发展道路, 从简到繁。
纯粹产生前端HTML CSS代码.
is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure Python very concisely, which eliminates the need to learn another template language, and lets you take advantage of the more powerful features of Python.
import dominate from dominate.tags import * doc = dominate.document(title='Dominate your HTML') with doc.head: link(rel='stylesheet', href='style.css') script(type='text/javascript', src='script.js') with doc: with div(id='header').add(ol()): for i in ['home', 'about', 'contact']: li(a(i.title(), href='/%s.html' % i)) with div(): attr(cls='body') p('Lorem ipsum..') print(doc)
Eel is a little Python library for making simple Electron-like offline HTML/JS GUI apps, with full access to Python capabilities and libraries.
Eel hosts a local webserver, then lets you annotate functions in Python so that they can be called from Javascript, and vice versa.
Eel is designed to take the hassle out of writing short and simple GUI applications. If you are familiar with Python and web development, probably just jump to this example which picks random file names out of the given folder (something that is impossible from a browser).
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hello, World!</title> <!-- Include eel.js - note this file doesn't exist in the 'web' directory --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/eel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> eel.expose(say_hello_js); // Expose this function to Python function say_hello_js(x) { console.log("Hello from " + x); } say_hello_js("Javascript World!"); eel.say_hello_py("Javascript World!"); // Call a Python function </script> </head> <body> Hello, World! </body> </html>
import eel # Set web files folder and optionally specify which file types to check for eel.expose() # *Default allowed_extensions are: ['.js', '.html', '.txt', '.htm', '.xhtml'] eel.init('web', allowed_extensions=['.js', '.html']) @eel.expose # Expose this function to Javascript def say_hello_py(x): print('Hello from %s' % x) say_hello_py('Python World!') eel.say_hello_js('Python World!') # Call a Javascript function eel.start('hello.html') # Start (this blocks and enters loop)
Dash is the most downloaded, trusted Python framework for building ML & data science web apps.
Built on top of Plotly.js, React and Flask, Dash ties modern UI elements like dropdowns, sliders, and graphs directly to your analytical Python code. Read our tutorial (proudly crafted ❤️ with Dash itself).
Docs: Create your first Dash app in under 5 minutes
dash.gallery: Dash app gallery with Python & R code
# Run this app with `python app.py` and # visit in your web browser. from dash import Dash, html, dcc import plotly.express as px import pandas as pd app = Dash(__name__) # assume you have a "long-form" data frame # see https://plotly.com/python/px-arguments/ for more options df = pd.DataFrame({ "Fruit": ["Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas", "Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas"], "Amount": [4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5], "City": ["SF", "SF", "SF", "Montreal", "Montreal", "Montreal"] }) fig = px.bar(df, x="Fruit", y="Amount", color="City", barmode="group") app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.H1(children='Hello Dash'), html.Div(children=''' Dash: A web application framework for your data. '''), dcc.Graph( id='example-graph', figure=fig ) ]) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=True)
PyWebIO provides a series of imperative functions to obtain user input and output on the browser, turning the browser into a "rich text terminal", and can be used to build simple web applications or browser-based GUI applications without the need to have knowledge of HTML and JS. PyWebIO can also be easily integrated into existing Web services. PyWebIO is very suitable for quickly building applications that do not require complex UI.
- Use synchronization instead of a callback-based method to get input
- Non-declarative layout, simple and efficient
- Less intrusive: old script code can be transformed into a Web application only by modifying the input and output operation
- Support integration into existing web services, currently supports Flask, Django, Tornado, aiohttp, FastAPI framework
- Support for
and coroutine- Support data visualization with third-party libraries, e.g.,
from pywebio.input import input, FLOAT from pywebio.output import put_text def bmi(): height = input("Your Height(cm):", type=FLOAT) weight = input("Your Weight(kg):", type=FLOAT) BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2 top_status = [(14.9, 'Severely underweight'), (18.4, 'Underweight'), (22.9, 'Normal'), (27.5, 'Overweight'), (40.0, 'Moderately obese'), (float('inf'), 'Severely obese')] for top, status in top_status: if BMI <= top: put_text('Your BMI: %.1f, category: %s' % (BMI, status)) break if __name__ == '__main__': bmi()
PyWebIO is made for:
Engineers and scientists to share domain knowledge and best practices through web apps.
Web developers to quickly prototype a demo or MVP.
Software teams to build internal tools.
Beginner programmers to learn Python through web development.
The fastest way to build and share data apps.
Streamlit lets you turn data scripts into sharable web apps in minutes, not weeks. It’s all Python, open-source, and free! And once you’ve created an app you can use our cloud platform to deploy, manage, and share your app!