--所有库名 SELECT * FROM sys.databases where name='ipms4s_hrxj_jk' --表信息 select name,create_date ,modify_date from sys.tables where name='Car_GpsData' select * from sysobjects where xtype= 'U' --表字段信息 select column_name,data_type,'-' as column_comment from information_schema.columns where table_name='RPS_CaseData' and table_schema='dbo' --表创建时间、更新时间、行数 select schema_name(t.schema_id) as [Schema], t.name as TableName, t.create_date , t.modify_date, i.rows as [RowCount] from sys.tables as t, sysindexes as i where t.name='RPS_CaseData' and t.object_id = i.id and i.indid <=1 --所有schema信息 select * from sys.schemas s --库占用空间 exec sp_spaceused --表占用空间 exec sp_spaceused 'dbo.RPS_CaseData'