早期的intel 4000系列由四个不同的芯片组成:
1.4001芯片. 2048位ROM,带有一个4位可编程输入输出端口(4001);
2.4002芯片.4位寄存器x 20个位置x 4位RAM数据存储器,带有一个4位输出端口(4002);
4.4004芯片. 4位CPU芯片(4004)。
封装术语: https://www.cnblogs.com/aozhejin/p/16124116.html
The 4004, the world's first microprocessor, is signed with the initials F.F., for Federico Faggin, its designer. Signing the chip was a spontaneous gesture of proud authorship. It was also an original idea, imitated after him by others. Faggin initially etched the F.F. inside the design. Later he moved them to its border, like the autograph on a work of art. The signature is a particularly poignant testimony because, at the time of its birth, the first microprocessor, far from being considered a milestone by Intel's management, represented a diversion from the mainline business of the company which was memory chips.
世界上第一款微处理器4004的首字母缩写为F.F.,代表其设计者费德里科·法金(Federico Faggin)。在芯片上签名是对作者身份自豪的自发表现。这也是一个独创的想法,被其他人模仿。法金最初在设计中蚀刻了F.F。后来他把它们移到了边上,就像一件艺术品上的签名一样。这个签名是一个特别令人痛心的见证,因为在其诞生时,第一台微处理器远远没有被英特尔管理层视为里程碑,而是代表着从该公司的主营内存芯片业务的转移。
The birth of the 4004 was an intense moment witnessed by Faggin alone, working into the night in the deserted Intel labs. He had received the 4004 wafers from the manufacturing line at around 6 PM, in January 1971, as people were leaving for the day. With hands trembling and heart pounding he loaded the wafers in the wafer prober and connected it to the tester. A sigh of relief raised from his chest, above the humming of the instruments, as he observed electrical activity in the device. As the testing progressed, the tension was gradually transforming into elation as all the critical functions showed to be operating properly. At around 3 AM, exhausted and ecstatic, Faggin left the lab. At home his wife, Elvia, was waiting for the news. "It works"! he announced, and they shared the happiness in this moment of triumph.
关于MCS-4 芯片组
The MCS-4 chipset was a set of devices to make it possible to build a complete computer system.
4001 | 2048-bit Mask Programmable MOS ROM and 4-bit I/O |
4002 | 320-bit MOS RAM and 4-bit output port () |
4003 | 10-bit Serial-in/Parallel-out, Serial-out MOS Shift Register |
4004 | 4-bit Central Processor Unit with 45 instructions |
MCS-4 family was later expanded to MCS-4/40. Link to 4040 section.
MCS-40 family(mcs-40家族芯片,mcs-40是msc-4的继承者)
The MCS-40 family was a set of devices to make it possible to build a complete computer system.
4008/4009 | standard memory and I/O interface set |
4040 | 4-bit Central Processor Unit with 60 instructions |
4101 | 256 x 4 RAM |
4201 | clock generator |
4265 | programmable general purpose I/O device |
4269 | programmable keyboard display device |
4289 | standard memory interface |
4308 | 1024-bit mask programmable ROM and four 4-bit I/O Ports |
4316/2316 | 2048-bit ROM |
4702/1702 | 2048-bit Erasable and Electrically Reprogrammable MOS ROM (Static) |
关于专利No. 3,821,715的阐述
这是一个奇怪的事实,MCS-4的特定总线组织(本专利的主要主题)负责大幅降低系统的吞吐量,否则硅栅技术可能会降低系统的吞吐量。根据Les Vadasz和Andy Grove的要求,所有芯片只能使用16针封装。通过使用单独的地址和数据线,而不是时间多路复用的4位总线,可以创建指令周期为4微秒(3个时钟周期)而不是实际的10.7微秒(8个时钟周期)的4004。正是由于硅栅技术优于金属栅技术,MCS-4的性能仍然优于罗克韦尔PPS-4,后者是一种采用金属栅MOS技术制造的具有竞争力的4位芯片组。PPS-4于1972年夏天推出,采用了动态四阶段设计技术,这是当时最有效的金属门随机逻辑设计方法,所有芯片都封装在42针封装中。PPS-4 CPU可以在3个时钟周期内获取和执行指令,因为它使用单独的地址和数据行。最大时钟频率为200kHz(相对于MCS-4的750kHz),PPS-4指令周期为15微秒(相对于MCS-4的10.7微秒)。
Earliest papers on the Fairchild 3708:
Federico Faggin and Thomas Klein.: "A Faster Generation Of MOS Devices With Low Thresholds Is Riding The Crest Of The New Wave, Silicon-Gate IC’s". "Electronics" magazine, September 29, 1969. The cover features the Fairchild 3708, the world's first commercial integrated circuit using Silicon Gate Technology, designed by Federico Faggin at Fairchild in 1968. 翻译:关于Fairchild(飞兆半导体公司) 3708的论文: 费德里科·法金和托马斯·克莱因:“更快一代的低阈值MOS器件正登上硅栅IC新浪潮的顶峰。”。《电子》杂志,1969年9月29日。 封面展示了Fairchild 3708,这是世界上第一款采用硅栅技术的商业集成电路,由费德里科·法金于1968年在Fairchild设计。
网址 | 备注 |
http://www.intel4004.com/ | intel 4004介绍 |
http://www.cpu-museum.com/ | cpu博物馆,介绍cpu相关知识 |
https://www.4004.com/ |
图瓦设计提供博物馆耐用展览技术、互动展览设计和项目管理服务。我们还为非营利组织设计高可靠性微处理器控制系统组织 |
https://www.howtogeek.com/766783/the-microprocessor-is-50-celebrating-the-intel-4004/ | 一篇庆祝intel4004 50周年的文章(提到关于intel 4004是否是世界上第一个第一个微处理器的问题) |
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/news/intel-marks-50th-anniversary-4004.html#gs.gmpx26 | |
http://everything.explained.today/Intel_4004/ | |
http://everything.explained.today/Federico_Faggin/ | 这里对该物理学家阐述的非常详细 |
http://www.intel4004.com/papers.htm | 论文 |
http://www.intel4004.com/4000_family.htm | 概述intel 4000家族成员 |
https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/intel/mcs-4/4004 | wiki一般访问不了,但是wikichip一般都是可以访问的 |
http://www.intel4004.com/patents.htm | 专利 |
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/history/museum-story-of-intel-4004.html | (intel 官网讲述4004的故事) |
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/company-overview/intel-museum.html (intel 公司历史) |
http://www.cpu-zone.com/index.html | |
http://www.cpu-zone.com/MCS-4_chipset.htm | |
http://www.cpu-zone.com/4040.htm |
http://www.cpu-zone.com/Collection.xls 收集的早期的cpu型号信息. | |
MCS4 datasheet 数据手册 | |
https://4004.com/2009/Busicom-141PF-Calculator_asm_rel-1-0-1.txt | |
http://datasheets.chipdb.org/Intel/MCS-4/datashts/MCS4_Data_Sheet_Nov71.pdf | |
//电路图 |
https://www.4004.com/assets/redrawn-4004-schematics-2006-11-12.pdf |
//半导体的晶片生产过程 | |
https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1727745146836368589&wfr=spider&for=pc | |
https://www.computerhistory.org/tdih/November/15/ | November 15, 1971 |
https://www.howtogeek.com/694869/what-is-a-cpu-and-what-does-it-do/ |
What Is a CPU, and What Does It Do? |
https://www.howtogeek.com/403953/how-are-cpus-actually-made/ | How Are CPUs Actually Made?(cpu是如何制造的) |
https://www.howtogeek.com/394267/what-do-7nm-and-10nm-mean-and-why-do-they-matter/ | What Do "7nm" and "10nm" Mean for CPUs, and Why Do They Matter? |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_8080 | |
https://siliconthebook.com/ | 关于intel4004的书 |
相关关键词: | MCS-4 intel,Busicom 141-PF |
https://www.computerhistory.org/siliconengine/microprocessor-integrates-cpu-function-onto-a-single-chip/ | 关于微处理器 |