/* Convert a long long into a string. Returns the number of
* characters needed to represent the number.
* If the buffer is not big enough to store the string, 0 is returned.
* Based on the following article (that apparently does not provide a
* novel approach but only publicizes an already used technique):
* https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-engineering/three-optimization-tips-for-c/10151361643253920
* Modified in order to handle signed integers since the original code was
* designed for unsigned integers. */
// long long类型转C字符串,成功返回转换后字符串长度,失败返回0
// 修改以支持有符号整数,因为原始代码是为无符号整数设计的
int ll2string(char *dst, size_t dstlen, long long svalue) {
static const char digits[201] =
int negative;
unsigned long long value;
/* The main loop works with 64bit unsigned integers for simplicity, so
* we convert the number here and remember if it is negative. */
// 为了简单起见,主循环使用64位无符号整数,因此在这里转换数字,并记住是否为负数
if (svalue < 0) {
if (svalue != LLONG_MIN) {
value = -svalue;
} else {
value = ((unsigned long long) LLONG_MAX)+1;
negative = 1;
} else {
value = svalue;
negative = 0;
/* Check length. */
// 确认预分配空间长度是否足够
uint32_t const length = digits10(value)+negative;
if (length >= dstlen) return 0;
/* Null term. */
uint32_t next = length;
dst[next] = '\0';
while (value >= 100) {
int const i = (value % 100) * 2;
value /= 100;
dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
next -= 2;
/* Handle last 1-2 digits. */
if (value < 10) {
dst[next] = '0' + (uint32_t) value;
} else {
int i = (uint32_t) value * 2;
dst[next] = digits[i + 1];
dst[next - 1] = digits[i];
/* Add sign. */
if (negative) dst[0] = '-';
return length;
/* Convert a string into a long long. Returns 1 if the string could be parsed
* into a (non-overflowing) long long, 0 otherwise. The value will be set to
* the parsed value when appropriate.
* Note that this function demands that the string strictly represents
* a long long: no spaces or other characters before or after the string
* representing the number are accepted, nor zeroes at the start if not
* for the string "0" representing the zero number.
* Because of its strictness, it is safe to use this function to check if
* you can convert a string into a long long, and obtain back the string
* from the number without any loss in the string representation. */
// C字符串转long long 类型,成功返回1
int string2ll(const char *s, size_t slen, long long *value) {
const char *p = s;
size_t plen = 0;
int negative = 0;
unsigned long long v;
/* A zero length string is not a valid number. */
// ERR: 入参字符串为空
if (plen == slen)
return 0;
/* Special case: first and only digit is 0. */
// 开头为0,且只有1个字符
if (slen == 1 && p[0] == '0') {
if (value != NULL) *value = 0;
return 1;
/* Handle negative numbers: just set a flag and continue like if it
* was a positive number. Later convert into negative. */
// 判断是否为负数
if (p[0] == '-') {
negative = 1;
p++; plen++;
/* Abort on only a negative sign. */
// ERR: 只有1个负号
if (plen == slen)
return 0;
/* First digit should be 1-9, otherwise the string should just be 0. */
// 最高位应该为 1~9
if (p[0] >= '1' && p[0] <= '9') {
v = p[0]-'0';
p++; plen++;
} else {
return 0;
/* Parse all the other digits, checking for overflow at every step. */
// 剩余位数应该为 0~9
while (plen < slen && p[0] >= '0' && p[0] <= '9') {
if (v > (ULLONG_MAX / 10)) // 溢出 /* Overflow. */
return 0;
v *= 10;
if (v > (ULLONG_MAX - (p[0]-'0'))) // 溢出 /* Overflow. */
return 0;
v += p[0]-'0';
p++; plen++;
/* Return if not all bytes were used. */
// ERR: 有字符不是数字
if (plen < slen)
return 0;
/* Convert to negative if needed, and do the final overflow check when
* converting from unsigned long long to long long. */
// 符号处理,并判断是否溢出
if (negative) {
if (v > ((unsigned long long)(-(LLONG_MIN+1))+1)) /* Overflow. */
return 0;
if (value != NULL) *value = -v;
} else {
if (v > LLONG_MAX) /* Overflow. */
return 0;
if (value != NULL) *value = v;
return 1;