原文地址: http://blog.duhbb.com/2022/02/09/on-mysql-low-case-table-names/
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今天导库, 启动项目, 结果尼玛项目起不来, changelog疯狂执行, 正常情况下不会出现这样的. 找了好半天原因才发现库中存在同名但是大小写不一致的表名.
bug: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=90695
MySQL 8.0 新增了data dictionary的概念,数据初始化的时候在linux下默认使用lower-case-table-names=0
在MySQL 5.7 之前则允许数据库初始化和启动的值不一致且以启动值为准。在MySQL 官方提供的RPM包中默认是使用lower-case-table-names=0
After initialization, is is not allowed to change this setting.So “lower_case_table_names” needs to be set together with --initialize .
It is prohibited to start the server with a lower_case_table_names setting that is different from the setting used when the server was initialized. The restriction is necessary because collations used by various data dictionary table fields are determined by the setting defined when the server is initialized, and restarting the server with a different setting would introduce inconsistencies with respect to how identifiers are ordered and compared.
It is therefore necessary to configure lower_case_table_names to the desired setting before initializing the server. In most cases, this requires configuring lower_case_table_names in a MySQL option file before starting the MySQL server for the first time. For APT installations on Debian and Ubuntu, however, the server is initialized for you, and there is no opportunity to configure the setting in an option file beforehand. You must therefore use the debconf-set-selection utility prior to installing MySQL using APT to enable lower_case_table_names.
的值为0, 也就是大小写敏感, 这个需要在初始化的时候指定, 不指定就是0, 1表示忽略表名大小写.
mysqld --user=mysql --lower-case-table-names=1 --initialize-insecure --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/data/mysql/node1
反正我在debian上用apt-get安装时mysql data目录默认是/var/lib/mysql
先删除mysql的data目录, 由于我是本机环境, 所以不用备份.
mysqld --user=mysql --lower_case_table_names=1 --initialize-insecure
[mysqld] lower_case_table_names=1
到这里通过service mysql restart
show variables like ''
; 可能不一样。注意:如果在配置文件里给出的某个选项是mysqld无法识别的,MySQL服务器将不启动。
There are several ways to see the names and values of system variables:
To see the values that a server uses based on its compiled-in defaults and any option files that it reads, use this command:
mysqld --verbose --help
To see the values that a server uses based only on its compiled-in defaults, ignoring the settings in any option files, use this command:
mysqld --no-defaults --verbose --help
原文地址: http://blog.duhbb.com/2022/02/09/on-mysql-low-case-table-names/
欢迎访问我的博客: http://blog.duhbb.com/