
漫画 PDF 阅读器

本文主要是介绍漫画 PDF 阅读器,对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!

漫画 PDF 阅读器




镜像拉取:docker pull dezhao/bookbrowser_cn

Usage: BookBrowser [OPTIONS]

  -a, --addr string      the address to bind the server to ([IP]:PORT) (default ":8090")
  -b, --bookdir string   the directory to load books from (must exist) (default "/home/patrick/src/BookBrowser")
  -h, --help             Show this help text
  -n, --nocovers         do not index covers
  -t, --tempdir string   the directory to store temp files such as cover thumbnails (created on start, deleted on exit unless already exists) (default "/tmp/bookbrowser946254949")
      --version          Show the version

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