
mybatis 动态排序

本文主要是介绍mybatis 动态排序,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!
public class Pagination {
    // 当前页
    private Integer page = 1;
    // 一页显示条数
    private Integer limit = 10;
    // 排序字段
    private String field;
    // 排序类型(desc(降序)、asc(升序)、null(空对象,默认排序))
    private String order;
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Integer page = pagination.getPage();
Integer limit = pagination.getLimit();
map.put("start", (page-1)*limit);
map.put("pageNo", limit);
map.put("field", pagination.getField());
map.put("order", pagination.getOrder());
<select id="queryMarkVoluntarilyList" parameterType="map" resultType="MarkVoluntarilyDto">
    select a.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(a.createTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS createTimeStr from web_ei_voluntarily a
        <if test="websiteName !=null and websiteName !=''">
            a.websiteName like concat(#{websiteName},'%')
        <if test="websiteUrl !=null and websiteUrl !=''">
            and a.websiteUrl like concat(concat('%',#{websiteUrl}),'%')
        <if test="companyName !=null and companyName !=''">
            and a.companyName like concat(concat('%',#{companyName}),'%')
        <if test="deptCode !=null and deptCode !=''">
            <if test="containSub == '1'.toString()">
                and a.deptCode like concat(#{deptCode},'%')
            <if test="containSub == '0'.toString()">
                and a.deptCode = #{deptCode}
        <if test="registrationCode !=null and registrationCode !=''">
            and a.registrationCode = #{registrationCode}
        <if test="creditCode !=null and creditCode !=''">
            and a.creditCode like concat(#{creditCode},'%')
        <when test="field !=null and  field  !=''">
            ORDER BY ${field}  ${order}
            ORDER BY a.createTime desc
    limit #{start}, #{pageNo}



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