from math import * import tkinter as tk from turtle import RawTurtle import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg matplotlib.use('TkAgg') f = plt.Figure(figsize=(2.55, 2.55), dpi=160) fmplot = f.add_subplot(111) password = '123456' def newwindow(): nwin = tk.Tk() nwin.title("激活软件") nwin.geometry("450x250+300+300") lb1 = tk.Label(nwin,text="输入激活码") lb1.pack() en1 = tk.Entry(nwin) en1.pack() bt1 = tk.Button(nwin,text='确认') bt1.pack() def on_closing(): if tk.messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): nwin.destroy() nwin.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) nwin.mainloop() def mt(): s = e1.get() x = np.linspace(-40, 40, 2000) x = list(x) y = [] xx = [] ss = "" i = 0 for i in x: ss = "" for c in s: if c == 'x': ss = ss + str(i) else: ss = ss + c try: yy = eval(ss) except: continue res = "f(x) = "+s+"\ny = \n"+str(yy) left.config(text=res) xx.append(i) y.append(yy) fmplot.cla() fmplot.grid() fmplot.plot(xx,y,2) canvs.draw() def tmt(): s = te1.get() if s == "": return x = np.linspace(-20, 20, 1000) x = list(x) y = [] xx = [] ss = "" i = 0 for i in x: ss = "" for c in s: if c == 'x': ss = ss + str(i) else: ss = ss + c try: yy = eval(ss) except: continue xx.append(i) y.append(yy) turtle.clear() turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("red") print(len(xx),len(y)) print(xx,"\n",y) j = 0 while j < len(y): if j == 0: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(xx[j],y[j]-50) res = "y = \n"+str(y[j]) left.config(text=res) j = j + 1 turtle.pendown() else: turtle.goto(xx[j],y[j]-50) res = "y = \n"+str(y[j]) left.config(text=res) j = j + 1 '''能运行,但绘图结果有问题''' def init_tkwindow(): tfmt = [] fmt = [] def addfm(): fm1 = tk.Frame(p3) fmt.append(fm1) p3.add(fm1) global e1 e1 = tk.Entry(fm1,width=300,background='yellow',borderwidth=2,fg="blue",font="黑体") e1.pack() global canvs canvs = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, fm1) canvs.draw() canvs.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) def addtfm(): tfm1 = tk.Frame(p3) tfmt.append(tfm1) p3.add(tfm1) global te1 te1 = tk.Entry(tfm1,width=300,background='yellow',borderwidth=2,fg="blue",font="黑体") te1.pack() canvs = tk.Canvas(tfm1) canvs.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) global turtle turtle = RawTurtle(canvs) def CardioidLine(): turtle.clear() i = 0 turtle.speed(5) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pensize(3) while (i <= 2 * 3.1415926): p = 80 * (1 - cos(i)) x = p * cos(i) y = p * sin(i) if i == 0: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x+120, y-120) res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) turtle.pendown() else: turtle.goto(x + 120, y - 120) res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) i = i + 0.01 def UnQuaEqu(): turtle.clear() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pensize(3) i = -70 while (i <= 110): if i == -70: turtle.penup() y = 0.02 * (i - 20) * (i - 20) + 50 turtle.goto(i + 200, y - 300) i = i + 0.1 res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) turtle.pendown() else: i = i + 0.1 y = 0.02 * (i - 20) * (i - 20) + 50 res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) turtle.goto(i+200, y-300) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(90) turtle.fd(230) turtle.seth(-70) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -70) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-110) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, 535) turtle.pendown() turtle.write("y", True, align="center") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-90) turtle.fd(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(0) turtle.fd(150) turtle.seth(-160) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(350, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(160) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(360, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.write("x", True, align="center") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -300) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-180) turtle.fd(150) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -420) turtle.write("一元二次方程图像:y = 0.02*(x-20)^2+50", True, align="center") turtle.goto(200, -600) def SinDot(): turtle.clear() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pensize(3) i = -130 while (i <= 130): if i == -130: turtle.penup() y = 60 * sin(0.06 * i + 0.5) + 20 turtle.goto(i+200, y-200) res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) i = i + 0.1 turtle.pendown() else: i = i + 0.1 y = 60 * sin(0.06 * i + 0.5) + 20 res = "y = \n" + str(y) left.config(text=res) turtle.goto(i+200, y-200) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(90) turtle.fd(230) turtle.seth(-70) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, 30) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-110) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-90) turtle.fd(90) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(0) turtle.fd(150) turtle.seth(-160) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(350, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(160) turtle.fd(15) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-180) turtle.fd(150) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -300) turtle.write("正弦函数方程图像:y = 60*math.sin(0.06*i+0.5)+20", True, align="center") turtle.goto(200, -300) def LineToFaceCos(): turtle.clear() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("blue") col = ["blue", "green"] def subline(x, coll, y=[]): turtle.pencolor(coll) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, -320) res = "x = \n" + str(x) left.config(text=res) turtle.pendown() for i in y: left.config(text=res) turtle.goto(x, i-200 - 2) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, i-200 + 2) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x, 30) k = 0 i = -150 while (i <= 150): if k == 2: k = 0 i = i + 1 y = [] y.append(70 * cos(0.06 * i + 4) + 20) subline(i+200, col[k], y) k = k + 1 def LineToFaceCircle(): turtle.clear() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("blue") col = ["yellow"] def subline(x, coll, y=[]): turtle.pencolor(coll) turtle.penup() res = "x = \n" + str(x) left.config(text=res) turtle.goto(x, -300) turtle.pendown() for i in y: if x >= -150+200 and x < -60+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 1.4) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 1.4) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() elif x >= -60+200 and x <= 0+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 0.8) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 0.8) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() if x > 0+200 and x <= 60+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 0.8) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 0.8) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() elif x >= 60+200 and x <= 150+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 1.4) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 1.4) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() turtle.goto(x, 120) k = 0 i = -150 while (i <= 150): if k == 1: k = 0 y = [] if i == 150 or i == -150: y.append(sqrt(22500 - i * i)) else: y.append(-sqrt(22500 - i * i)) y.append(sqrt(22500 - i * i)) subline(i+200, col[k], y) i = i + 1 k = k + 1 def LineToFaceTuoCircle(): turtle.clear() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("blue") col = ["gold"] def subline(x, coll, y=[]): turtle.pencolor(coll) turtle.penup() res = "x = \n" + str(x) left.config(text=res) turtle.goto(x, -200) turtle.pendown() for i in y: if x >= -150+200 and x < -60+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 1.4) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 1.4) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() elif x >= -60+200 and x <= 0+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 0.8) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("yellow") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 0.8) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() if x > 0+200 and x <= 60+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 0.8) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("orange") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 0.8) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() elif x >= 60+200 and x <= 150+200: turtle.goto(x, i-100 - 1.4) # tle.penup() turtle.pencolor("skyblue") turtle.goto(x, i-100 + 1.4) turtle.pencolor(coll) # tle.pendown() turtle.goto(x, 15) k = 0 i = -150 while (i <= 150): if k == 1: k = 0 y = [] if i == 150 or i == -150: y.append(sqrt(2500 - i * i * (1 / 9))) else: y.append(-sqrt(2500 - i * i * (1 / 9))) y.append(sqrt(2500 - i * i * (1 / 9))) subline(i+200, col[k], y) i = i + 1 k = k + 1 def FaceToVolume(): def turtleSet(): turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(2) turtle.pencolor("blue") def CreateXYZ(): turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(400, -200) turtle.seth(135) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(400, -200) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-135) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(403, -200) turtle.write("x(X)", font=("宋体", 16, "normal")) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(-60, -200) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(45) turtle.pendown() turtle.fd(210) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(3) turtle.write("y", font=("宋体", 16, "normal")) turtle.bk(3) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-180) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.bk(10) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-90) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.bk(10) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(-135) turtle.pendown() turtle.fd(200) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(90) turtle.pendown() turtle.fd(200) turtle.penup() turtle.fd(3) turtle.write("z(Y)", font=("宋体", 16, "normal")) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-135) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.bk(10) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(-45) turtle.fd(10) turtle.penup() turtle.bk(10) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(200, -200) turtle.seth(-90) turtle.pendown() turtle.fd(200) turtle.penup() def subline(x, coll, z, y=[]): turtle.pencolor(coll) turtle.penup() for y0 in y: res = "x = \n" + str(x)+"\ny = \n"+str(y0)+"\nz = "+str(z) left.config(text=res) if fabs(y0 - z) <= 0.0001: # print("OK",x,y0,z) turtle.goto(x, 0 + z) turtle.pendown() turtle.penup() else: turtle.goto(x, 0 + z) turtle.pendown() turtle.seth(45) turtle.fd(y0 / 2) turtle.bk(y0) turtle.penup() def subface(z, coll): k = 0 i = -150 while (i <= 150): if k == 1: k = 0 y = [] y.append(sqrt(2500 - i * i * (1 / 9))) subline(i+200, coll, z-200, y) i = i + 1 k = k + 1 def CreateV(): z = -50 col = ["blue", "green", "orange"] k = 0 while z <= 50: if k == 3: k = 0 if z == -50 or z == 50: subface(z, "green") else: subface(z, col[k]) z = z + 2 k = k + 1 turtle.clear() turtleSet() CreateXYZ() CreateV() CreateXYZ() def delfm(): if len(fmt) != 0: fmt[0].destroy() fmt.pop(0) if len(tfmt) != 0: tfmt[0].destroy() tfmt.pop(0) left.config(text="") global rootwindow rootwindow = tk.Tk() rootwindow.title("MathToolsPaint [Version 1.0.0]") rootwindow.geometry("750x700+300+200") p = tk.PanedWindow(orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,showhandle = False,sashrelief=tk.RAISED) p.pack(fill=tk.BOTH,expand=1) global left left = tk.Label(p, text="[结果输出]") p.add(left) p2 = tk.PanedWindow(orient=tk.VERTICAL,showhandle = False,sashrelief=tk.RAISED) p.add(p2) global fm0 fm0 = tk.Frame(p2) p2.add(fm0) global status status = [] status.append(False) status.append(False) status.append(False) def openToolbartext(): global tempfam tempfam = tk.Frame(fm0) tempfam.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) global templabel templabel = tk.Label(tempfam,text='工具栏位置') templabel.pack(fill=tk.BOTH,expand=1) status[0] = True openToolbartext() def openMpltBar(): if status[1] == False: try: tempfam.destroy() except: pass status[0] = False status[1] = True global fmtemp fmtemp = tk.Frame(fm0) fmtemp.pack(fill=tk.BOTH,expand=1) b1 = tk.Button(fmtemp, text='生成求解区域', command=addfm) b1.pack(side='left') b2 = tk.Button(fmtemp, text='解除求解区域', command=delfm) b2.pack(side='left') b3 = tk.Button(fmtemp, text='[MatPlotLibGo]', command=mt) b3.pack(side='left') def openTulrBar(): if status[2] == False: try: tempfam.destroy() except: pass status[0] = False status[2] = True global tfmtemp tfmtemp = tk.Frame(fm0) tfmtemp.pack(fill=tk.BOTH,expand=1) bb1= tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='turtle求解区域', command=addtfm) bb1.pack(side='left') bb2 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='解除求解区域', command=delfm) bb2.pack(side='left') bbgo = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='[TurtelGo]', command=tmt) bbgo.pack(side='left',padx=1) bb3 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='心形线', command=CardioidLine) bb3.pack(side='left') bb4 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='一元二次函数', command=UnQuaEqu) bb4.pack(side='left') bb5 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='正弦函数', command=SinDot) bb5.pack(side='left') bb6 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='余弦函数', command=LineToFaceCos) bb6.pack(side='left') bb7 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='圆函数', command=LineToFaceCircle) bb7.pack(side='left') bb8 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='椭圆函数', command=LineToFaceTuoCircle) bb8.pack(side='left') bb9 = tk.Button(tfmtemp, text='椭圆柱体', command=FaceToVolume) bb9.pack(side='left') def closeMpltBar(): try: fmtemp.destroy() except: pass status[1] = False if status[0] == False: openToolbartext() left.config(text="[结果输出]") def closeTulrBar(): try: tfmtemp.destroy() except: pass status[2] = False if status[0] == False: openToolbartext() left.config(text="[结果输出]") p3 = tk.PanedWindow(orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, showhandle=False, sashrelief=tk.RAISED) p2.add(p3) menub = tk.Menu(rootwindow) menu1 = tk.Menu(menub, tearoff=True,foreground='red') menu2 = tk.Menu(menub, tearoff=True,foreground='orange') menu3 = tk.Menu(menub, tearoff=True,foreground='purple') menu4 = tk.Menu(menub, tearoff=True,foreground='blue') menu5 = tk.Menu(menub, tearoff=True,bg='gold') menub.add_cascade(label="初等函数",menu=menu1) menub.add_cascade(label="Matplotlib绘制",menu=menu2) menub.add_cascade(label="Turtle绘制",menu=menu3) menub.add_cascade(label="帮助",menu=menu4) menub.add_cascade(label="作者", menu=menu5) menu1.add_command(label='待实现1',font=("黑体", 10)) menu1.add_command(label='待实现2',font=("黑体", 10)) menu2.add_command(label='开启MPLOT工具栏',font=("黑体", 10),command=openMpltBar) menu2.add_command(label='关闭MPLOT工具栏',font=("黑体", 10),command=closeMpltBar) menu3.add_command(label='开启TTLE具栏',font=("黑体", 10),command=openTulrBar) menu3.add_command(label='关闭TTLE具栏',font=("黑体", 10),command=closeTulrBar) menu4.add_command(label='使用说明',font=("黑体", 10)) menu4.add_command(label='激活软件',font=("黑体", 10),command=newwindow) menu5.add_command(label='姓名:***') menu5.add_command(label='CSDN:TDTX') menu5.add_command(label='Gitee:TDTXYZHH') rootwindow.config(menu = menub) def on_closing(): if tk.messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): rootwindow.destroy() rootwindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) try: rootwindow.mainloop() except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': init_tkwindow()