《Programming Abstractions in C》学习第68天,p246-p247总结,总计2页。
本章通过“the game of nim(尼姆游戏)”,这类以现实生活中事物作为例子进行讲解的情况,往往对学习者要求比较高,需要学习者具备一定的人文、历史知识或专业知识,如果缺乏这方面的知识,就会导致读者在阅读过程中进度缓慢——如果对尼姆游戏比较熟悉的读者,那么便很快就知道作者在说什么,甚至可以跳过对规则的介绍部分。而不了解的读者,则需要一步一步的跟随作者去了解游戏规则。本质上教材在编写初期已经确定了对读者的要求,而作为读者,既要筛选合适的教材,同时也要主动的提升自己专业水准,丰富自己的知识范畴,最终使自己的水平能够达到阅读专业的、深刻的、经典的著作,这是一个人成长的必经之路。
(1)considerably < considerable。
(2)considerable: con-(with, together) + sideris("heavenly body,天体")。Meaning "pretty large" is from 1650s (implied in considerably), from now-archaic earlier sense of "Worthy of regard or attention" (1610s)。
p245,Although backtracking is easiest to illustrate in the context of a maze, the trategy is considerably more general。
(1)un-(not) + enviable。adj. an unenviable situation is unpleasant(不值得羡慕的)。
(2)enviable: envy + -able。adj. causing you to wish that you also possessed it(令人羡慕的); desirable。
(3)envy: *en(in) + videre(to see): vt. to wish that you had a quality or possession that another person has(羡慕,嫉妒)。
(1)none:the absence or lack of sth。
(2)-theless: this suffix is used to form adverbs or conjunctions indicating that sth is done or takes place despite the thing mentioned。
(1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:https://book.douban.com/subject/2003414
(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridage Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org