get('/') do 'this is a simple app' end这些方法对应于HTTP的各个方法,对于get方法,他会同时定义GET和HEAD这两个句柄:
def get(path, opts = {}, &block) conditions = @conditions.dup route('GET', path, opts, &block) @conditions = conditions route('HEAD', path, opts, &block) end def put(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'PUT', def post(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'POST', def delete(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'DELETE', path, opts, &bk end def head(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'HEAD', path, opts, &bk end def options(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'OPTIONS', path, opts, &bk end def patch(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'PATCH', path, opts, &bk end def link(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'LINK', path, opts, &bk end def unlink(path, opts = {}, &bk) route 'UNLINK', path, opts, &bk end由上面可以看到这些方法都调用了route这个方法,所以我们重点看下这个方法的实现
def route(verb, path, options = {}, &block) # Because of self.options.host host_name(options.delete(:host)) if options.key?(:host) enable :empty_path_info if path == "" and empty_path_info.nil? signature = compile!(verb, path, block, options) (@routes[verb] ||= []) << signature invoke_hook(:route_added, verb, path, block) signature end这个方法的参数介绍如下:
signature = compile!(verb, path, block, options)
def compile!(verb, path, block, options = {}) options.each_pair { |option, args| send(option, *args) } method_name = "#{verb} #{path}" unbound_method = generate_method(method_name, &block) pattern, keys = compile path conditions, @conditions = @conditions, [] wrapper = block.arity != 0 ? proc { |a,p| unbound_method.bind(a).call(*p) } : proc { |a,p| unbound_method.bind(a).call } wrapper.instance_variable_set(:@route_name, method_name) [ pattern, keys, conditions, wrapper ] end这个函数主要有两个作用,一个就是根据verb path 以及block做了一个以”#{verb} #{path}”为 函数名,block为函数体的非绑定的方法,然后将这个方法和proc对象wrapper绑定起来,另 一个作用相信大家也看到了:
pattern, keys = compile path这个compile方法是用来解析URL匹配范式,根据我们写的URL得出匹配符用于将来处理请求时 正则匹配对应的路由,而且将我们URL中的具名参数解析了出来,将具名参数名作为键,方便 我们直接访问这些参数。
module Sinatra class Application <; Base # we assume that the first file that requires 'sinatra' is the # app_file. all other path related options are calculated based # on this path by default. set :app_file, caller_files.first || $0 set :run, Proc.new { File.expand_path($0) == File.expand_path(app_file) } if run? &&; ARGV.any? require 'optparse' OptionParser.new { |op| op.on('-p port', 'set the port (default is 4567)') { |val| set :port, Integer(val) } op.on('-o addr', "set the host (default is #{bind})") { |val| set :bind, val } op.on('-e env', 'set the environment (default is development)') { |val| set :environment, val.to_sym } op.on('-s server', 'specify rack server/handler (default is thin)') { |val| set :server, val } op.on('-x', 'turn on the mutex lock (default is off)') { set :lock, true } }.parse!(ARGV.dup) end end at_exit { Application.run! if $!.nil? && Application.run? } end这里就是利用ruby类的开放性,动态的给Application增加了一些代码,当Application被加载 时,就会执行这里面的代码,这块代码就做了两件事:设置命令行参数,启动服务,命令行参 数这块很简单,我们直接看启动服务这块:
at_exit { Application.run! if $!.nil? && Application.run? }大家注意到这里用到了at_exit这个方法,这个方法作用就是在整个ruby程序结束后再执行 block中的代码,为什么要这么做呢?原因很简单,这里就相当于Sinatra将我们所写的代码执 行完毕(路由注册,各种过滤器处理等等)后再启动服务。我们主要看下run!方法:
def run!(options = {}, &block) return if running? set options handler = detect_rack_handler handler_name = handler.name.gsub(/.*::/, '') server_settings = settings.respond_to?(:server_settings) ? settings.server_settings : {} server_settings.merge!(:Port => port, :Host => bind) begin start_server(handler, server_settings, handler_name, &block) rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE $stderr.puts "== Someone is already performing on port #{port}!" raise ensure quit! end end这块代码主要就是确定我们起服务所要用的服务器句柄(rack应用程序就是通过这些服务器句 柄来启动服务器的),然后设置好端口,IP,最后启动服务器。
三、请求处理 前面说了很多,不过都是相当于Sinatra的初始化,当我们服务端接收到请求后,Sinatra会怎 么做呢?
对于rack应用程序,当收到请求后,就会执行rack程序的call方法,前面我们看到了Base类中 就实现了call接口,我们进去看下这里面做了什么:
def call(env) dup.call!(env) end def call!(env) # :nodoc: @env = env @request = Request.new(env) @response = Response.new @params = indifferent_params(@request.params) template_cache.clear if settings.reload_templates force_encoding(@params) @response['Content-Type'] = nil invoke { dispatch! } invoke { error_block!(response.status) } unless @env['sinatra.error'] unless @response['Content-Type'] if Array === body and body[0].respond_to? :content_type content_type body[0].content_type else content_type :html end end @response.finish end我们直接看call!方法就行了,这里面一开始根据环境参数实例化request,然后实例化 response,接着获取具名参数对应的值。
@env = env @request = Request.new(env) @response = Response.new @params = indifferent_params(@request.params)前面准备工作完毕后,接下来就是真正执行我们请求的地方了
invoke { dispatch! }我们进去看下dispatch!方法:
def dispatch! invoke do static! if settings.static? && (request.get? || request.head?) filter! :before route! end rescue ::Exception => boom invoke { handle_exception!(boom) } ensure begin filter! :after unless env['sinatra.static_file'] rescue ::Exception => boom invoke { handle_exception!(boom) } unless @env['sinatra.error'] end end这个方法其实就是调度请求,执行请求所对应的程序,具体实现在route!方法中:
def route!(base = settings, pass_block = nil) if routes = base.routes[@request.request_method] routes.each do |pattern, keys, conditions, block| returned_pass_block = process_route(pattern, keys, conditions) do |*args| env['sinatra.route'] = block.instance_variable_get(:@route_name) route_eval { block[*args] } end # don't wipe out pass_block in superclass pass_block = returned_pass_block if returned_pass_block end end # Run routes defined in superclass. if base.superclass.respond_to?(:routes) return route!(base.superclass, pass_block) end route_eval(&pass_block) if pass_block route_missing end前面我们说过,路由注册进来后呢,保存的数据结构是类似于这样的:
{‘GET’ => [[pattern, keys, conditions, block], [pattern, keys, conditions, block]......], ‘POST’ => [......]}所以下面这部分代码就是遍历查找匹配的路由,然后执行我们所写的那些语句块
routes.each do |pattern, keys, conditions, block| returned_pass_block = process_route(pattern, keys, conditions) do |*args| env['sinatra.route'] = block.instance_variable_get(:@route_name) route_eval { block[*args] } end ...... end大家可能注意到,正是因为他这个遍历,所以我们所写的路由他的匹配顺序是有先后的,先定义的路由若能匹配上,那就会执行先定义的路由。
route!这个方法后面他还会执行我们这个应用的父类的对应的请求的路由,为什么会这么做 呢?我的理解可能是:如果我们利用Sinatra编写模块化应用,我们可能会有多个继承 Sinatra::Base的类,我们如果将其中一个类作为代理,那么我们真正的应用应该是代理的父 类,这样的话的,Sinatra就会先执行代理中的路由然后再执行我们应用中的路由,当然我也没 有这样写过哈,这仅仅是我的一些看法,如有不同想法,欢迎随时交流。