字符串默认就是按字典顺序 Z 到 A 的排序:order by cust_name desc
先按顾客 ID 对结果进行排序,再按订单日期倒序排列。直接在order by中写多个字段即可。 select cust_id,order_num from Orders order by cust_id, order_date desc;
where prod_desc like '%toy%';
where prod_desc not like '%toy%';
where prod_desc like '%toy%' and prod_desc like '%carrots%' ;
字符串的截取:substring(字符串,起始位置(从1开始),截取字符数) 字符串的拼接:concat(字符串1,字符串2,字符串3,...) concat(substring(cust_name,1,2),substring(cust_city,1,3))
select order_num,order_date from Orders where date_format(order_date,'%Y-%m')='2020-01' order by order_date 或者 where month(order_date) = 1 and year(order_date) = 2020
最大值---max() 最小值---min() 平均值---avg() 总值 ---sum() 总数 ---count()
having--过滤分组,与group by连用
having 不能单独使用,必须和group by 联合使用
select order_num from OrderItems group by order_num having sum(quantity)>=100 order by order_num
join---连接表,对列操作 union--连接表,对行操作。 union--将两个表做行拼接,同时自动删除重复的行。 union all---将两个表做行拼接,保留重复的行。 只用一条select语句,那就用or不用union了