
postgresql/lightdb prepare、bind、execute与fetch cursor的内核与jdbc驱动实现详解

本文主要是介绍postgresql/lightdb prepare、bind、execute与fetch cursor的内核与jdbc驱动实现详解,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!


In the extended-query protocol, execution of SQL commands is divided into multiple steps. The state retained between steps is represented by two types of objects: prepared statements and portals. A prepared statement represents the result of parsing and semantic analysis of a textual query string. A prepared statement is not in itself ready to execute, because it might lack specific values for parameters. A portal represents a ready-to-execute or already-partially-executed statement, with any missing parameter values filled in. (For SELECT statements, a portal is equivalent to an open cursor, but we choose to use a different term since cursors don't handle non-SELECT statements.)

The overall execution cycle consists of a parse step, which creates a prepared statement from a textual query string; a bind step, which creates a portal given a prepared statement and values for any needed parameters; and an execute step that runs a portal's query. In the case of a query that returns rows (SELECT, SHOW, etc), the execute step can be told to fetch only a limited number of rows, so that multiple execute steps might be needed to complete the operation.

The backend can keep track of multiple prepared statements and portals (but note that these exist only within a session, and are never shared across sessions). Existing prepared statements and portals are referenced by names assigned when they were created. In addition, an “unnamed” prepared statement and portal exist. Although these behave largely the same as named objects, operations on them are optimized for the case of executing a query only once and then discarding it, whereas operations on named objects are optimized on the expectation of multiple uses.

不同于SIMPLE QUERY,P B E的入口不太一样:

        switch (firstchar)
            case 'Q':            /* simple query */
                    const char *query_string;

                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);

                    if (am_walsender)
                        if (!exec_replication_command(query_string))

                    send_ready_for_query = true;

            case 'P':            /* parse */
                    const char *stmt_name;
                    const char *query_string;
                    int            numParams;
                    Oid           *paramTypes = NULL;


                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    stmt_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    query_string = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    numParams = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 2);
                    if (numParams > 0)
                        paramTypes = (Oid *) palloc(numParams * sizeof(Oid));
                        for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
                            paramTypes[i] = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);

                    exec_parse_message(query_string, stmt_name,
                                       paramTypes, numParams);

            case 'B':            /* bind */

                /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                 * this message is complex enough that it seems best to put
                 * the field extraction out-of-line

            case 'E':            /* execute */
                    const char *portal_name;
                    int            max_rows;


                    /* Set statement_timestamp() */

                    portal_name = pq_getmsgstring(&input_message);
                    max_rows = pq_getmsgint(&input_message, 4);

                    exec_execute_message(portal_name, max_rows);


StorePreparedStatement prepare.c:432
PrepareQuery prepare.c:173
standard_ProcessUtility utility.c:737
pgss_ProcessUtility pg_stat_statements.c:1201
pgaudit_ProcessUtility_hook pgaudit.c:1412
ProcessUtility utility.c:521
PortalRunUtility pquery.c:1157
PortalRunMulti pquery.c:1303
PortalRun pquery.c:779
exec_simple_query postgres.c:1326
PostgresMain postgres.c:4445
BackendRun postmaster.c:4883
BackendStartup postmaster.c:4567
ServerLoop postmaster.c:1854
PostmasterMain postmaster.c:1487
main main.c:231
__libc_start_main 0x00007f32f566f555
_start 0x0000000000484799

  PREPARE时,语句将被parsed, analyzed, and rewritten。BIND的时候被plan,EXECUTE的时候被执行。

  最后通过调用StorePreparedStatement保存在per-backend prepared_queries哈希中(实际上把它放在全局变量的话,是可以做到backend无关的)。

FetchPreparedStatement prepare.c:477
UtilityReturnsTuples utility.c:2020
ChoosePortalStrategy pquery.c:258
PortalStart pquery.c:464
exec_simple_query postgres.c:1287
PostgresMain postgres.c:4445
BackendRun postmaster.c:4883
BackendStartup postmaster.c:4567
ServerLoop postmaster.c:1854
PostmasterMain postmaster.c:1487
main main.c:231
__libc_start_main 0x00007f32f566f555
_start 0x0000000000484799
GetCachedPlan plancache.c:1157
ExecuteQuery prepare.c:233
standard_ProcessUtility utility.c:742
pgss_ProcessUtility pg_stat_statements.c:1201
pgaudit_ProcessUtility_hook pgaudit.c:1412
ProcessUtility utility.c:521
PortalRunUtility pquery.c:1157
PortalRunMulti pquery.c:1303
PortalRun pquery.c:779
exec_simple_query postgres.c:1326
PostgresMain postgres.c:4445
BackendRun postmaster.c:4883
BackendStartup postmaster.c:4567
ServerLoop postmaster.c:1854
PostmasterMain postmaster.c:1487
main main.c:231
__libc_start_main 0x00007f32f566f555
_start 0x0000000000484799


  执行计划生成发生在BIND环节,因为CBO生成执行计划需要依赖于参数,选择custom还是generic执行计划也是在这一步。通过FetchPreparedStatement获取CachedPlanSource(未plan,所以叫plansource,至于已经plan的,那叫做generic plan,由choose_custom_plan和参数plan_cache_mode决定),如下:

 * Lookup an existing query in the hash table. If the query does not
 * actually exist, throw ereport(ERROR) or return NULL per second parameter.
 * Note: this does not force the referenced plancache entry to be valid,
 * since not all callers care.
PreparedStatement *
FetchPreparedStatement(const char *stmt_name, bool throwError)
    PreparedStatement *entry;

     * If the hash table hasn't been initialized, it can't be storing
     * anything, therefore it couldn't possibly store our plan.
    if (prepared_queries)
        entry = (PreparedStatement *) hash_search(prepared_queries,
        entry = NULL;

    if (!entry && throwError)
                 errmsg("prepared statement \"%s\" does not exist",

    return entry;


CachedPlan *
GetCachedPlan(CachedPlanSource *plansource, ParamListInfo boundParams,
              bool useResOwner, QueryEnvironment *queryEnv)
    /* Make sure the querytree list is valid and we have parse-time locks */
    qlist = RevalidateCachedQuery(plansource, queryEnv);

    /* Decide whether to use a custom plan */
    customplan = choose_custom_plan(plansource, boundParams);

    if (!customplan)
        if (CheckCachedPlan(plansource))
            /* We want a generic plan, and we already have a valid one */
            plan = plansource->gplan;
            Assert(plan->magic == CACHEDPLAN_MAGIC);
            /* Build a new generic plan */
            plan = BuildCachedPlan(plansource, qlist, NULL, queryEnv);
            /* Just make real sure plansource->gplan is clear */
            /* Link the new generic plan into the plansource */
            plansource->gplan = plan;
            /* Immediately reparent into appropriate context */
            if (plansource->is_saved)
                /* saved plans all live under CacheMemoryContext */
                MemoryContextSetParent(plan->context, CacheMemoryContext);
                plan->is_saved = true;
                /* otherwise, it should be a sibling of the plansource */
            /* Update generic_cost whenever we make a new generic plan */
            plansource->generic_cost = cached_plan_cost(plan, false);

             * If, based on the now-known value of generic_cost, we'd not have
             * chosen to use a generic plan, then forget it and make a custom
             * plan.  This is a bit of a wart but is necessary to avoid a
             * glitch in behavior when the custom plans are consistently big
             * winners; at some point we'll experiment with a generic plan and
             * find it's a loser, but we don't want to actually execute that
             * plan.
            customplan = choose_custom_plan(plansource, boundParams);

             * If we choose to plan again, we need to re-copy the query_list,
             * since the planner probably scribbled on it.  We can force
             * BuildCachedPlan to do that by passing NIL.
            qlist = NIL;

    if (customplan)
        /* Build a custom plan */
        plan = BuildCachedPlan(plansource, qlist, boundParams, queryEnv);
        /* Accumulate total costs of custom plans, but 'ware overflow */
        if (plansource->num_custom_plans < INT_MAX)
            plansource->total_custom_cost += cached_plan_cost(plan, true);










  显示执行的PREPARE会在pg_prepared_statements中实时显示预编译的语句,协议级的PREPARE则不会在此体现。因为postgresql的plancache是per backend的,所以要验证的话,就得在java中查询pg_prepared_statements。

zjh@postgres=# PREPARE fooplan (int, text, bool, numeric) AS
zjh@postgres-#     INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4);
zjh@postgres=# select * from pg_prepared_statements ;
  name   |                   statement                   |         prepare_time         |        parameter_types         | from_sql 
 fooplan | PREPARE fooplan (int, text, bool, numeric) AS+| 2022-01-26 10:04:10.81974+00 | {integer,text,boolean,numeric} | t
         |     INSERT INTO foo VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4);   |                              |                                | 
(1 row)


   * Turn on the use of prepared statements in the server (server side prepared statements are
   * unrelated to jdbc PreparedStatements) As of build 302, this method is equivalent to
   * <code>setPrepareThreshold(1)</code>.
   * @param flag use server prepare
   * @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
   * @since 7.3
   * @deprecated As of build 302, replaced by {@link #setPrepareThreshold(int)}
  void setUseServerPrepare(boolean flag) throws SQLException;


这篇关于postgresql/lightdb prepare、bind、execute与fetch cursor的内核与jdbc驱动实现详解的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持为之网!