
How to present a paper 怎么讲好一篇文献

本文主要是介绍How to present a paper 怎么讲好一篇文献,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Author : 如果在冬夜一个旅人
Date : 2022/05/24

  • 背景说明
  • 1 读文献
    • 1.1 读文献的层次
    • 1.2 论文阅读的首轮次序
  • 2 讲文献
    • 2.1 The Problem to be studied
    • 2.2 The contributions of this paper-reasonably short
    • 2.3 Definitions, descriptions of data, etc
    • 2.4 main results
    • 2.5 Conclusions
  • 3 Some final remarks


网上有很多五花八门关于怎么讲文献、怎么做ppt汇报的教程,个人以为这些教程写得都太泛泛,没有针对学术汇报的特点谈,痛点没谈到。也听过很多成就高的学者做汇报,汇报水平有点参差不齐(指学术内行如何把内容讲明白,能让外行内行都有take home messages)。

1 读文献

1.1 读文献的层次

  • 学徒:拿到就读,读了都不懂,换一篇读,怎么都读不懂。

  • 一段:拿到就读,有能力读懂,照着报告。

  • 二段:挑重要的读,报告时知道论文的重点。

  • 三段:挑重要的读,有能力分析论文的优缺点。

  • 四段:有能力分析论文的优点在什么条件下必然成立,也知道缺点在什么条件下会出现。

  • 五段:有能力从宏观的观点评论论文的优缺点、贡献与价值、优缺点的成因,以及改善的可能性与关键性的困难。

1.2 论文阅读的首轮次序

  • 这个问题主要特征?(给定什么?要产出什么?)

  • 这个问题有何重要性?(应用场所与价值)

  • 这个问题的主要诉求(想达成的目标)

  • 这个问题的主要困难点

  • 解决这个问题的方法主要有哪些种类

  • 这些方法的主要优缺点是什么


2 讲文献

2.1 The Problem to be studied


  • What is the problem to be analyzed ?

  • Why should we care about resolving the issues that are studied here?

  • What should we expect to learn?

2.2 The contributions of this paper-reasonably short

Explain why the study is interesting, what is to be learned, and outline how you will go about it and then move on.
Also giving away the main conclusions.

  • Relation to literature
    Concentrate on discussing the most closely related work, and offer a clear and concise comparison.

  • The contributions of this paper : 实验性/理论性

    • describe the model or hypotheses to be tested, the data set or experimental design, and methodology used to analyze the data

    • Are the main contributions normative, positive, or methodological?

    • How much of what is learned here can be extended or applied beyond the specific setting analyzed?

    • What insight is offered into specific phenomena or other areas of research?

2.3 Definitions, descriptions of data, etc

  • Keep things simple
    convey the basic insights and intuition of the paper + present special cases

  • 衡量这部分和discussion的时间 —— 取决于main contribution:
    Model or experiment is designed / data is gathered or used / ideas are put together / conclusions are interesting (next part)

2.4 main results

  • Why do you think things turned out as they did?

  • How clearly will the audience understand this and what do I expect the audience to learn from this?
    Go deeper into the proof,在多大程度上这个方法的贡献可以应用到其他问题,或者这个proof是否清晰证明了insight。

即便有insights in these details,也要重点突出,免得听众失去兴趣 - 辅助例子/图片/表格

  • Present only the outcomes expected for the audience to digest.

2.5 Conclusions


  • Implications that might have for applications or further research

  • Limitations of the results

  • What new questions have been opened

3 Some final remarks

这里是针对自己的研究成果,在汇报的时候,do not explain dead-ends and blind alleys is more confusing than illuminating.

These may concern basic assumptions behind the model, the experimental design, or methos of gathering data.

参考来源一 : Matthew O. Jackson, Notes on Presenting a Paper
参考来源二 : Duke University, How to Convert your Paper into a Presentation

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