1. 查询普通键
select json_extract(price, "$.price") as de from goods where id = 159540
2. 查询字符串类型的数字键
虽然以上能解决大部分取值,但有时候的json嵌套里有字符串类型的数字键名,如下图的json,要取出字段下sku键名的 "45453"键algorithm的值。
select json_extract(price, "$.sku.\"45453\".algorithm") as de from price where id = 159540
3. 查询数组类的Json指定值
select JSON_EXTRACT(`crumbs`, $[1]) as one_crumbs from comment where id = 4565
select * from comment where JSON_EXTRACT(`crumbs` ,'$[1]') = 256
4. 查询Json里是否包含某个值
select * from goods_item where goods_id=10263 and JSON_CONTAINS(item_value->'$', concat(43318,''));
select * from goods_item where goods_id=10263 and JSON_CONTAINS(item_value, concat(43318,''));
select * from goods_item where goods_id=10263 and JSON_CONTAINS(item_value, concat(43318,''),'$');
5. 查询Json长度
id, stock_no, goods_img goods_item state = and JSON_LENGTH(goods_img) <
1. 修改Json字段下指定键的值
update price set price = json_set(price, "$.attr.\"1280\".price_old", 300) where id in (171314)