第四期 · 将部分数据存储至Mysql,使用axios通过golang搭建的http服务器获取数据。
DROP DATABASE VUE; create database if not exists vue; use vue;
JSON to MySQL (transform.tools)
DROP DATABASE VUE; create database if not exists vue; use vue; CREATE TABLE gameblog ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(255), text VARCHAR(255), img VARCHAR(255) ); insert into gameblog(title,text,img) values ("Games of the Month: surrealist solitaire puzzles","What’s that? You need more games? I hear you, anonymous hapi fan.We’ve reached the part of the year when games start coming out fast","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102184434_1.jpg"), ("Games of the Month: Puzzles!","Sometimes you need a good puzzle game, just something to throw all of your attention at and ignore anything else going on. Well if that sometime for you is right now, then you’re in luck because in this Games of the Month","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102184434_2.jpg"), ("The next hapi Creator Day is July 29th!","I don’t think I’m allowed to make the entire body of this post “Thenext itch.io Creator Day is taking place on Friday July 29th.” I mean it’s true, we are hosting the next itch.io Creator Day on Friday July 29th but I should probably write more here.","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102184434_3.jpg"); select * from gameblog; CREATE TABLE game ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(255), text VARCHAR(255), img VARCHAR(255), price decimal(6,2) default 0, web boolean default 0 # TODO 发布时间 # TODO 浏览量 # TODO 评论量 # TODO 热度综合指标 ); CREATE TABLE tag ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE gametag ( gameid INT, tagid INT ); # TODO 外键 insert into game(id,title,text,img,price,web) values (1,"Late Night Mop","A haunted house cleaning simulator.","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102193135_1.png",0,0), (2,"an average day at the cat cafe","A haunted house cleaning simulator.","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102193135_2.png",0,1), (3,"Corebreaker","A fast-paced action-platform shooter game with roguelike elements.","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102193135_3.png",19.99,0), (4,"Atuel","Traverse a surrealist landscape inspired by the Atuel River in Argentina.","https://xiaonenglife.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/static/pic/2022/11/20221102193135_5.png",0,0); insert into tag values (1,"Difficult"), (2,"Fast-Paced"); insert into gametag values (3,1), (3,2), (4,1); DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE gamelist() BEGIN # TODO END $$ DELIMITER ; select a.title,a.text,img,price,web,if(group_concat(c.title separator "#") is null ,"", group_concat(c.title separator "#")) as tag from game a left join gametag b on a.id = b.gameid left join tag c on b.tagid = c.id group by a.id; SQL 折叠 复制 全屏