Malware Data Science Attack Detection and Attribution
Joshua Saxe Hillary Sanders著 何能强 严寒冰 译
#终端输入 pip install pefile pip install capstone
#!/usr/bin/python3 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pefile from capstone import * # load the target PE file #加载目标PE文件 pe = pefile.PE("/home/ubuntu20/桌面/malware_data_science/ch2/ircbot.exe") # get the address of the program entry point from the program header #从程序头中获取程序入口点的地址 entrypoint = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint # compute memory address where the entry code will be loaded into memory #计算入口代码被加载到内存中的内存地址 entrypoint_address = entrypoint+pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase # get the binary code from the PE file object #从PE文件对象获取二进制代码 binary_code = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()[entrypoint:entrypoint+100] # initialize disassembler to disassemble 32 bit x86 binary code #初始化反汇编程序以反汇编32位x86二进制代码 disassembler = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32) # disassemble the code #反汇编代码 for instruction in disassembler.disasm(binary_code, entrypoint_address): print("%s\t%s"%(instruction.mnemonic, instruction.op_str)) result:
#disassemble the code #反汇编代码 for instruction in disassembler.disasm(binary_code, entrypoint_address): print("%s\t%s"%(instruction.mnemonic, instruction.op_str)) #确保代码行内没有夹杂中文空格 #推荐学习: