C# 11 即将推出,因此我们将详细探讨其新功能。您可能会发现这些新功能非常好奇,即使它们并不多。今天,让我们仔细看看泛型数学支持、原始字符串文字、所需的修饰符、属性中的类型参数等。
C# 11 添加了对泛型属性的支持 — 现在我们可以像泛型类和方法一样声明它们。尽管我们之前已经能够在构造函数中将类型作为参数传递,但现在我们可以使用约束来指定应传递哪些类型。现在我们也不必一直使用运算符。where
public class DecorateAttribute<T> : Attribute where T : class
public Type DecoratorType{ get; set; }
public DecorateAttribute()
DecoratorType = typeof(T);
C#public interface IWorker
public void Action();
public class LoggerDecorator : IWorker
private IWorker _worker;
public LoggerDecorator(IWorker worker)
_worker = worker;
public void Action()
Console.WriteLine("Log before");
Console.WriteLine("Log after");
public class SimpleWorker : IWorker
public void Action()
public static class WorkerFactory
public static IWorker CreateWorker()
IWorker worker = new SimpleWorker();
if (typeof(SimpleWorker)
.GetCustomAttribute<DecorateAttribute<LoggerDecorator>>() != null)
worker = new LoggerDecorator(worker);
return worker;
C#var worker = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker();
// Log before
// Working..
// Log after
C#public class GenericAttribute<T> : Attribute { }
public class GenericClass<T>
//Error CS8968 'T': an attribute type argument cannot use type parameters
public void Action()
You may ask, are GenericAttribute<int> and GenericAttribute<string> different attributes, or just multiple uses of the same one? Microsoft determined them to be the same attribute. This means, to use the attribute multiple times, you need to set the AllowMultiple property to true. Let's modify the above example:
C#public class DecorateAttribute<T> : Attribute where T : clas
Now the bject can be decorated several times:
public class SimpleWorker : IWorker
在新版本的 C# 语言中,我们可以对泛型类型使用数学运算。
C#public interface IAddable<TLeft, TRight, TResult>where TLeft : IAddable<TLeft, TRight, TResult>
static abstract TResult operator +(TLeft left, TRight right);
public interface IParsable<T> where T : IParsable<T>
static abstract T Parse(string s);
public record Natural : IAddable<Natural, Natural, Natural>, IParsable<Natural>
public int Value { get; init; } = 0;
public static Natural Parse(string s) return new() { Value = int.Parse(s) };
public static Natural operator +(Natural left, Natural right)
return new() { Value = left.Value + right.Value };