited(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_stack(maze, start, end): if start == end: print("Path found:", []) return True stack = [start] visited = set() while stack: current = stack.pop() if current in visited: continue if current == end: print("Path found:", list(visited)) return True visited.add(current) maze[current[0]][current[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited for move in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]: next_pos = (current[0] + move[0], current[1] + move[1]) if next_pos[0] >= 0 and next_pos[0] < len(maze) and next_pos[1] >= 0 and next_pos[1] < len(maze[0]) and maze[next_pos[0]][next_pos[1]] == 0: stack.append(next_pos) return False # 使用栈实现DFS dfs_with_stack(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_path_selection(maze, start, end, path=[]): if start == end: print("Path found:", path) return True if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited path.append(start) if dfs_with_path_selection(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs_with_path_selection(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs_with_path_selection(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, path) or \ dfs_with_path_selection(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, path): return True path.pop() # Backtrack maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 # Unmark the cell return False # 使用路径选择优化的DFS dfs_with_path_selection(maze, start, end)进阶技巧
def dfs_with_memoization(maze, start, end, memo=None): if memo is None: memo = {} if start == end: print("Path found:", memo[start]) return True if start in memo: return False if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited memo[start] = start # Store current state in memo if dfs_with_memoization(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, memo) or \ dfs_with_memoization(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, memo) or \ dfs_with_memoization(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, memo) or \ dfs_with_memoization(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, memo): return True return False # 使用记忆化DFS dfs_with_memoization(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_backtracking(maze, start, end, path=[]): if start == end: print("Path found:", path) return True if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited path.append(start) if dfs_with_backtracking(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs_with_backtracking(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs_with_backtracking(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, path) or \ dfs_with_backtracking(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, path): return True path.pop() # Backtrack maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 # Unmark the cell return False # 使用回溯法优化的DFS dfs_with_backtracking(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_greedy(maze, start, end, path=[]): if start == end: print("Path found:", path) return True if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited path.append(start) # Greedy choice: prioritize left, then right, then down, then up if dfs_with_greedy(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, path) or \ dfs_with_greedy(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, path) or \ dfs_with_greedy(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, path) or \ dfs_with_greedy(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, path): return True path.pop() # Backtrack maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 # Unmark the cell return False # 使用贪心策略优化的DFS dfs_with_greedy(maze, start, end)
def dfs_with_dp(maze, start, end, dp=None): if dp is None: dp = {} if start == end: print("Path found:", dp[start]) return True if start in dp: return False if start[0] < 0 or start[0] >= len(maze) or start[1] < 0 or start[1] >= len(maze[0]) or maze[start[0]][start[1]] != 0: return False maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 2 # Mark the cell as visited dp[start] = [start] if dfs_with_dp(maze, (start[0]-1, start[1]), end, dp) or \ dfs_with_dp(maze, (start[0]+1, start[1]), end, dp) or \ dfs_with_dp(maze, (start[0], start[1]-1), end, dp) or \ dfs_with_dp(maze, (start[0], start[1]+1), end, dp): return True dp[start].pop() # Backtrack maze[start[0]][start[1]] = 0 # Unmark the cell return False # 使用动态规划优化的DFS dfs_with_dp(maze, start, end)总结与展望