def multi_process(): # with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool: # pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) with mp.Pool() as pool: pool.starmap(ISC, [(l, t) for l in range(2 * brCount) for t in range(Time)]) if __name__ == "__main__": for_start = time.time() multi_process() for_end = time.time()
def ISC(l, t): global ISCR_C ISCR_C[:, 0] = ISCR_A[l, :] ISCR_C[:, 1] = ISCR_Pmax ISCR_C = ISCR_C[np.lexsort(-ISCR_C[:, ::-1].T)] if l <= brCount - 1: for k in range(GenCount - 1): if ISCR1(k, t) * ISCR2(k, t) * ISCR3(l, k, t) == 1: opt.remove_constraint(model.branch_Cap1[t, l]) break else: for k in range(GenCount - 1): if ISCR1(k, t) * ISCR2(k, t) * ISCR3(l, k, t) == 1: opt.remove_constraint(model.branch_Cap2[t,l - brCount]) break