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# 提示输入用户名和密码
# 验证用户名和密码
# 如果错误,则输出用户名或密码错误
# 如果成功,则输出 欢迎,XXX!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: encoding -*-
import getpass
name = raw_input ( '请输入用户名:' )
pwd = getpass.getpass( '请输入密码:' )
if name = = "alex" and pwd = = "cmd" :
print ( "欢迎,alex!" )
else :
print ( "用户名和密码错误" )
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
my_age = 28
user_input = int ( input ( "input your guess num:" ))
if user_input = = my_age:
print ( "Congratulations, you got it !" )
elif user_input < my_age:
print ( "Oops,think bigger!" )
else :
print ( "think smaller!" )
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__author__ = 'Alex Li'
for i in range ( 10 ):
print ( "loop:" , i )
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loop: 0
loop: 1
loop: 2
loop: 3
loop: 4
loop: 5
loop: 6
loop: 7
loop: 8
loop: 9
1 2 3 4 |
for i in range ( 10 ):
if i< 5 :
continue #不往下走了,直接进入下一次loop
print ( "loop:" , i )
1 2 3 4 |
for i in range ( 10 ):
if i> 5 :
break #不往下走了,直接跳出整个loop
print ( "loop:" , i )
1 2 3 4 5 |
count = 0
while True :
print ( "你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯..." ,count)
count + = 1
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count = 0
while True :
print ( "你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯..." ,count)
count + = 1
if count = = 100 :
print ( "去你妈的风和沙,你们这些脱了裤子是人,穿上裤子是鬼的臭男人.." )
回到上面for 循环的例子,如何实现让用户不断的猜年龄,但只给最多3次机会,再猜不对就退出程序。
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
my_age = 28
count = 0
while count < 3 :
user_input = int ( input ( "input your guess num:" ))
if user_input = = my_age:
print ( "Congratulations, you got it !" )
elif user_input < my_age:
print ( "Oops,think bigger!" )
else :
print ( "think smaller!" )
count + = 1 #每次loop 计数器+1
else :
print ( "猜这么多次都不对,你个笨蛋." )
for i in range(10): print('----', i) for j in range(10): print(j) if j > 5: break # 结束当前内部循环 # continue # 跳出当前循环,继续执行下次循环
_username = 'lsj' _password = 'abc123' username = input("username:") password = input("password:") print(username, password) # 验证用户名和密码是否正确,使用if...else if _username == username and _password == password: print("Welcome user {name} login...".format(name=username)) else: print("Invalid username or password!!!")
注意:缩进的错误提示: IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level 缩进错误:unindent不匹配任何外部缩进级别
# 猜数字小游戏 # 定义自己的年龄23岁 age_of_lsj = 23 # 定义要猜测的年龄 # guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) # 使用if判断 # if guess_age == age_of_lsj: # print("yes,you got it!!!") # elif guess_age > age_of_lsj: # print("think smaller!!! ") # elif guess_age < age_of_lsj: # print("think bigger!!!") # 使用while循环可以执行多次操作 # count = 0 # while True: # 当TRUE时候执行下面 # print("count :", count) # count += 1 # count = count + 1 # 可以无限次数猜测 # while True: # guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) # if guess_age == age_of_lsj: # print("yes,you got it!!!") # break # elif guess_age > age_of_lsj: # print("think bigger!!! ") # else: # print("think smaller!!!") # 限制3次机会猜测 count = 0 # 做一个计数器 # while True: # if count == 3: # print("执行结束") # break while count < 3: guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age == age_of_lsj: print("yes,you got it!!!") break elif guess_age > age_of_lsj: print("think bigger!!! ") else: print("think smaller!!!") count += 1 # if count == 3: else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")
# 认识for循环 for i in range(0, 10, 2): print("loop", i)
age_of_lsj = 23 for i in range(10): guess_age = int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age == age_of_lsj: print("yes,you got it!!!") break elif guess_age > age_of_lsj: print("thi1nk bigger!!! ") else: print("think smaller!!!") else: print("you have tried too many times..fuck off")
# 需求: # 1、每次当输入第三次错误时候,提问是否继续。 # 2、当输入回车或者任意一个键盘时候继续玩游戏。 # 3、当输入n的时候结束游戏 age_of_lsj = 23 count = 0 while count < 3: guess_age = int(input("guess_age:")) if guess_age == age_of_lsj: print("yes,you got it!!!") break elif guess_age > age_of_lsj: print("think bigger!!!") else: print("think smaller!!!") count += 1 if count == 3: countine_confirm = input("do you want to keep guessing..?") if countine_confirm != 'n': count = 0