DATAS SEGMENT buf db '12ADdf#gh592HKL*','$' tp1 db 0;大写字母个数 tp2 db 0;小写字母个数 tp3 db 0;数字的个数 tp4 db 0;其他字符的个数 str1 db 'the number of big is:','$' str2 db 'the number of small is:','$' str3 db 'the number of number is:','$' str4 db 'the number of other is:','$' str5 db 0dH,0aH,'$';换行 DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT ;此处输入堆栈段代码 STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS START: MOV AX,DATAS MOV DS,AX lea si, buf mov cx, 16;设置循环次数 again: ;字符串结尾,结束程序 cmp byte ptr[si],'&' je exit ;0-9 cmp byte ptr[si],30h;小于30,其他字符加1 jb L1 cmp byte ptr[si],39h;大于39进一步比较 jbe L2 cmp byte ptr[si],41h jb L1 cmp byte ptr[si],5AH jbe L3 cmp byte ptr[si],61h jb L1 cmp byte ptr[si],7AH jbe L4 L1: inc tp4 jmp L5 L2: inc tp3 jmp L5 L3: inc tp1 jmp L5 L4: inc tp2 jmp L5 L5: add si,1 loop again ;显示大写字母 lea dx,str1 mov ah,09h int 21h mov bl,tp1 call disp ;调用子程序 mov ah,09h lea dx,str5 int 21h ;显示小写字母 lea dx,str2 mov ah,09h int 21h mov bl,tp2 call disp ;调用子程序 mov ah,09h lea dx,str5 int 21h ;显示数字 lea dx,str3 mov ah,09h int 21h mov bl,tp3 call disp ;调用子程序 mov ah,09h lea dx,str5 int 21h ;显示其他 lea dx,str4 mov ah,09h int 21h mov bl,tp4 call disp ;调用子程序 mov ah,09h lea dx,str5 int 21h exit: MOV AH,4CH INT 21H disp PROC ;显示BX中的数 mov ch,4 roll: mov cl,4 rol bx,cl mov dl,bl and dl,0fh cmp dl,9 jbe next1 add dl,07h next1: add dl,30h mov ah,02h int 21h dec ch jnz roll RET disp ENDP CODES ENDS END START
datas segment letter db ? digit db ? other db ? string label byte max db 80 act db ? str db 80 dup(?) print db 13,10,'Please enter the string:','$' mess1 db 13,10, 'The total number of letter : ','$' mess2 db 13,10,'The total number of digit : ','$' mess3 db 13,10,'The total number of other character : ','$' datas ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:datas start: push ds sub ax,ax push ax mov ax,datas mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov letter,0 mov digit,0 mov other,0 lea dx,print mov ah,09h int 21h lea dx,string mov ah,0ah int 21h sub ch,ch mov cl,[string+1] lea si,string+2 digitseg: mov al,[si] ;数字判断,小于0为其他,0到9为数字 cmp al,'0' jb otherseg cmp al,'9' ja letterseg inc digit jmp loop1 letterseg: cmp al,'A' ;大写字母判断,9之后,大于9,小于A为其他,A到Z为字母 jb otherseg cmp al,'Z' ja letter2seg inc letter jmp loop1 letter2seg: cmp al,'a' ;小写字母判断,大于Z,小于a为其他,a到z为字母 jb otherseg cmp al,'z' ja otherseg inc letter jmp loop1 otherseg: inc other ;上文中未被识别出的字符均为其他 loop1: inc si dec cl cmp cl,0 jz print1 jne digitseg print1: lea dx,mess1 ;输出mess1,字母 mov ah,09h int 21h mov al,letter call disp lea dx, mess2 ;输出mess2,数字 mov ah,09h int 21h mov al,digit call disp lea dx, mess3 ;输出mess3,其他 mov ah,09h int 21h mov al,other call disp exit: mov ah, 4ch int 21h disp: ;十进制数形式显示AL中的内容. mov ah, 0 mov bl, 10 div bl ;div 无符号:div src 16位操作:商ax=(dx,ax)/src,余数dx add al, 30h ;比如说al=15h,即21,表示letter数量,然后,这个过程就是,ax=0015h(21),除以bl,bl值为10 mov dl, al ;则除完了的结果为2余1,则ah=01,al=02,即ax=0102h;,那么al+30h即为表示该数字的ASCII码值,因为0的ASCII值为30h mov bh, ah ;则ax=0132h,dl=32,bh=01; mov ah, 02h ;显示输出dx,则显示32码对应的数字,2 int 21h mov al, bh ;把01给al,然后算出ASCII码,然后给dx,然后显示 add al, 30h mov dl, al mov ah, 02h int 21h ret code ends end start
1 | 2 | 3 | A | B | c | , | . | ? | |
letter | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||
digit | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||
other | 1 | 2 | 3 |