1.主要作用: 将流量平均分配 2.代理的方式 01 正向代理 外部想要访问服务器 先找代理 找到之后还需要找服务器 应用:VPN 02 反向代理 外部想要访问服务器 只需要找代理 不需要找服务器 应用:负载均衡
ngx_http_uwsgi_module : Python协议 ngx_http_fastcgi_module : PHP 协议 ngx_http_scgi_module : Java协议 ngx_http_v2_module : Golang协议 ngx_http_proxy_module : HTTP协议
# 部署web01 [root@web01 ~]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d 将所有 .conf 文件先打包 [root@web01 conf.d]# vim game5.conf server { listen 80; server_name; location / { root /opt/Super_Marie; index index.html; } } [root@web01 ~]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问 正常载入游戏就是正常部署web01
# 部署Nginx(编译安装 不能yum安装 否则负载均衡可能无法使用) 1.下载Nginx源代码包 [root@lb01 ~]# wget https://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.20.2.tar.gz 2.解压 [root@lb01 ~]# tar -xf nginx-1.20.2.tar.gz 3.进入源代码目录 [root@lb01 ~]# cd nginx-1.20.2 4.安装依赖包 [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# yum install openssl openssl-devel zlib zlib-devel -y 5.设置编译参数 [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# ./configure --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-stream --with-http_ssl_module 6.编译 [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# make 7.安装 [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# make install 8.优化 [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# mkdir /etc/nginx [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# mv /usr/local/nginx/conf/* /etc/nginx/ [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@lb01 nginx-1.20.2]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@lb01 conf.d]# cd .. [root@lb01 nginx]# >nginx.conf [root@lb01 nginx]# vim nginx.conf 内容可以从web中复制 [root@web01 nginx]# cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 将所有内容写入 [root@lb01 nginx]# vim nginx.conf 但是 user nginx; 要改为 user www; [root@lb01 nginx]# groupadd www -g 666 [root@lb01 nginx]# useradd www -u 666 -g 666 -M -r -s /sbin/nologin [root@lb01 nginx]# vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service 写入内容可以从web中复制 [root@web01 nginx]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service [Unit] Description=nginx - high performance web server Documentation=http://nginx.org/en/docs/ After=network-online.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/var/run/nginx.pid ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ExecReload=/bin/sh -c "/bin/kill -s HUP $(/bin/cat /var/run/nginx.pid)" ExecStop=/bin/sh -c "/bin/kill -s TERM $(/bin/cat /var/run/nginx.pid)" [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target [root@lb01 nginx]# cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin [root@lb01 sbin]# mv /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx /usr/sbin/ [root@lb01 sbin]# ln -s /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf [root@lb01 sbin]# mkdir /var/log/nginx [root@lb01 sbin]# systemctl start nginx [root@lb01 sbin]# nginx -t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 部署反向代理 [root@lb01 sbin]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
Syntax: proxy_set_header field value; Default: proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header Connection close; Context: http, server, location [root@lb01 conf.d]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf 在location / {}内 写入以下内容: # 用户请求的时候HOST的值是linux.proxy.com, 那么代理服务会像后端传递请求的还是linux.proxy.com proxy_set_header Host $http_host; # 将$remote_addr的值放进变量X-Real-IP中,$remote_addr的值为客户端的ip proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; # 客户端通过代理服务访问后端服务, 后端服务通过该变量会记录真实客户端地址 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
#nginx代理与后端服务器连接超时时间(代理连接超时) Syntax: proxy_connect_timeout time; Default: proxy_connect_timeout 60s; Context: http, server, location #nginx代理等待后端服务器的响应时间 Syntax: proxy_read_timeout time; Default: proxy_read_timeout 60s; Context: http, server, location #后端服务器数据回传给nginx代理超时时间 Syntax: proxy_send_timeout time; Default: proxy_send_timeout 60s; Context: http, server, location [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf 在location / {}内 写入以下内容: proxy_connect_timeout 1s; proxy_read_timeout 3s; proxy_send_timeout 3s; [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
#nignx会把后端返回的内容先放到缓冲区当中,然后再返回给客户端,边收边传, 不是全部接收完再传给客户端 Syntax: proxy_buffering on | off; Default: proxy_buffering on; Context: http, server, location #设置nginx代理保存用户头信息的缓冲区大小 Syntax: proxy_buffer_size size; Default: proxy_buffer_size 4k|8k; Context: http, server, location #proxy_buffers 缓冲区 Syntax: proxy_buffers number size; Default: proxy_buffers 8 4k|8k; Context: http, server, location [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf 在location / {}内 写入以下内容: proxy_buffering on; proxy_buffer_size 8k; proxy_buffers 8 8k; [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
[root@lb01 conf.d]# vim /etc/nginx/proxy_params proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_connect_timeout 10s; proxy_read_timeout 10s; proxy_send_timeout 10s; proxy_buffering on; proxy_buffer_size 8k; proxy_buffers 8 8k; [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf 只保留并修改为以下内容即可: server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
# 为什么要用负载均衡? 反向代理 只会将外部请求转发给某一台服务器 负载均衡 可以实现将外部请求转发给多台服务器
'''将后端服务打包成一个IP连接池''' 1.反向代理 server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://[连接池]; } } 2.IP连接池 upstream [连接池名称] { server [ip]:[port]; server [ip]:[port]; server [ip]:[port]; } # 实现客户请求转发至三台web服务器 01 准备文件(注意在不同的服务器操作) [root@web01 opt]# cd /opt [root@web01 opt]# tar -czvf Super_Marie.tar.gz Super_Marie [root@web01 opt]# scp Super_Marie.tar.gz [root@web01 opt]# scp Super_Marie.tar.gz [root@web02 opt]# tar -xf Super_Marie.tar.gz [root@web03 opt]# tar -xf Super_Marie.tar.gz 没有安装nginx的 执行安装 [root@web02 opt]# yum install nginx -y [root@web03 opt]# yum install nginx -y 在web01中 [root@web01 conf.d]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@web01 conf.d]# scp game5.conf [root@web01 conf.d]# scp game5.conf 在web02 和 web03中修改配置文件 保持一致 [root@web03 ~]# cd /etc/nginx [root@web03 nginx]# vim nginx.conf [root@web02 ~]# cd /etc/nginx [root@web02 nginx]# vim nginx.conf 将 :user nginx; 改为 :user www; [root@web02 nginx]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@web02 nginx]# systemctl restart nginx [root@web03 nginx]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@web03 nginx]# systemctl restart nginx 02 测试 在浏览器分别输入 | | 正常访问到游戏 则正常 如果有显示页面为 前期测试的考试系统页面 则执行: systemctl disable --now httpd systemctl restart nginx 到此 后端服务器三台都部署完成 03 编辑IP连接池 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server; server; server; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 04 通过监控日志测试 [root@web01 conf.d]# tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log [root@web02 nginx]# tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log [root@web03 nginx]# tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log 在浏览器访问 在三个web服务器都显示日志 则代表实现了负载均衡 ''' 监控日志: tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log '''
# 1.轮询 默认情况下,Nginx负载均衡就是轮询状态 就是将客户请求循环发送至每一台服务器(类似于平均) [root@web01 ~]# cd /opt/Super_Marie [root@web02 ~]# cd /opt/Super_Marie [root@web03 ~]# cd /opt/Super_Marie [root@web01 Super_Marie]# echo web01 > web.html [root@web02 Super_Marie]# echo web02 > web.html [root@web03 Super_Marie]# echo web03 > web.html 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server; server; server; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } 浏览器访问: 循环显示 web01 web02 web03 就正常 # 2.权重 Nginx中的权重0-100,数字越大,权重越高 weight数字越大 代表负载均衡会更大比例的将客户请求转发到对应的服务器 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server weight=9; server weight=5; server weight=1; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问: 刷新十次 6次显示 web01 3次 显示 web02 1次 显示 web03 # 3.ip_hash 每一个IP固定访问某一个后端 当有一个IP访问一台服务器时 该IP无论刷新多少次 都只会访问该服务器 其他IP只能访问其他服务器 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server; server; server; ip_hash; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问: 如果首次显示 web01 那么永远都是 web01 每一个IP固定访问某一个后端
状态 | 概述 |
down | 当前的server暂时不参与负载均衡 |
backup | 预留的备份服务器 |
max_fails | 允许请求失败的次数 |
fail_timeout | 经过max_fails失败后, 服务暂停时间 |
# 1.down状态 暂时不分配流量 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server down; server; server; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问: 永远都不会显示 web01 因为已经暂停流量转发给 web01了 # 2.backup状态 只有当(没有backup状态的)所有的机器全部宕机,才能启动 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server backup; server; server; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问: 在 web02 web03 正常启动时 永远都不会显示 web01 在其余所有服务器宕机时 此时客户请求就只会访问 web01 # 3.max_fails、fail_timeout(要连用) 要与 proxy_next_upstream:后端错误标识 连用 保持配置文件中 存在以下内容 [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim game.conf upstream supermarie { server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; } server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://supermarie; proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_404; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } [root@lb01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful [root@lb01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx 浏览器访问: 可以尝试重启 web01 | 置空 web.html 就只会显示 web02 web03 ''' proxy_next_upstream 可以跟的参数: proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_503 http_404; error : 与服务器建立连接,向其传递请求或读取响应头时发生错误; timeout : 在与服务器建立连接,向其传递请求或读取响应头时发生超时; invalid_header : 服务器返回空的或无效的响应; http_500 : 服务器返回代码为500的响应; http_502 : 服务器返回代码为502的响应; http_503 : 服务器返回代码为503的响应; http_504 : 服务器返回代码504的响应; http_403 : 服务器返回代码为403的响应; http_404 : 服务器返回代码为404的响应; http_429 : 服务器返回代码为429的响应(1.11.13); non_idempotent : 通常,请求与 非幂等 方法(POST,LOCK,PATCH)不传递到请求是否已被发送到上游服务器(1.9.13)的下一个服务器; 启用此选项显式允许重试此类请求; off : 禁用将请求传递给下一个服务器。 '''
# 部署Python 1.创建用户 [root@web02 ~]# groupadd django -g 888 [root@web02 ~]# useradd django -u 888 -g 888 -r -M -s /bin/sh [root@web03 ~]# groupadd django -g 888 [root@web03 ~]# useradd django -u 888 -g 888 -r -M -s /bin/sh 2.安装依赖软件 [root@web02 ~]# yum install python3 libxml* python-devel gcc* pcre-devel openssl-devel python3-devel -y [root@web03 ~]# yum install python3 libxml* python-devel gcc* pcre-devel openssl-devel python3-devel -y # 部署Django和uwsgi 3.安装Django和uwsgi [root@web01 ~]# scp bbs.zip [root@web01 ~]# scp bbs.zip [root@web02 ~]# pip3 install django==1.11 [root@web02 ~]# pip3 install uwsgi [root@web02 ~]# pip3 install pymysql [root@web03 ~]# pip3 install django==1.11 [root@web03 ~]# pip3 install uwsgi [root@web03 ~]# pip3 install pymysql 4.创建项目 [root@web02 ~]# cd /opt/ [root@web02 opt]# unzip bbs.zip [root@web02 opt]# cd bbs [root@web02 bbs]# vim bbs/settings.py 修改下面两处 ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'bbs', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': '123456', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 3306, 'CHARSET': 'utf8' } } [root@web03 ~]# cd /opt/ [root@web03 opt]# unzip bbs.zip [root@web03 opt]# cd bbs [root@web03 bbs]# vim bbs/settings.py 修改下面两处 ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'bbs', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': '123456', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 3306, 'CHARSET': 'utf8' } } # 启动测试 [root@web02 bbs]# python3 manage.py runserver [root@web03 bbs]# python3 manage.py runserver # 配置并启动 5.编辑项目配置文件 [root@web02 bbs]# vim /opt/bbs/myweb_uwsgi.ini [root@web03 bbs]# vim /opt/bbs/myweb_uwsgi.ini 6.启动uwsgi 测试 [root@web02 bbs]# uwsgi --ini myweb_uwsgi.ini --uid 666 启动 [root@web02 bbs]# uwsgi -d --ini myweb_uwsgi.ini --uid 666 [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from myweb_uwsgi.ini [root@web03 bbs]# uwsgi --ini myweb_uwsgi.ini --uid 666 启动 [root@web02 bbs]# uwsgi -d --ini myweb_uwsgi.ini --uid 666 [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from myweb_uwsgi.ini -d : 以守护进程方式运行 --ini : 指定配置文件路径 --uid : 指定uid 7.编辑Nginx配置文件 [root@web01 conf.d]# vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/python.conf [root@web02 bbs]# vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/python.conf [root@web03 bbs]# vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/python.conf 写入以下内容: server { listen 80; server_name py.test.com; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_pass; uwsgi_read_timeout 2; uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT bbs.wsgi; uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /opt/bbs; index index.html index.htm; client_max_body_size 35m; } } 8.重启Nginx配置 [root@web01 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@web01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx [root@web02 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@web02 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx [root@web03 conf.d]# nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@web03 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx
[root@lb01 conf.d]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d [root@lb01 conf.d]# cp game.conf python.conf [root@lb01 conf.d]# vim python.conf upstream bbs { server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=3s; } server { listen 80; server_name py.test.com; location / { proxy_pass http://bbs; proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_404; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } } 浏览器连接 py.test.com 如下图就正常了