<canvas canvas-id='attendCanvasId' class='myCanvas' style="width:{{canvasWidth}}px; height:{{canvasHeight}}px;"></canvas> .myCanvas{ background:#000; margin:30rpx auto; position:absolute; right:1440px; top: -1440px; } //页面所需定义的data data = { canvasWidth: 0, // canvas长度 canvasHeight: 0, //canvas高度 originalFileInfoArr:[],//图片缩放压缩后保存的临时数组 } //选择照片 select_img(){ var that= this wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, success(res) { if(res.tempFiles.length>0){ that.getCanvasImg(res.tempFiles) // 通过canvas进行缩放 } wx.showLoading({ title: 'Loading...'}); } }) } //缩放操作(将图片的最长边缩至1440,短边等比例缩放) getCanvasImg(tempFiles){ var that = this // 获取图片信息来设置canvas的长高 wx.getImageInfo({ src: tempFiles[0].path, success(imgDetail){ var maxWidth = 1440 // 最大长度 var maxHeight = 1440 // 最大高度 var bili = imgDetail.width/imgDetail.height // 获取图片长高比例 if(imgDetail.width>maxWidth || imgDetail.height>maxHeight){ if(imgDetail.width >= imgDetail.height){ // 长图或正方形 that.canvasWidth = maxWidth that.canvasHeight = Number(maxWidth/bili).toFixed(0) }else{ // 高图 that.canvasHeight = maxHeight that.canvasWidth = Number(maxHeight*bili).toFixed(0) } const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('attendCanvasId'); ctx.drawImage(imgDetail.path, 0, 0, Number(that.canvasWidth), Number(that.canvasHeight)); ctx.draw(false, function () { setTimeout(() => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'attendCanvasId', success(res) { that.compressImg(res.tempFilePath) // 缩放成功后压缩 }, fail(res) { wx.showToast({ title: 'canvas缩放失败', icon: 'none'}); } }); }, 200); }); }else{ // 图片最长边未超过1440,无需进行缩放,直接掉起压缩方法 that.canvasWidth = imgDetail.width that.canvasHeight = imgDetail.height that.compressImg(imgDetail.path) } } }) } //压缩操作 compressImg(path){ var that = this wx.compressImage({ src: path, quality: 75, // 压缩质量 success(e){ let i = e.tempFilePath.lastIndexOf ('.',(e.tempFilePath.lastIndexOf (".")-1)); let name = e.tempFilePath.substring(i+1, e.tempFilePath.length) //截取到微信临时路径的最后一段名称 //保存到临时数组,可以遍历通过image标签在前端显示 that.originalFileInfoArr.push({name:name, size:500, filePath:e.tempFilePath}) wx.hideLoading(); }, fail(){ wx.showToast({ title: '压缩失败', icon: 'none'}); } }) }
以上就是 短视频带货源码,图片上传前的缩放和压缩操作,更多内容欢迎关注之后的文章