private suspend fun testSuspend(key: String, age: Int) { withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(10000) 1 } }
private static final Object testSuspend(String key, int age, Continuation $completion)
int parameterCount = parameterAnnotationsArray.length; parameterHandlers = new ParameterHandler<?>[parameterCount]; for (int p = 0, lastParameter = parameterCount - 1; p < parameterCount; p++) { parameterHandlers[p] = parseParameter(p, parameterTypes[p], parameterAnnotationsArray[p], p == lastParameter); //最后入参表示是否为最后一个参数 }
private @Nullable ParameterHandler<?> parseParameter( int p, Type parameterType, @Nullable Annotation[] annotations, boolean allowContinuation) { ParameterHandler<?> result = null; if (annotations != null) { // 对注解进行解析,并赋值给result, } if (result == null) { if (allowContinuation) { try { if (Utils.getRawType(parameterType) == Continuation.class) { // 如果最后一个参数时Continuation,则表示此方法时kotlin的suspend函数。 isKotlinSuspendFunction = true; return null; } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ignored) { } } throw parameterError(method, p, "No Retrofit annotation found."); } return result; }
static <ResponseT, ReturnT> HttpServiceMethod<ResponseT, ReturnT> parseAnnotations( Retrofit retrofit, Method method, RequestFactory requestFactory) { boolean isKotlinSuspendFunction = requestFactory.isKotlinSuspendFunction; boolean continuationWantsResponse = false; boolean continuationBodyNullable = false; Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations(); Type adapterType; if (isKotlinSuspendFunction) { // 1.kotlin suspend Type[] parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); Type responseType = Utils.getParameterLowerBound( 0, (ParameterizedType) parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1]); if (getRawType(responseType) == Response.class && responseType instanceof ParameterizedType) { // 2.如果接口方法的返回值是Response<XXX>的话 // Unwrap the actual body type from Response<T>. responseType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, (ParameterizedType) responseType); continuationWantsResponse = true; } else { // TODO figure out if type is nullable or not // Metadata metadata = method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(Metadata.class) // Find the entry for method // Determine if return type is nullable or not } adapterType = new Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl(null, Call.class, responseType); annotations = SkipCallbackExecutorImpl.ensurePresent(annotations); } else { adapterType = method.getGenericReturnType(); } CallAdapter<ResponseT, ReturnT> callAdapter = createCallAdapter(retrofit, method, adapterType, annotations); Type responseType = callAdapter.responseType(); if (responseType == okhttp3.Response.class) { throw methodError( method, "'" + getRawType(responseType).getName() + "' is not a valid response body type. Did you mean ResponseBody?"); } if (responseType == Response.class) { throw methodError(method, "Response must include generic type (e.g., Response<String>)"); } // TODO support Unit for Kotlin? if (requestFactory.httpMethod.equals("HEAD") && !Void.class.equals(responseType)) { throw methodError(method, "HEAD method must use Void as response type."); } Converter<ResponseBody, ResponseT> responseConverter = createResponseConverter(retrofit, method, responseType); okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory = retrofit.callFactory; if (!isKotlinSuspendFunction) { return new CallAdapted<>(requestFactory, callFactory, responseConverter, callAdapter); } else if (continuationWantsResponse) { // 2.如果接口方法的返回值是Response<XXX>的话 //noinspection unchecked Kotlin compiler guarantees ReturnT to be Object. return (HttpServiceMethod<ResponseT, ReturnT>) new SuspendForResponse<>( requestFactory, callFactory, responseConverter, (CallAdapter<ResponseT, Call<ResponseT>>) callAdapter); } else { // 3.如果接口方法的返回值是不是Response<XXX>的话 //noinspection unchecked Kotlin compiler guarantees ReturnT to be Object. return (HttpServiceMethod<ResponseT, ReturnT>) new SuspendForBody<>( requestFactory, callFactory, responseConverter, (CallAdapter<ResponseT, Call<ResponseT>>) callAdapter, continuationBodyNullable); } }
static final class SuspendForBody<ResponseT> extends HttpServiceMethod<ResponseT, Object> { private final CallAdapter<ResponseT, Call<ResponseT>> callAdapter; private final boolean isNullable; SuspendForBody( RequestFactory requestFactory, okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory, Converter<ResponseBody, ResponseT> responseConverter, CallAdapter<ResponseT, Call<ResponseT>> callAdapter, boolean isNullable) { super(requestFactory, callFactory, responseConverter); this.callAdapter = callAdapter; this.isNullable = isNullable; } @Override protected Object adapt(Call<ResponseT> call, Object[] args) { call = callAdapter.adapt(call);// 1.还是原call //noinspection unchecked Checked by reflection inside RequestFactory. Continuation<ResponseT> continuation = (Continuation<ResponseT>) args[args.length - 1]; // Calls to OkHttp Call.enqueue() like those inside await and awaitNullable can sometimes // invoke the supplied callback with an exception before the invoking stack frame can return. // Coroutines will intercept the subsequent invocation of the Continuation and throw the // exception synchronously. A Java Proxy cannot throw checked exceptions without them being // declared on the interface method. To avoid the synchronous checked exception being wrapped // in an UndeclaredThrowableException, it is intercepted and supplied to a helper which will // force suspension to occur so that it can be instead delivered to the continuation to // bypass this restriction. try { return isNullable ? KotlinExtensions.awaitNullable(call, continuation) : KotlinExtensions.await(call, continuation); // 2.默认是不支持null的,所以调用这个 } catch (Exception e) { return KotlinExtensions.suspendAndThrow(e, continuation); } } }
suspend fun <T : Any> Call<T>.await(): T { return suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation -> continuation.invokeOnCancellation { cancel() } enqueue(object : Callback<T> { override fun onResponse(call: Call<T>, response: Response<T>) { if (response.isSuccessful) { val body = response.body() if (body == null) { val invocation = call.request().tag(Invocation::class.java)!! val method = invocation.method() val e = KotlinNullPointerException( "Response from " + method.declaringClass.name + '.' + method.name + " was null but response body type was declared as non-null" ) continuation.resumeWithException(e) } else { continuation.resume(body) } } else { continuation.resumeWithException(HttpException(response)) } } override fun onFailure(call: Call<T>, t: Throwable) { continuation.resumeWithException(t) } }) } }