public class Animal{ protected String name, noise; protected int age; public Animal(String name, int age){ = name; this.age = age; this.noise = "Huh?"; } public String makeNoise(){ if (age < 5) { return noise.toUpperCase(); } else{ return noise; } } public void greet(){ System.out.println("Animal " + name + " says: " + makeNoise()); } } public class Cat extends Animal{ public Cat(String name){ = name; this.noise = "Meow!" } @Override public void greet(){ System.out.println("Cat " + name + " says: " + makeNoise()); } } /** (A) Animal Pluto says: Huh? (B) Cat Garfield says: Meow! (C) Dof Fido says: WOOF! (D) Cat Garfield says: Meow! (E) Cat Garfield says: Meow! //a是一个Animal类,而d是一个Dog,不是直接赋值,需要进行一个强制转换。 */ class A { public int x = 5; public void m1() {System.out.println("Am1-> " + x);} public void m2() {System.out.println("Am2-> " + this.x);} public void update() { x = 99;} } class B extends A { public void m2() {System.out.println("Bm2-> " + x);} public void m2(int y) {System.out.println("Bm2y-> " + y);} public void m3() {System.out.println("Bm3-> " + "called");} } class C extends B { public int y = x + 1; public void m2() {System.out.println("Cm2-> " + super.x);} public void m4() {System.out.println("Cm4-> " + super.super.x); }} //can't do super.super public void m5() {System.out.println("Cm5-> " + y);} } class D { public static void main (String[] args) { // B a0 = new A(); Dynamic type must be B or subclass of B // a0.m1(); cascading: prev line failed, so a0 can't be initialized // a0.m2(16); cascading: prev line failed, so a0 can't be initialized A b0 = new B(); System.out.println(b0.x); [prints "5"] b0.m1(); //[prints "Am1-> 5"] b0.m2(); //[prints "Bm2-> 5"] // b0.m2(61); m2 (int y) not defined in static type of b0 B b1 = new B(); b1.m2(61); //[prints "Bm2y-> 61"] b1.m3(); //[prints "Bm3-> called"] A c0 = new C(); c0.m2(); //[prints "cm2-> 5"] // C c1 = (A) new C(); Can't assign c1 to an A A a1 = (A) c0; C c2 = (C) a1; c2.m3(); [print Bm3-> called] // c2.m4(); C.m4() is invalid c2.m5(); //[print Cm5-> 6] ((C) c0).m3(); //[print Bm3-> called] Inheritance //(C) c0.m3(); NOT RUNTIME ERROR This would case the result of what the method returns and it returns void therefore compile-time error b0.update(); b0.m1(); [print Am1-> 99] } }