class Node{ boolean isWord; //表示该字母是否是单词的结尾 Map<char,Node> next; }
public class Trie { private class Node{ public boolean isWord;//标记该字符是否是单词结尾 public TreeMap<Character,Node> next; public Node(boolean isWord){ this.isWord=isWord; next=new TreeMap<>(); } public Node(){ this(false); } } private Node root; private int size; public Trie(){ root=new Node(); size=0; } //获取Trie中存储的单词数量 public int getSize(){ return size; } //向Trie中添加一个新单词word public void add(String word){ Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ char c=word.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ cur.next.put(c,new Node()); } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //循环结束后,cur不一定是叶子节点,比如Trie中已经有 "panda",此时add("pan"), // cur指向'n'节点,显然'n'不是叶子节点,那么就要标记为结束位置 if(!cur.isWord){ //!cur.isWord 表示该节点未被标识为结束位置 cur.isWord=true; size++; } } }
//查询单词是否在Trie中 public boolean contains(String word){ Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ char c=word.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ return false; } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //注意:即使循环结束了,也不一定能确定该单词就在Trie中 //如果Trie中已经有单词"panda",此时要查询"pan" //循环结束后,cur此时指向'n'节点,'n'节点不是结尾节点,即"pan"不在Trie中 return cur.isWord; }
//查询是否在Trie中存在以prefix为前缀的单词 public boolean isPrefix(String prefix){ Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<prefix.length();i++){ char c=prefix.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ return false; } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //注意:循环结束后,cur不管是单词的结尾节点还是非结尾节点,都成立 //单词本身就是该单词的前缀 return true; }
class Trie { private class Node{ public boolean isWord;//标记该字符是否是单词结尾 public TreeMap<Character,Node> next; public Node(boolean isWord){ this.isWord=isWord; next=new TreeMap<>(); } public Node(){ this(false); } } private Node root; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public Trie() { root=new Node(); } /** Inserts a word into the trie. */ public void insert(String word) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ char c=word.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ cur.next.put(c,new Node()); } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //循环结束后,cur不一定是叶子节点,比如Trie中已经有 "panda",此时add("pan"), // cur指向'n'节点,显然'n'不是叶子节点,那么就要标记为结束位置 if(!cur.isWord){ //!cur.isWord 表示该节点未被标识为结束位置 cur.isWord=true; } } /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */ public boolean search(String word) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ char c=word.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ return false; } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //注意:即使循环结束了,也不一定能确定该单词就在Trie中 //如果Trie中已经有单词"panda",此时要查询"pan" //循环结束后,cur此时指向'n'节点,'n'节点不是结尾节点,即"pan"不在Trie中 return cur.isWord; } /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */ public boolean startsWith(String prefix) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<prefix.length();i++){ char c=prefix.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ return false; } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //注意:循环结束后,cur不管是单词的结尾节点还是非结尾节点,都成立 //单词本身就是该单词的前缀 return true; } }
LeetCode 211
class WordDictionary { private class Node{ public boolean isWord;//标记该字符是否是单词结尾 public TreeMap<Character,Node> next; public Node(boolean isWord){ this.isWord=isWord; next=new TreeMap<>(); } public Node(){ this(false); } } private Node root; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public WordDictionary() { root=new Node(); } /** Adds a word into the data structure. */ public void addWord(String word) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ char c=word.charAt(i); if(cur.next.get(c)==null){ cur.next.put(c,new Node()); } cur=cur.next.get(c); } //循环结束后,cur不一定是叶子节点,比如Trie中已经有 "panda",此时add("pan"), // cur指向'n'节点,显然'n'不是叶子节点,那么就要标记为结束位置 if(!cur.isWord){ //!cur.isWord 表示该节点未被标识为结束位置 cur.isWord=true; } } /** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */ public boolean search(String word) { return match(root,word,0); } //判断word在index位置是否匹配 private boolean match(Node node,String word,int index){ if(index==word.length()){ return node.isWord; } char c=word.charAt(index); if(c!='.') { //c是小写字母 if (node.next.get(c) == null) { return false; } return match(node.next.get(c), word, index + 1); }else{ //遍历所有从以该点为根节点的子树 for(char nextChar:node.next.keySet()){ if(match(node.next.get(nextChar),word,index+1)){ return true; } } return false; } } }
LeetCode 677
class MapSum { private class Node{ public Node[] next; public int value; public Node(int value){ this.next=new Node[26]; this.value=value; } public Node(){ this(0); } } private Node root; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public MapSum() { root=new Node(); } public void insert(String key, int val) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<key.length();i++){ char c=key.charAt(i); if(cur.next[c-'a']==null){ cur.next[c-'a']=new Node(); } cur=cur.next[c-'a']; } cur.value=val; } public int sum(String prefix) { Node cur=root; for(int i=0;i<prefix.length();i++){ char c=prefix.charAt(i); if(cur.next[c-'a']==null){ return 0; } cur=cur.next[c-'a']; } return sum(cur); } private int sum(Node node){ //说明node是叶子结点 if(node.next==null){ return node.value; } int res=node.value; //node.next 是当前结点的所有的后继结点 for(Node nextNode:node.next){ if(nextNode!=null){ res+=sum(nextNode); } } return res; } }