
【图像隐藏】基于 FFT实现数字水印嵌入含Matlab源码

本文主要是介绍【图像隐藏】基于 FFT实现数字水印嵌入含Matlab源码,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1 简介

基于 FFT实现数字水印嵌入

2 部分代码

%Watermarking based on FFTclcclear allclose all%Reading Original Image[FileName,FilePath] = uigetfile('*.*');Image = imread([FilePath,FileName]);if size(image,3) == 1    Image = rgb2gray (Image);end[ImageRows,ImageColoumns] = size(Image);%Reading Logo[FileName,FilePath] = uigetfile('*.*');Logo = imread([FilePath,FileName]);if size(Logo,3) == 1    Logo = rgb2gray(Logo);endLogo = im2bw(Logo,0.7);[LogoRows,LogoColoumns] = size(Logo);figure, subplot(2,3,1),imshow(Image);title('Original Image') subplot(2,3,4),imshow(Logo);title('Logo')%Water Mark Logo, lines 17 & 18 also can be used for Logo extraction.ImageFFT = fft2(Image);ImageFFTshift = fftshift(ImageFFT);ImageFFTshift2 = ImageFFTshift;%Is used for inserting the Logo far from center of FFT.%Inserting the Logo to center of the FFT shifted Image. ImageFFTshift(ImageRows / 2:(ImageRows / 2+ LogoRows - 1), ...ImageColoumns / 2 :(ImageColoumns / 2 + LogoColoumns - 1)) = Logo;% Reversing the FFT to obtain Image in spatial domain.WaterMArkedImage = ifftshift(ImageFFTshift);WaterMArkedImage = ifft2(WaterMArkedImage);subplot(2,3,2),imshow(uint8(WaterMArkedImage))title('Watermarked Image')subplot(2,3,5),imshow(ImageFFTshift);title('Embeded Logo in FFT2')%Inserting the Logo outside the center of the FFT shifted Image. ImageFFTshift2(10:(10 + LogoRows - 1),5 : 5 + LogoColoumns - 1)= Logo;WaterMArkedImage2 = ifftshift(ImageFFTshift2);WaterMArkedImage2 = ifft2(WaterMArkedImage2);subplot(2,3,3),imshow(uint8(WaterMArkedImage2));title('Watermarked Image')subplot(2,3,6),imshow(ImageFFTshift2);title('Embeded Logo in FFT2')%When logo is far from center Image quality dose not change!​

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献



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