
【2023年】第28天 tensorflow的介绍

本文主要是介绍【2023年】第28天 tensorflow的介绍,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1.Tensor + Flow = TensorFlow

A tensor is a generalization of vectors and matrices to potentially higher dimensions.
Internally, TensorFlow represents tensors as n-dimensional arrays of base datatypes.
Let us start with a simple vector. A vector is commonly understood as something that has a magnitude and a direction.
Simply put, it is an array that contains an ordered list of values.
Without the direction of a vector, a tensor becomes a scalar value that has only magnitude.
A vector can be used to represent n number of things. It can represent area and different attributes, among other things.
一个向量可以用来表示N多的东西。它可以代表 面积和不同的属性,以及其他东西。

2.Components and Basis Vectors 分量和基向量

Let’s suppose we have a vector A, as shown in Figure.
假设我们有一个向量 ^A,如图所示
This is currently represented without any coordinate system consideration, but most of us are already aware of the Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z axis).
If the vector A is represented in a three-dimensional space, it will look something like what is shown in Figure.
This vector A can also be represented with the help of basis vectors.
Basis vectors are associated with the coordinate system and can be used to represent any vector.
These basis vectors have a length of 1 and, hence, are also known as unit vectors.
The direction of these basis vectors is determined by their respective coordinates.
For example, for three-dimensional representation, we have three basis vectors (x y, z), so x would have the direction of the x axis coordinate, and the y basis vector would have the direction of the y axis. Similarly, this would be the case for z.
Once the basis vectors are present, we can use the coordinate system to find the components that represent the original vector A.
For simplicity, and to understand the components of the vector well, let’s reduce the coordinate system from three dimensions to two. So, now the vector A looks something like what is shown in Figure.
To find the first component of the vector A along the x axis, we will project it onto the x axis, as shown in Figure.
Vector Magnitude
Now, wherever the projection meets the x axis is known as the x component, or first component, of the vector.
If you look carefully, you can easily recognize this x component as the sum of a few basis vectors along the x axis.
In this case, adding three basis vectors will give the x component of vector A.
Similarly, we can find the y component of vector A by projecting it on the y axis and adding up the basis vectors (2y) along the y axis to represent it.
类似地,我们可以通过将向量 A 投影到 y 轴上并将沿 y 轴的基向量 (2y) 相加来表示它来找到向量 A 的 y 分量。
In simple terms, we can think of this as how much one has to move in the x axis direction and y axis direction in order to reach vector A.
A = 3x + 2y
One other thing worth noting is that as the angle between vector A and the x axis increases, the x component decreases, but the y component increases.
Vectors are part of a bigger class of objects known as tensors.
If we end up multiplying a vector with another vector, we get a result that is a scalar quantity, whereas if we multiply a vector with a scalar value, it just increases or decreases in the same proportion, in terms of its magnitude, without changing its direction.
However, if we multiply a vector with a tensor, it will result in a new vector that has a changed magnitude as well as a new direction.


At the end of the day, a tensor is also a mathematical entity with which to represent different properties, similar to a scalar, vector, or matrix.
It is true that a tensor is a generalization of a scalar or vector.
In short, tensors are multidimensional arrays that have some dynamic properties.
A vector is a one-dimensional tensor, whereas two-dimensional tensors are matrices.
Tensors can be of two types: constant or variable.

4.Rank 秩

Ranking tensors can sometimes be confusing for some people, but in terms of tensors, rank simply indicates the number of directions required to describe the properties of an object, meaning the dimensions of the array contained in the tensor itself.
Breaking this down for different objects, a scalar doesn’t have any direction and, hence, automatically becomes a rank 0 tensor, whereas a vector, which can be described using only one direction, becomes a first rank tensor.
The next object, which is a matrix, requires two directions to describe it and becomes a second rank tensor.
下一个对象,是一个矩阵、 需要两个方向来描述它,成为一个二阶张量。

5.Shape 形状

The shape of a tensor represents the number of values in each dimension.
Scalar—32: The shape of the tensor would be [ ].
32位的标量,这种类型的张量形状将是[ ]。
Vector—[3, 4, 5]: The shape of the first rank tensor would be [3].
矢量—[3, 4, 5]:一阶张量的形状。
1 2 3
Matrix = 4 5 6 : The second rank tensor would have a shape of [3,3].
7 8 9
二阶张量的形状为 [3, 3]。

6.Flow 流动

This is basically an underlying graph computation framework that uses tensors for its execution.
A typical graph consists of two entities: nodes and edges, as shown in Figure.
Nodes are also called vertices.
The edges are essentially the connections between the nodes/vertices through which the data flows, and nodes are where actual computation takes place.
Now, in general, the graph can be cyclic or acyclic, but in TensorFlow, it is always acyclic.
现在,一般来说,图可以是循环的或非循环的,但在 TensorFlow 中,它始终是非循环的。
It cannot start and end at the same node.
Let’s consider a simple computational graph, as shown in Figure, and explore some of its attributes.
The nodes in the graph indicate some sort of computation, such as addition, multiplication, division, etc., except for the leaf nodes, which contain the actual tensors with either constant or variable values to be operated upon.
These tensors flow through the edges or connections between nodes, and the computation at the next node results in formationof a new tensor.
So, in the sample graph, a new tensor m is created through a computation at the node using other tensors x and y.
The thing to focus on in this graph is that computations take place only at the next stage after leaf nodes, as leaf nodes can only be simple tensors, which become input for next-node computation flowing through edges.
We can also represent the computations at each node through a hierarchical structure.
The nodes at the same level can be executed in parallel, as there is no interdependency between them.
In this case, m and n can be calculated in parallel at the same time.
在这种情况下,可以同时计算m和n 同时并行计算。
This attribute of graph helps to execute computational graphs in a distributed manner, which allows TensorFlow to be used for large-scale applications.

7.TensorFlow 1.0 vs. TensorFlow 2.0

  • TensorFlow 2.0 doesn’t require the graph definition.
  • TensorFlow 2.0 doesn’t require the session execution.
  • TensorFlow 2.0 doesn’t make it mandatory to initialize variables.
  • TensorFlow 2.0 doesn’t require variable sharing via scopes.
  • TensorFlow 2.0不需要图的定义。
  • TensorFlow 2.0不要求会话执行。
  • TensorFlow 2.0不需要强制初始化变量。
  • TensorFlow 2.0不要求通过作用域共享变量。
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