create table Student (Name char(1), Memo char(2)) go insert into Student values(N'A', N'A1'), (N'A', N'A1'), (N'A', N'A2'), (N'B', N'B1'), (N'B', N'B1') -- N'xxx' 标识将单引号中的xxx强制转换为Unicode编码的字符,在中文情况下不会出现乱码 go
select distinct * into #tmpt from Student -- 通过distinct取唯一数据存到一个本地临时表中 drop table Student select * into Student from #tmpt -- 把临时表复制到新的表 drop table #tmpt
alter table Student add Id int identity(1,1) -- 给表添加标识列 delete from Student where Id not in (select min(Id) from Student group by Name) alter table Student drop column Id select * from Student
create table t (ID int, Name char(1), Memo char(2)) go insert into t values(1, N'A', N'A1'), (2, N'A', N'A2'), (3, N'A', N'A3'), (4, N'B', N'B1'), (5, N'B', N'B2') go
delete t from t a where ID not in (select min(ID) from t where Name = a.Name) select * from t go
delete from t where ID not in (select min(ID) from t group by Name) select * from t go
delete t from t a where ID <> (select top 1 ID from t where Name = a.Name order by ID) select * from t go
delete t from t a where ID > any (select ID from t where Name = a.Name) select * from t go
delete t from t a where exists (select 1 from t where Name = a.Name and ID < a.ID) select * from t go
delete t from t a where (select count(*) from t where Name = a.Name and ID < a.ID) > 0 select * from t go
delete t from t a left join (select min(ID) ID, Name from t group by Name) b on a.Name = b.Name and a.ID = b.ID where b.ID is null select * from t go
create table Employee (ID int primary key, Name char(20), Age int, Sex bit default 1) go insert into Employee values(1, 'James', 25, default), (2, 'James', 25, default), (3, 'James', 25, default), (4, 'Lisa', 24, 0), (5, 'Lisa', 24, 0), (6, 'Lisa', 24, 0), (7, 'Mirsa', 23, 0), (8, 'Mirsa', 23, 0), (9, 'Mirsa', 23, 0), (10, 'John', 26, default), (11, 'Abraham', 28, default), (12, 'Lincoln', 30, default) go
delete T from (select row_number() over (partition by Name order by (select 0)) as RowNumber, * from Employee) T where T.RowNumber > 1 select * from Employee go