栈又叫做LIFO(Last In First Out)。
#ifndef _Stack_h struct Node; typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Stack; int IsEmpty( Stack S ); Stack CreateStack( void ); void DisposeStack( Stack S ); void MakeEmpty( Stack S ); void Push( ElementType X, Stack S ); ElementType Top( Stack S ); void Pop( Stack S ); #endif /* _Stack_h */ /* Place in implementation file */ /* Stack implementation is a linked list with a header */ struct Node { ElementType Element; PtrToNode Next; }
/* Return true if S is empty */ int IsEmpty( Stack S ) { return S->Next == NULL; } /* Create an empty stack */ Stack CreateStack( void ) { Stack S; S = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if( S == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); S->Next == NULL; MakeEmpty( S ); return S; } /* Dispose S */ void DisposeStack( Stack S ) { MakeEmpty( S ); free( S ); } /* Make S empty*/ void MakeEmpty( Stack S ) { if( S == NULL ) Error( "Must use CreateStack first" ); else while( !IsEmpty( S ) ) Pop( S ); } /* Push */ void Push( ElementType X, Stack S ) { PtrToNode TmpCell; TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if( TmpCell == NULL) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); else { TmpCell->Element = X; TmpCell->Next = S->Next; S->Next = TmpCell; } } /* Return the top element */ ElementType Top( Stack S ) { if( !IsEmpty( S ) ) return S->Next->Element; Error( "Empty stack"); return 0; } /* Pop */ void Pop( Stack S ) { PtrToNode FirstCell; if( IsEmpty( S ) ) Error( "Empty stack" ); else { FirstCell = S->Next; S->Next = S->Next->Next; free( FirstCell ); } }
#ifndef _Stack_h struct StackRecord; typedef struct StackRecord *Stack; int IsEmpty( Stack S ); int IsFull( Stack S ); Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements ); void DisposeStack( Stack S ); void MakeEmpty( Stack S ); void Push( ElementType X, Stack S ); ElementType Top( Stack S ); void Pop( Stack S ); ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S ); #endif /* _Stack_h */ /* Place in implementation file */ /* Stack implementation is a dynamically allocated array */ #define EmptyTOS ( -1 ) #define MinStackSize ( 5 ) struct StackRecord { int Capacity; int TopOfStack; ElementType *Array; }
/* Return true if S is empty */ int IsEmpty( Stack S ) { return S->TopOfStack == EmptyTOS; } /* Return true if S is full */ int IsFull( Stack S ) { return S->TopOfStack == S->Capacity - 1; } /* Create an empty stack */ Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements ) { Stack S; if( MaxElements < MinStackSize ) Error( "Stack size is too small" ); S = malloc( sizeof( struct StackRecord ) ); if( S == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); S->Array == malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * MaxElements ); if( S->Array == NULL) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); S->Capacity = MaxElements; MakeEmpty( S ); return S; } /* Dispose S */ void DisposeStack( Stack S ) { if( S!= NULL ) { free( S->Array ); free( S ); } } /* Make S empty */ void MakeEmpty( Stack S ) { S->TopOfStack = EmptyTOS; } /* Push */ void Push( ElementType X, Stack S) { if( IsFull( S ) ) Error( "Full stack" ); else S->Array[ ++S->TopOfStack ] = X; } /* Return the top element */ ElementType Top( Stack S ) { if( !IsEmpty( S ) ) return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack ]; Error( "Empty stack "); return 0; } /* Pop */ void Pop( Stack S ) { if( IsEmpty( S ) ) Error( "Empty stack" ); else S->TopOfStack--; } /* Return the top element and Pop */ ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S ) { if( !IsEmpty( S ) ) return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack-- ]; Error( "Empty stack "); return 0; }
尾递归(tail recursion),是使用递归极端不当的例子,尽量避免使用。