[root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 dev-clickhouse1 ch1 dev-clickhouse2 ch2 dev-clickhouse3 ch3 [root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat bin/msh #!/usr/bin/bash hosts=( "ch1" "ch2" "ch3" ) for host in "${hosts[@]}" do echo "begin to run " $@ " on " $host ssh root@$host $@ done [root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat bin/mcp #!/usr/bin/bash hosts=( "ch1" "ch2" "ch3" ) for host in "${hosts[@]}" do echo "begin to scp " $@ " on " $host scp -r $1 $host:$2 done
软件 | 版本 |
clickhouse | |
zookeeper | 20.10.15 |
内核版本 | 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 |
docker | 20.10.15 |
主机目录 | 容器目录 |
/data/lib/clickhouse | /var/lib/clickhouse |
/data/lib/zookeeper/{data,datalog,logs,conf} | /{data,datalog,logs,conf} |
/data/lib/clickhouse-sub | /var/lib/clickhouse |
mkdir -p /data/lib/zookeeper/{data,datalog,logs,conf}
chmod 777 -R /data/lib/zookeeper/
[root@dev-clickhouse2 ~]# cat /data/lib/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg dataDir=/data dataLogDir=/datalog tickTime=2000 initLimit=5 syncLimit=2 clientPort=2181 autopurge.snapRetainCount=3 autopurge.purgeInterval=0 maxClientCnxns=60 4lw.commands.whitelist=* server.1= server.2= server.3=
[root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat container/zookeeper/run #!/bin/bash cmd=( docker run --privileged=true -d -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 --name zk --restart always -v /data/lib/zookeeper/data:/data -v /data/lib/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog -v /data/lib/zookeeper/logs:/logs -v /data/lib/zookeeper/conf:/conf --network host -e ZOO_MY_ID=1 zookeeper ) "${cmd[@]}" # ./run
[root@dev-clickhouse2 ~]# cat container/zookeeper/run #!/bin/bash cmd=( docker run --privileged=true -d -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 --name zk --restart always -v /data/lib/zookeeper/data:/data -v /data/lib/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog -v /data/lib/zookeeper/logs:/logs -v /data/lib/zookeeper/conf:/conf --network host -e ZOO_MY_ID=2 zookeeper ) "${cmd[@]}" ## ./run
[root@dev-clickhouse3 ~]# cat container/zookeeper/run #!/bin/bash cmd=( docker run --privileged=true -d -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 --name zk --restart always -v /data/lib/zookeeper/data:/data -v /data/lib/zookeeper/datalog:/datalog -v /data/lib/zookeeper/logs:/logs -v /data/lib/zookeeper/conf:/conf --network host -e ZOO_MY_ID=3 zookeeper ) "${cmd[@]}" ## ./run
msh useradd clickhouse
mkdir -p /root/container/{clickhouse,clickhouse-sub} mkdir -p /data/lib/clickhouse/{clickhouse-server,data,logs} mkdir -p /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/{clickhouse-server,data,logs} chown -R clickhouse: /data/lib/clickhouse/ /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/
[root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse/run #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard1-main docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}" [root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse-sub/run-sub #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard2-sub docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}"
[root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse/run #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard2-main docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}" [root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse-sub/run-sub #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard3-sub docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}"
[root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse/run #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard3-main docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}" [root@dev-clickhouse1 ~]# cat /root/container/clickhouse-sub/run-sub #!/bin/bash name=ch1-shard1-sub docker stop $name docker rm $name cmd=( docker run --restart always -d --name $name --network host --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/data/:/var/lib/clickhouse/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/clickhouse-server/:/etc/clickhouse-server/ -v /data/lib/clickhouse-sub/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ # -p 9001:9001 -p 8124:8124 -p 9010:9010 yandex/clickhouse-server ) "${cmd[@]}"
<listen_host></listen_host> <remote_servers> <proya_cluster> <shard> <replica> <host>ch1</host> <port>9000</port> </replica> <replica> <host>ch3</host> <port>9001</port> </replica> </shard> <shard> <replica> <host>ch2</host> <port>9000</port> </replica> <replica> <host>ch1</host> <port>9001</port> </replica> </shard> <shard> <replica> <host>ch3</host> <port>9000</port> </replica> <replica> <host>ch2</host> <port>9001</port> </replica> </shard> </proya_cluster> </remote_servers>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>01</shard> <replica>cluster01-01-1</replica> </macros>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>02</shard> <replica>cluster01-02-1</replica> </macros>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>03</shard> <replica>cluster01-03-1</replica> </macros>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>02</shard> <replica>cluster01-02-2</replica> </macros>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>03</shard> <replica>cluster01-03-2</replica> </macros>
<zookeeper> <node> <host>ch3</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch2</host> <port>2181</port> </node> <node> <host>ch1</host> <port>2181</port> </node> </zookeeper> <macros> <shard>01</shard> <replica>cluster01-01-2</replica> </macros>
官网链接:数据副本 视频链接
只有 MergeTree 系列里的表可支持副本
对于 INSERT 和 ALTER 语句操作数据的会在压缩的情况下被复制(更多信息,看 ALTER )。
而 CREATE,DROP,ATTACH,DETACH 和 RENAME 语句只会在单个服务器上执行,不会被复制。
在表引擎名称上加上 **Replicated**
分,不同的分片分布到不同的节点上,再通过 Distributed 表引擎把数据拼接起来一同使用。
它是“点击流”和“数据仓库”的组合。它来自 Yandex.Metrica 的原始用例,ClickHouse 应该记录来自互联网各地的人们的所有点击记录,它仍然可以完成这项工作。
由于它们的高延迟,这些系统不适合在线查询。换句话说,它们不能用作 Web 界面的后端。
ClickHouse 将数据结构保存在内存中,不仅允许读取已使用的列,还允许读取这些列的必要行范围。
将同一列的不同值存储在一起通常会导致更好的压缩率(与面向行的系统相比),因为在实际数据列中,相邻行通常具有相同或不同的值。除了通用压缩之外,ClickHouse 还支持可以使数据更加紧凑的专用编解码器。
ClickHouse 不仅在列中存储数据,而且在列中处理数据。它可以提高 CPU 缓存利用率并允许使用SIMD CPU 指令。
ClickHouse 可以利用所有可用的 CPU 内核和磁盘来执行单个查询。不仅在单个服务器上,而且在集群的所有 CPU 内核和磁盘上也是如此。
ClickHouse采用类LSM Tree的结构,数据写入后定期在后台Compaction。通过类LSM tree
的结构,ClickHouse 在数据导入时全部是顺序 append 写,写入后数据段不可更改,在后台
compaction 时也是多个段 merge sort 后顺序写回磁盘。顺序写的特性,充分利用了磁盘的吞
吐能力,即便在 HDD 上也有着优异的写入性能。
官方公开 benchmark 测试显示能够达到 50MB-200MB/s 的写入吞吐能力,按照每行
100Byte 估算,大约相当于 50W-200W 条/s 的写入速度。
ClickHouse 将数据划分为多个 partition,每个 partition 再进一步划分为多个 index
在这种设计下,单条 Query 就能利用整机所有 CPU。极致的并行处理能力,极大的降低了查
所以,ClickHouse 即使对于大量数据的查询也能够化整为零平行处理。但是有一个弊端
就是对于单条查询使用多 cpu,就不利于同时并发多条查询。所以对于高 qps 的查询业务,
ClickHouse 并不是强项。
ClickHouse 和 MySQL 类似,把表级的存储引擎插件化,根据表的不同需求可以设定不同
的存储引擎。目前包括合并树、日志、接口和其他四大类 20 多种引擎。
适用于高负载任务的最通用和功能最强大的表引擎。这些引擎的共同特点是可以快速插入数据并进行后续的后台数据处理。 MergeTree系列引擎支持数据复制(使用Replicated* 的引擎版本),分区和一些其他引擎不支持的其他功能。
Clickhouse 中最强大的表引擎当属 MergeTree (合并树)引擎及该系列(*MergeTree)中的其他引擎。
MergeTree 系列的引擎被设计用于插入极大量的数据到一张表当中。数据可以以数据片段的形式一个接着一个的快速写入,数据片段在后台按照一定的规则进行合并。相比在插入时不断修改(重写)已存储的数据,这种策略会高效很多。
如果指定了 分区键 的话,可以使用分区
在相同数据集和相同结果集的情况下 ClickHouse 中某些带分区的操作会比普通操作更快。查询中指定了分区键时 ClickHouse 会自动截取分区数据。这也有效增加了查询性能。比如,指定时日期为分区键时,不同日期的数据会保存的不同的文件中。
ReplicatedMergeTree 系列的表提供了数据副本功能。
指定对某个字段进行采用‘SAMPLE BY ’,在表申明时指定。
指定采样数据‘SAMPLE 0.1’,在select语句中指定。
!!! note "注意" 合并 引擎并不属于 *MergeTree 系列。
路径 | 意义 |
/var/lib/clickhouse | 默认存储路径 |
data/ | 数据存储路径 |
metadata/ | 元数据存储路径 |
metadata/default/ | default 库的元数据目录 |
data/default/t_stock/ | default 库t_stock表 的数据目录 |
表由按主键排序的数据片段(DATA PART)组成。
当数据被插入到表中时,会创建多个数据片段并按主键的字典序排序。例如,主键是 (CounterID, Date) 时,片段中数据首先按 CounterID 排序,具有相同 CounterID 的部分按 Date 排序。
不同分区的数据会被分成不同的片段,ClickHouse 在后台合并数据片段以便更高效存储。不同分区的数据片段不会进行合并。合并机制并不保证具有相同主键的行全都合并到同一个数据片段中。
文件名 | 作用 |
checksums.txt | 检查分区数据总数 |
columns.txt: | 可查看该分区的数据列信息,包括名称和类型 |
count.txt | 该分区文件夹下的数据条数 |
data.bin | 每一列具体的属性,当然是压缩后的 |
data.mrk | 索引的偏移量 |
minmax_date.idx | 最小最大数据的记录 |
partition.dat | 分区信息 |
Primary.idx | 主键 |
--host, -h -– 服务端的host名称, 默认是localhost。您可以选择使用host名称或者IPv4或IPv6地址。
--port – 连接的端口,默认值:9000。注意HTTP接口以及TCP原生接口使用的是不同端口。
SELECT * FROM system.clusters
SELECT * from system.macros ;
create database test; use test; CREATE TABLE logs (cur Date, size Int32, message String) ENGINE = MergeTree(cur, message, 8192); CREATE TABLE logs_dist AS logs ENGINE = Distributed(proya_clusters,test,logs,rand());
insert into logs_dist values(now(), 1, '1');
CREATE database test3 ON CLUSTER proya_cluster; create table test3.T03 ON CLUSTER proya_cluster ( ts DateTime, uid String, biz String ) engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/T03', '{replica}') PARTITION BY toYYYYMMDD(ts) ORDER BY ts SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 ; insert into test3.T03 values ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','100','aa'), ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','101','bb'); insert into test3.T03 values ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','102','cc'), ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','103','dd'); insert into test3.T03 values ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','104','aa'), ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','105','bb'); insert into test3.T03 values ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','106','aa'), ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','107','bb'); insert into test3.T03 values ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','108','aa'), ('2020-06-01 12:00:00','109','bb'); SELECT * from test3.T03 ;
SELECT * FROM system.clusters
create database test2 on cluster proya_cluster ;
如果一个节点数据丢失,只需要将副本节点的 data/ metadata/ 目录拷过来覆盖。
root@test-server /etc/clickhouse-server# sudo -u clickhouse clickhouse-server --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'. Couldn't save preprocessed config to /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/config.xml: Access to file denied: /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/config.xml Logging trace to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log Logging errors to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log Logging trace to console 2022.06.17 04:37:07.960312 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> SentryWriter: Sending crash reports is disabled 2022.06.17 04:37:08.003464 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> Pipe: Pipe capacity is 1.00 MiB 2022.06.17 04:37:08.415141 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> : Starting ClickHouse with revision 54459, build id: 5F3D9E4F48D4CC47, PID 11720 2022.06.17 04:37:08.415518 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: starting up 2022.06.17 04:37:08.415622 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: OS name: Linux, version: 3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64, architecture: x86_64 2022.06.17 04:37:08.460887 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/class/thermal 2022.06.17 04:37:08.461152 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/block 2022.06.17 04:37:08.462070 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/devices/system/edac 2022.06.17 04:37:08.462255 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/class/hwmon 2022.06.17 04:37:09.276347 [ 11720 ] {} <Warning> Application: Calculated checksum of the binary: 03A21B8EF25D04A4DCD8C0FCA8310FDA. There is no information about the reference checksum. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.276564 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: It looks like the process has no CAP_IPC_LOCK capability, binary mlock will be disabled. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /usr/bin/clickhouse'. Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.278976 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: rlimit on number of file descriptors is 262144 2022.06.17 04:37:09.279089 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initializing DateLUT. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.279128 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> Application: Initialized DateLUT with time zone 'America/New_York'. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.279201 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Setting up /var/lib/clickhouse/tmp/ to store temporary data in it 2022.06.17 04:37:09.296585 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Configuration parameter 'interserver_http_host' doesn't exist or exists and empty. Will use 'test-server' as replica host. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.296651 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initiailizing interserver credentials. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.296915 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> SensitiveDataMaskerConfigRead: 1 query masking rules loaded. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.301771 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml' Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'. Couldn't save preprocessed config to /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/config.xml: Access to file denied: /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/config.xml 2022.06.17 04:37:09.303671 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', performing update on configuration 2022.06.17 04:37:09.305894 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Setting max_server_memory_usage was set to 8.65 GiB (9.61 GiB available * 0.90 max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio) 2022.06.17 04:37:09.310332 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Cannot obtain modification time for certificate file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt, skipping update. errno: 2, strerror: No such file or directory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.310427 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Cannot obtain modification time for key file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key, skipping update. errno: 2, strerror: No such file or directory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.310503 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> CertificateReloader: Initializing certificate reloader. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.311737 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL context exception: Error loading private key from file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key: error:02000002:system library:OPENSSL_internal:No such file or directory (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.311810 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', performed update on configuration 2022.06.17 04:37:09.313739 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml' Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml'. Couldn't save preprocessed config to /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/users.xml: Access to file denied: /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/users.xml 2022.06.17 04:37:09.314591 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml', performing update on configuration 2022.06.17 04:37:09.315865 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml', performed update on configuration 2022.06.17 04:37:09.316186 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Access(user directories): Added users.xml access storage 'users.xml', path: /etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml 2022.06.17 04:37:09.316586 [ 11720 ] {} <Warning> Access(local directory): File /var/lib/clickhouse/access/users.list doesn't exist 2022.06.17 04:37:09.316633 [ 11720 ] {} <Warning> Access(local directory): Recovering lists in directory /var/lib/clickhouse/access/ 2022.06.17 04:37:09.317520 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Access(user directories): Added local directory access storage 'local directory', path: /var/lib/clickhouse/access/ 2022.06.17 04:37:09.317586 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Uncompressed cache size was lowered to 4.80 GiB because the system has low amount of memory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.320784 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for merges and mutations with num_threads=16, num_tasks=32 2022.06.17 04:37:09.325819 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for move operations with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8 2022.06.17 04:37:09.327569 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for fetches with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8 2022.06.17 04:37:09.330919 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for common operations (e.g. clearing old parts) with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8 2022.06.17 04:37:09.331521 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Mark cache size was lowered to 4.80 GiB because the system has low amount of memory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.332031 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Loading user defined objects from /var/lib/clickhouse/ 2022.06.17 04:37:09.332399 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoader: loading user defined objects 2022.06.17 04:37:09.332616 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Loaded user defined objects 2022.06.17 04:37:09.332659 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Loading metadata from /var/lib/clickhouse/ 2022.06.17 04:37:09.338597 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Metadata processed, database system has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.338652 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 0.000178821 sec 2022.06.17 04:37:09.338693 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Loading 0 tables with 0 dependency level 2022.06.17 04:37:09.342130 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.text_log since corresponding section 'text_log' is missing from config 2022.06.17 04:37:09.345511 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.zookeeper_log since corresponding section 'zookeeper_log' is missing from config 2022.06.17 04:37:09.367914 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DatabaseCatalog: Found 0 partially dropped tables. Will load them and retry removal. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.369863 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Metadata processed, database default has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.369918 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 0.000111427 sec 2022.06.17 04:37:09.369950 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Loading 0 tables with 0 dependency level 2022.06.17 04:37:09.369979 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Starting up tables. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.370009 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Starting up tables. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.373931 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 128 threads 2022.06.17 04:37:09.405561 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> Application: Loaded metadata. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.405830 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> Pipe: Pipe capacity is 1.00 MiB 2022.06.17 04:37:09.406520 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: It looks like this system does not have procfs mounted at /proc location, neither clickhouse-server process has CAP_NET_ADMIN capability. 'taskstats' performance statistics will be disabled. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. You can try to resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_net_admin=+ep /usr/bin/clickhouse'. Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems. It also doesn't work if you run clickhouse-server inside network namespace as it happens in some containers. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.406624 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: It looks like the process has no CAP_SYS_NICE capability, the setting 'os_thread_priority' will have no effect. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=+ep /usr/bin/clickhouse'. Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.425247 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to create SSL context. SSL will be disabled. Error: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL context exception: Error loading private key from file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key: error:02000002:system library:OPENSSL_internal:No such file or directory (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.425626 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to read RSA key pair from server certificate. Error: Code: 76. DB::Exception: Cannot open certificate file: /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt. (CANNOT_OPEN_FILE) (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.425670 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Generating new RSA key pair. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.509628 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to create SSL context. SSL will be disabled. Error: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL context exception: Error loading private key from file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key: error:02000002:system library:OPENSSL_internal:No such file or directory (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.509888 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Failed to read RSA key pair from server certificate. Error: Code: 76. DB::Exception: Cannot open certificate file: /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt. (CANNOT_OPEN_FILE) (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.509922 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> MySQLHandlerFactory: Generating new RSA key pair. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.679469 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Cannot obtain modification time for certificate file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt, skipping update. errno: 2, strerror: No such file or directory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.679546 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Cannot obtain modification time for key file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key, skipping update. errno: 2, strerror: No such file or directory 2022.06.17 04:37:09.679587 [ 11720 ] {} <Debug> CertificateReloader: Initializing certificate reloader. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.679924 [ 11720 ] {} <Error> CertificateReloader: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, SSL context exception: Error loading private key from file /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key: error:02000002:system library:OPENSSL_internal:No such file or directory (version 2022.06.17 04:37:09.680028 [ 11720 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: MemoryTracking: was 11.24 MiB, peak 15.83 MiB, will set to 472.38 MiB (RSS), difference: 461.14 MiB 2022.06.17 04:37:09.682820 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> DNSCacheUpdater: Update period 15 seconds 2022.06.17 04:37:09.682955 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Available RAM: 9.61 GiB; physical cores: 6; logical cores: 6. 2022.06.17 04:37:09.683073 [ 11783 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache 2022.06.17 04:37:09.683827 [ 11783 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache 2022.06.17 04:37:09.683972 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for http://[::1]:8123 2022.06.17 04:37:09.684252 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp): [::1]:9000 2022.06.17 04:37:09.684513 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for replica communication (interserver): http://[::1]:9009 2022.06.17 04:37:09.684721 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: [::1]:9004 2022.06.17 04:37:09.684985 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for PostgreSQL compatibility protocol: [::1]:9005 2022.06.17 04:37:09.685303 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for 2022.06.17 04:37:09.685569 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp): 2022.06.17 04:37:09.685759 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for replica communication (interserver): 2022.06.17 04:37:09.685983 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: 2022.06.17 04:37:09.686250 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for PostgreSQL compatibility protocol: 2022.06.17 04:37:09.686311 [ 11720 ] {} <Information> Application: Ready for connections.