将源 Observable 与其他 Observable 组合以创建一个 Observable,其值从每个 Observable 的最新值计算,仅当源发出时。
const sportsNews$ = interval(5000).pipe( map(i => `One News ${i}`) ); const worldNews$ = interval(1000).pipe( map(i => `Two News ${i}`), // tap((v) => console.log(v)) ); const customizedNews$ = sportsNews$.pipe( withLatestFrom(worldNews$), map(([sportNews, worldNews]) => `One: ${sportNews}; Two: ${worldNews}`), take(3) ); customizedNews$.subscribe(console.log); // One: One News 0; Two: Two News 4 // One: One News 1; Two: Two News 9 // One: One News 2; Two: Two News 14
const news$ = interval(1000).pipe( map(i => `News ${i}`) ); const latestNews$ = news$.pipe( sample(interval(5000)),// 每5s拿到最新的值 take(3) ); latestNews$.subscribe(console.log);
<mat-form-field> <mat-select [(ngModel)]="selectedBrands" [ngModelOptions]="{ standalone: true }" required multiple > <mat-option *ngFor="let brand of brands" [value]="brand" [disabled]="selectedBrands.indexOf(brand) > -1" >{{ brand.name }} </mat-option> </mat-select> </mat-form-field>
// 获取当前时区 const num=- new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60; const newDate=new Date(new Date().getTime()+num*60*60*1000).toISOString()
from([ { brand: 'Apple', model: 'max 12 pro', price: '$10'}, { brand: 'Nokia', model: 'X 10', price: '$50'} ]).pipe(pluck('model')) .subscribe(console.log) // max 12 pro // X 10
export enum Test1 { num1 = 'left', num2 = 'right' } export class TimeSevenComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit { eye = Test1; ngOnInit(): void { console.log(this.eye); } }
<h1 [ngClass]="null??'xxxx'">Hello World</h1>
<input type="text" [ngModel]="sexNum" #foo="ngModel" required (ngModelChange)="setChange($event,foo)"> {{foo.value}} {{foo.errors|json}} sexNum='' setChange($event: any, foo: NgModel) { console.log($event, foo); }
<form #f="ngForm"> <input type="text" name="one" ngModel #foo="ngModel" required (ngModelChange)="setChange($event,foo)"> {{f.value |json}} </form> ngForm = { one: '', two: '', };
删除ng add
包, 如果使用请使用yarn ng add
export type TypeTwo='a'|'b' export type TypeOne = 'c' | 'd'; export type TypeThree=`${TypeOne}我是谁${TypeTwo}` a: TypeThree = 'd我是谁a';
模拟延迟请求 const obj = new BehaviorSubject('bbbb'); obj.pipe(delay(1000*4)) // 案例 obj.pipe(delay(1000*4)).pipe( timeout(1000 * 4), catchError((error: any) => { return throwError('报错了') }) ).subscribe(console.log);
@Directive({ selector: '[tyFormBlur]' }) export class FormBlurDirective implements OnInit { constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, @Self() private ngControl: NgControl) { } ngOnInit(): void { // 失去焦点, 清空两边空格 fromEvent(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'blur').subscribe(() => { if (typeof this.ngControl.value === 'string') { const value = this.ngControl.value.trim(); this.ngControl.control.patchValue(value); } }) } }
fromPromise(Promise.resolve('xxx')).subscribe(console.log) of(1).toPromise().then(console.log)
ngOnInit(): void { this.form = this.formBuilder.group({ firstName: [{ value: 'Foo', disabled: true }, [Validators.required]], lastName: ['Bar'] }); this.lastName.disable(); }
<ul> <li *ngFor="let item of arr"> <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="sex;context:item"></ng-container> </li> </ul> <ng-template #sex let-names> <h1>我是一个{{names}}</h1> </ng-template> arr:Array<any>=[1,2,3]