




/* in 查询满足指定范围内的条件的记录*/

select id,name from os_customer where id in (12,13,14)






/* not in 查询不满足指定范围内的条件的记录*/

select id,name from os_customer where id not in (12,13,14,15,16)






/between and 查询指定范围内的值,包括端点值,用于查询时间范围时,最好使用>= <=/

select id, name from os_customer where  id between 0 and 12






/not between and 查询指定范围外的值,包括端点值/

select id, name from os_customer where  id not between 0 and 12







/模糊查询 like “%”匹配任意长度的字符,“_”匹配任意一个字符。/

select id, name from os_customer where name like "%局%"





select id, name from os_customer where name like "%电_%"







/null 值查询,如果一个字段设置为null,可以使用is null 查询/

select id, name, update_time from os_customer where update_time is null







/非null查询 和null刚好相反,使用is not null 查询/

select id, name, update_time from os_customer where update_time is not null







/* 按时间倒序排列,order by 字段 desc/asc 降序/升序排序(order by 字段 后面不加,默认按升序排列) 后面可以跟多个几段,按前后顺序排序 ,但是这样会有些问题,不推荐多个字段*/

select id,name,create_time from os_customer order by create_time desc






select id,name,create_time from os_customer order by create_time 







/* 分组 group by 对数据按照某个字段或多个字段进行分组,和集合函数一起使用,MAX(),MIN(),COUNT(),SUM(),AVG()(以分组后的每一组为单位使用上述函数) */

select id ,name,count(1) from sys_user where name like "%家%华%" group by name 






select id ,name,create_time from sys_user where name like "%家%华%" group by name,create_time 






/HAVING 过滤分组/

select id, name from os_customer group by name having count(name) >1






/* 显示分组后数据的所有记录 */

select name from sys_user where name like "%家%华%" group by name with rollup







/* limit 限制查询结果*/

select * from sys_user limit 4







/* 内连接查询 以下两句结果相同的*/

select * from os_customer oc inner join os_customer_user ocu  on =



select * from os_customer oc, os_customer_user ocu where =








/* 左外连接 left join 显示左表所有行,如果右表没有对应的字段为null */

select * from os_customer oc left join os_customer_user ocu  on =








/* 右外连接(right join)显示右表中的所有行 ,如果左表没有对应的字段为null*/

select * from os_customer oc right join os_customer_user ocu  on =







/* any 返回大于子查询结果中最小值的所有记录 */

select * from os_customer oc where > any(select user_id from os_customer_user)







/* all 返回大于子查询结果中最大值的所有记录 */

select * from os_customer oc where > all(select id from os_customer_user)







/* exists 子查询是否有记录(能查到数据,不是字段),有则查询主表中所有的数据,没有则显示为null */

select * from os_customer oc where exists(select id from os_customer_user where id = 2)
select id from os_customer_user where id = 2 这条数据可以查询出数据,因此可以查询到数据





select * from os_customer oc where exists(select id from os_customer_user where id = 52)
select id from os_customer_user where id = 52 这条语句查询不到数据,因此最后查询不到数据






/* not exists 子查询是否没有记录(没有查到数据,不是字段),没有有则查询主表中所有的数据,有则显示为null */

select * from os_customer oc where not exists(select id from os_customer_user where id = 50)
select id from os_customer_user where id = 50 这条查询语句是没有数据的,因此最终的查询可以查到数据






select * from os_customer oc where not exists(select id from os_customer_user where id = 5)
select id from os_customer_user where id = 5 这条查询语句是有数据的,因此最终的查询查不到数据





/in 主表字段在子查询语句中的集合中的数据/

select * from os_customer oc where id in (select user_id from os_customer_user )







/not in 主表字段不在子查询语句中的集合中的数据/

select * from os_customer oc where id not in (select user_id from os_customer_user)







/* <、<=、=、>=、!= 条件查询*/

select * from os_customer oc where id >= 36







/* union 删除重复行 每个union查询字段要相同*/

select id,name from os_customer where id >45 union select id,name from os_customer where id in (48,49)







/* union all 不删除重复行 每个union查询字段要相同*/

select id,name from os_customer where id >45 union all select id,name from os_customer where id in (48,49)







