
SQL Server2019学习笔记--查询实验(2)

本文主要是介绍SQL Server2019学习笔记--查询实验(2),对大家解决编程问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的程序猿们随着小编来一起学习吧!


select X.SNo,X.SN,X.Sex,X.Class,X.Birthday,X.Phone
from S as X,S as Y
where Y.SN='张志国' and X.Class=Y.Class and X.SN!='张志国'
select * from S where Class = (
	select Class from S where SN='张志国') and SN!='张志国'


select X.CNo,X.CN,X.Credit,X.CT,X.Teach
from C as X,C as Y
where Y.CN='计算机应用基础' and X.CT>Y.CT
select * from C where CT>(
	select CT from C where CN='计算机应用基础')


select R1.SNo,R1.SN
(select SNo,SN from S) as R1
inner join
(select CNo,SNo from SC
where CNo='K002') as R2
on R1.SNo=R2.SNo
select SNo,SN from S where SNo in(
	select SNo from SC where CNo='K002')
select SNo,SN from S where SNo=any(
	select SNo from SC where CNo='K002')
select SNo,SN from S where SNo in(
	select SNo from SC where CNo='K002' and SNo=S.SNo)
select SNo,SN from S where exists(
	select * from SC where CNo='K002' and SNo=S.SNo)


select SNo,CNo,Score_1,Score_2,Score_3
from SC 
where CNo not in ('K001','M001')


insert into S(SNo,SN,Sex,Class)


update C
set Credit=Credit*2


from S 
where SN='张乐'
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