void sentinelCheckSubjectivelyDown(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) { mstime_t elapsed = mstime() - ri->last_avail_time; /* Check if we are in need for a reconnection of one of the * links, because we are detecting low activity. * * 1) Check if the command link seems connected, was connected not less * than SENTINEL_MIN_LINK_RECONNECT_PERIOD, but still we have an * idle time that is greater than down_after_period / 2 seconds. */ if (ri->cc && (mstime() - ri->cc_conn_time) > SENTINEL_MIN_LINK_RECONNECT_PERIOD && (mstime() - ri->last_pong_time) > (ri->down_after_period/2)) { sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->cc); } /* 2) Check if the pubsub link seems connected, was connected not less * than SENTINEL_MIN_LINK_RECONNECT_PERIOD, but still we have no * activity in the Pub/Sub channel for more than * SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD * 3. */ if (ri->pc && (mstime() - ri->pc_conn_time) > SENTINEL_MIN_LINK_RECONNECT_PERIOD && (mstime() - ri->pc_last_activity) > (SENTINEL_PUBLISH_PERIOD*3)) { sentinelKillLink(ri,ri->pc); } /* Update the SDOWN flag. We believe the instance is SDOWN if: * * 1) It is not replying. * 2) We believe it is a master, it reports to be a slave for enough time * to meet the down_after_period, plus enough time to get two times * INFO report from the instance. */ if (elapsed > ri->down_after_period || (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER && ri->role_reported == SRI_SLAVE && mstime() - ri->role_reported_time > (ri->down_after_period+SENTINEL_INFO_PERIOD*2))) { /* Is subjectively down */ if ((ri->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) == 0) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+sdown",ri,"%@"); ri->s_down_since_time = mstime(); /* 打开主观下线标志 */ ri->flags |= SRI_S_DOWN; } } else { /* Is subjectively up */ if (ri->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-sdown",ri,"%@"); ri->flags &= ~(SRI_S_DOWN|SRI_SCRIPT_KILL_SENT); } } }
void sentinelCheckObjectivelyDown(sentinelRedisInstance *master) { dictIterator *di; dictEntry *de; int quorum = 0, odown = 0; if (master->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) { /* Is down for enough sentinels? */ quorum = 1; /* the current sentinel. */ /* Count all the other sentinels. */ /* 遍历master的sentinels字典,判断他们是否认为该master主观下线 */ di = dictGetIterator(master->sentinels); while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de); if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER_DOWN) quorum++; } dictReleaseIterator(di); /* 可以判断为客观下线 */ if (quorum >= master->quorum) odown = 1; } /* Set the flag accordingly to the outcome. */ if (odown) { if ((master->flags & SRI_O_DOWN) == 0) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+odown",master,"%@ #quorum %d/%d", quorum, master->quorum); master->flags |= SRI_O_DOWN; master->o_down_since_time = mstime(); } } else { if (master->flags & SRI_O_DOWN) { sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-odown",master,"%@"); master->flags &= ~SRI_O_DOWN; } } }
L10~L17:通过监视该master的所有Sentinel投票来决定 本机sentinel认定该master 客观下线;