满足:a ^ 0 = a;
a ^ a = 0;
(a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c);
public static void swap(int a,int b){ a = a^b; b = a^b; a = a^b; System.out.println("a = "+a); System.out.println("b = "+b); }
public static int problem1(int []a){ //eor: Exclusive OR int eor = 0; for (int num: a){ eor = eor ^ num; } return eor; }
/** * 这两个出现奇数次的数为num1 num2 * 1.首先将0和数组内的数从头异或到尾 得到eor = num1 ^ num2 * 此时需要获取其中一个数。因为两个数不同,所以二进制中肯定有一位不同,那么就可以提取出这一位,从而区分两个数 * 2.将eor取反,再加一,得到的数再和 eor与运算,最后提取出了最右边的1 * 3.将数组分为两类,一类这一位为1,另一类为0,将其中一组从头异或到尾,得到num1 * 4.将num1 ^ eor ,得到num2 * @param a * @return */ public static void problem2(int []a){ //首先将0和数组内的数从头异或到尾 得到eor = num1 ^ num2 int eor = 0; for (int num: a){ eor = eor ^ num; } //.将eor取反,再加一,得到的数再和 eor与运算,最后提取出了最右边的1 int rightOne = (~eor+1) & eor; int onlyOne = 0; //将数组分为两类,一类这一位为1,另一类为0,将其中一组从头异或到尾,得到num1 for (int num: a){ if ((rightOne & num) == rightOne){ onlyOne ^= num; } } int num1 = onlyOne; //将num1 ^ eor ,得到num2 int num2 = onlyOne ^ eor; System.out.println("num1 = "+ num1); System.out.println("num1 = "+ num2); }
/** * 数组是无序的,相邻数不相等,求出一个局部最小值 * 1.判断边界是否是局部最小,那么此时左边数下降趋势,右边数上升趋势,中间肯定有一个数处于拐点位置 * 2.缩小范围看中间的值是否是局部最小,是则返回 * 3.不是,假设中间值的左数小,那么左边数下降趋势,因此缩小范围,递归看左边,直到找到局部最小 * @return */ public static int getLocalMin(int []a,int first, int last){ //0.一个数 if (a.length == 1){ return a[0]; } //1.判断边界 if (first == 0 && a[first] < a[first+1]){ return a[first]; } if (last == a.length-1 && a[last] < a[last - 1]){ return a[last]; } //2.缩小范围看中间的值是否是局部最小,是则返回 int medium = first + (last- first)/2; if (a[medium] < a[medium +1] && a[medium] < a[medium-1] ){ return a[medium]; } else { if (a[medium] > a[medium+1]){ //缩小到右边 return getLocalMin(a, medium+1, last); } else { return getLocalMin(a, first, medium-1); } } }
/** * 归并排序 */ public static void process(int[] arr,int left,int right){ //只剩一个元素 if (left == right){ return; } //求中间值 int medium = left + ( (right - left) >> 1); process(arr, left, medium); process(arr,medium+1, right); //分完后,将左右合并 merge(arr,left,medium,right); } /** * 合并 */ public static void merge(int []arr,int left,int medium,int right){ //开辟额外空间存放有序数组,长度为合并后数组长度 int[] help = new int[right -left +1]; //help数组索引位 int i = 0; //左边数组索引位 int p1 = left; //右边数组索引位 int p2 = medium +1; //将左右两边的数组元素依次比较 while (p1 <= medium && p2 <= right){ //小的放入help中 help[i++] = arr[p1] <= arr[p2]? arr[p1++]: arr[p2++]; } //此时有一方有剩余数组 //将剩余的数组一方元素全部放入help中 while (p1 <= medium){ help[i++] = arr[p1++]; } while (p2 <= right){ help[i++] = arr[p2++]; } //将help数组拷贝给原数组 if (help.length >= 0) { System.arraycopy(help, 0, arr, left, help.length); } }
版本1.0:划分一次的结果: 小于等于区,值,大于区
版本2.0:划分一次的结果: 小于区,等于值,大于区
public static void quickSort(int[] arr,int left,int right){ if (left < right){ //随机找出一个数,与最后一个数交换,当做标准值。(3.0) int randomIndex = (int)(Math.random() * (right - left + 1)); swap(arr,left + randomIndex ,right); //分割数组,形成小于, 等于, 大于三部分 //返回值为等于部分的左右边界 int[] partition = partition(arr, left, right); //递归左侧 quickSort(arr,left,partition[0]-1); //递归右侧 quickSort(arr,partition[1]+1,right); } } public static int[] partition(int []arr,int left,int right){ //<界的右边界 int less = left - 1; int bigger = right; //当前索引 int i = left; while (i < bigger){ //当前位置元素小于标准值 if (arr[i] < arr[right]){ //与左边界下一个元素交换 //扩展左边界,索引位++ swap(arr,++less,i++); } //大于标准值 else if (arr[i] > arr[right]){ //与右边界的上一个元素交换 //扩展右边界,索引位不变,因为不知道交换后当前位置元素大小 swap(arr,--bigger,i); } //等于 else { i++; } } //此时将最右边的标准值与右边界的交换 swap(arr,right,bigger); //返回两个位置,分别是等于标准值的左右边界 return new int[]{less+1,bigger}; } /** * 交换 */ public static void swap(int[] arr,int index1,int index2){ int temp = arr[index1]; arr[index1] = arr[index2]; arr[index2] = temp; }
public static int getRes(int[] arr){ if (arr == null || arr.length == 0 || arr.length == 1){ return 0; } return process(arr, 0, arr.length - 1); } public static int process(int[] arr,int left,int right){ //只剩一个数,没有小和 if (left == right){ return 0; } int mid = left + ( (right - left) >> 1); return process(arr,left,mid) + process(arr,mid+1, right)+merge(arr,left,mid,right); } public static int merge(int[] arr,int left,int mid,int right){ //额外空间存放有序数组 int[] help = new int[right - left + 1]; //help索引 int i = 0; //左边数组索引,右边数组索引 int p1 = left; int p2 = mid+1; int res = 0; while (p1 <= mid && p2 <= right){ //计算小和:( right - p2 +1)*arr[p1] //right - p2 +1: 右边有几个比左边当前元素大的数 res += arr[p1] < arr[p2]?( right - p2 +1)*arr[p1]: 0; //排序 //此时和归并不同的是,当元素相同时,将右边数组拷贝下来,才可以更快的算出右边数组有多少比左边数组大的元素 help[i++] = arr[p1] < arr[p2]?arr[p1++]:arr[p2++]; } //将剩余数组拷贝 while (p1 <= mid){ help[i++] = arr[p1++]; } while (p2 <= right){ help[i++] = arr[p2++]; } if (help.length >= 0) { System.arraycopy(help, 0, arr, left, help.length); } return res; }
/** * 交换 */ public static void swap(int[] arr,int index1,int index2){ int temp = arr[index1]; arr[index1] = arr[index2]; arr[index2] = temp; } /** * 荷兰国旗问题 * @param arr * @param target */ public static void FlagProblem(int []arr,int target,int left,int right){ //小于目标值的右边界 int lessBorder = left-1; //大于目标值的左边界 int biggerBorder = right+1; //当前索引位 int i = left; while (i < biggerBorder ){ //小于 if (arr[i] < target){ //与<界的下一个元素交换,索引位++ //边界扩张 swap(arr,++lessBorder,i++); } //大于 else if (arr[i] > target){ //索引位不变 //边界扩张 swap(arr,--biggerBorder,i); } else { //等于 i++; } } }
//某个数处在index位置,向上移动直到形成堆 public static void heapInsert(int[] arr,int index){ //父节点索引 int parentIndex; //当前节点元素大于父节点元素 while (arr[index] > arr[ parentIndex = (index - 1) >> 1]){ //交换元素 swap(arr,index,parentIndex); //更新索引位,继续判断 index = parentIndex; } }
/** *元素在index位置,向下移动形成堆 */ public static void heapify(int[]arr,int index,int heapSize){ //左孩子索引位 int leftIndex = (index << 1) + 1; //存在孩子 while (leftIndex < heapSize){ int rightIndex = leftIndex +1; //选出孩子较大的一方 int largest = rightIndex<heapSize && arr[rightIndex]>arr[leftIndex]?rightIndex:leftIndex; //和父节点比较 largest = arr[index] > arr[largest]?index:largest; //父节点比孩子节点大 if (largest == index){ break; } else { //交换 swap(arr,index,largest); //更新索引位置,判断下一个节点 index = largest; //更新左孩子索引位 leftIndex = (index << 1) + 1; } } }
/** * 堆排序 * @param arr */ public static void heapSort(int[] arr) { if (arr == null || arr.length < 2){ return; } //将数组变换为大顶堆 for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ heapInsert(arr,i); } //堆管理容量 int heapSize = arr.length; //将末尾元素与堆顶交换, //减少heapSize,此时已经得到最大值,并保存到数组最后 //swap(arr,0,--heapSize); while (heapSize > 0){ swap(arr,0,--heapSize); heapify(arr,0,heapSize); } }
//一个快速获取中位数的数据结构 public static class MedianHolder { private PriorityQueue<Integer> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<>((x,y)->y-x); private PriorityQueue<Integer> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(x -> x)); /** * 维持两堆的大小差值小于二 * */ private void modifyTwoHeapsSize() { if (maxHeap.size() - minHeap.size() >= 2){ //弹出加入到小根堆 minHeap.add(maxHeap.poll()); } if (minHeap.size() - maxHeap.size() >= 2){ //弹出加入到大根堆 maxHeap.add(minHeap.poll()); } } /** * 加入数字: * 如果大根堆为null,数字加入到大根堆 * 如果数字小于大根堆的堆顶数字,加入到大根堆 * 否则,加入到小根堆 */ public void addNum(int num){ if (maxHeap.isEmpty() || num <= maxHeap.peek()){ maxHeap.add(num); } else { minHeap.add(num); } //加入后,调整两堆的大小 modifyTwoHeapsSize(); } public void addNum(int[] nums){ for (int num: nums){ addNum(num); } } /** * 获取中位值 * 如果大小相等,都弹出堆顶元素,求平均值 * 不相等则弹出size大的堆顶元素 */ public Integer getMedian() { int maxHeapSize = this.maxHeap.size(); int minHeapSize = this.minHeap.size(); //判null if (maxHeapSize + minHeapSize == 0) { return null; } Integer maxHeapHead = this.maxHeap.peek(); Integer minHeapHead = this.minHeap.peek(); if (maxHeapSize == minHeapSize){ return (maxHeapHead+minHeapHead) / 2; } return maxHeapSize > minHeapSize?maxHeapHead:minHeapHead; } }
//digit: 最大数是 几位数 public static void radixSort(int []arr,int left,int right,int digit){ final int radix = 10; int i = 0, j = 0; int []bucket = new int[right - left + 1]; for (int d = 1; d <= digit; d++){ //count[i] 代表当前位d,是i的数有多少个 int []count = new int[radix]; for (i = left; i <= right;i++){ j = getNumInDigit(arr[i], d); count[j]++; } //count[i] 代表当前位d,是0-i的数有多少个 for (i = 1; i < radix; i++){ count[i] = count[i]+ count[i-1]; } //此时都放入了count中,再放入bucket //从右向左遍历(保证先入先出) for (i = right; i >= left; i--){ j = getNumInDigit(arr[i],d); bucket[ count[j]-1] = arr[i]; count[j]--; } for (i = left,j =0; i <= right;i++,j++){ arr[i] = bucket[j]; } } } public static int getNumInDigit(int num,int digit){ int x = (int)Math.pow(10,digit-1); return (num / x) % 10; } public static int getDigit(int []arr){ int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int num: arr){ max = Math.max(num,max); } int digit = 0; while (max != 0){ digit++; max/= 10; } return digit; }
//反转单链表 public static Node reverseList(Node head){ Node pre = null; Node next = null; while (head != null){ //保存next next = head.next; //更新连接 head.next = pre; //更新前一个节点 pre = head; //更新头结点 head = next; } return pre; }
/** * 空间复杂度O(N) * 使用栈 */ public static boolean isPalindrome1(Node head){ //进栈 Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>(); Node help = head; while (help != null){ nodes.push(help); help = help.next; } help = head; //出栈比较 while (help != null){ if (help.value != nodes.pop().value){ return false; } help = help.next; } return true; } /** * 空间复杂度O(1/2n) * 快慢指针 */ public static boolean isPalindrome2(Node head) { if (head == null || head.next == null) { return true; } Node fast = head; Node slow = head.next; while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null){ slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } //此时满指针之后的node就可以进行折叠比较了 Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>(); Node help = slow; while (help != null){ nodes.push(help); help = help.next; } help = head; while ( !nodes.isEmpty()){ if (help.value != nodes.pop().value ){ return false; } help = help.next; } return true; } /** * 空间复杂度O(1) * 使用快慢指针,反转链表 */ public static boolean isPalindrome3(Node head){ if (head == null || head.next == null) { return true; } Node n1 = head; Node n2 = head; // find mid node while (n2.next != null && n2.next.next != null) { // n1 -> mid n1 = n1.next; // n2 -> end n2 = n2.next.next; } //把慢指针为头结点的后续指针反转 //右半部分的头指针 n2 = n1.next; n1.next = null; Node next = null; while (n2 != null){ next = n2.next; n2.next = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = next; } next = n1; n2 = head; //比较 boolean res = true; while (n1 .next != null && n2.next != null){ if (n1.value != n2.value) { res = false; break; } n1 = n1.next; n2 = n2.next; } n1 = next.next; next.next = null; //还原 while (n1 != null){ n2 = n1.next; n1.next = next; next = n1; n1 = n2; } return true; }
【题目】给定一个单链表的头节点head,节点的值类型是整型,再给定一个整 数pivot。实现一个调整链表的函数,将链表调整为左部分都是值小于pivot的 节点,中间部分都是值等于pivot的节点,右部分都是值大于pivot的节点。
/** * 排序 非进阶() * 空间复杂度O(n) */ public static Node listPartition1(Node head, int pivot){ //类似于荷兰国旗和快排 if (head == null){ return head; } Node help = head; int i = 0; //计算链表长度 while (help != null){ i++; help = help.next; } Node[] nodes = new Node[i]; //将节点放入数组中 i = 0; help = head; for (i = 0; i != nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i] = help; help = help.next; } //进行分区patition arrPartition(nodes,pivot); //将链表连接 for (i =1; i < nodes.length; i++){ nodes[i-1].next = nodes[i]; } nodes[i-1].next= null; return nodes[0]; } /** * 分区处理 */ public static void arrPartition(Node[] nodes, int pivot){ //<界的右边界 int less = -1; //>界的左边界 int bigger = nodes.length; //当前索引位 int i = 0; //当前位置没有到左边界 while (i != bigger){ //当前位置node与<界的右边界的下一个node交换 if (nodes[i].value < pivot){ swap(nodes,i++,++less); } //当前位置node与>界的左边界的上一个node交换 else if (nodes[i].value > pivot){ swap(nodes,--bigger,i); } else { i++; } } } //交换 public static void swap(Node[] nodeArr, int a, int b) { Node tmp = nodeArr[a]; nodeArr[a] = nodeArr[b]; nodeArr[b] = tmp; }
//进阶 public static Node listPartition2(Node head, int pivot) { Node sH = null; // small head Node sT = null; // small tail Node eH = null; // equal head Node eT = null; // equal tail Node bH = null; // big head Node bT = null; // big tail Node next = null; // save next node // every node distributed to three lists while (head != null) { next = head.next; head.next = null; if (head.value < pivot) { if (sH == null) { sH = head; sT = head; } else { sT.next = head; sT = head; } } else if (head.value == pivot) { if (eH == null) { eH = head; eT = head; } else { eT.next = head; eT = head; } } else { if (bH == null) { bH = head; bT = head; } else { bT.next = head; bT = head; } } head = next; } // small and equal reconnect if (sT != null) { sT.next = eH; eT = eT == null ? sT : eT; } // all reconnect if (eT != null) { eT.next = bH; } return sH != null ? sH : eH != null ? eH : bH; }
【题目】一种特殊的单链表节点类描述如下 class Node {
int value;
Node next;
Node rand;
Node(int val) { value = val; } }
rand指针是单链表节点结构中新增的指针,rand可能指向链表中的任意一个节 点,也可能指向null。给定一个由Node节点类型组成的无环单链表的头节点 head,请实现一个函数完成这个链表的复制,并返回复制的新链表的头节点
/** 使用hashmap key 存储老链表 value 存储新链表 这样就可以实现对应关系 */ public static Node copyList(Node head){ Map<Node,Node> map = new HashMap<>(); Node helpNode = head; while (helpNode != null){ //添加key和value进入map中 map.put(helpNode,new Node(helpNode.value)); helpNode = helpNode.next; } helpNode = head; while (helpNode != null){ //设置新节点的next和rand map.get(helpNode).next = map.get(helpNode.next); map.get(helpNode).rand = map.get(helpNode.rand); helpNode = helpNode.next; } return map.get(head); }
/** * * 快慢指针法, * 快指针一次两步,慢指针一次一步 * 1.如果快指针走到了最后,则无环 * 2.如果快慢指针相遇了,此时将快指针回到head节点, * 然后快指针也一次走一步,慢指针继续从相遇节点开始走,相遇时候就是入环的第一个节点。 * @param head * @return 入环的第一个节点 */ public static Node hasCricle(Node head){ if (head == null || head.next == null || head.next.next == null){ return null; } Node slow = head.next; Node fast = head.next.next; //当快慢指针相遇时 while (slow != fast){ if (fast.next == null || fast.next.next == null){ return null; } slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } //此时已经相遇(fast回到head节点) fast = head; while (slow!=fast){ slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next; } //相遇节点 return fast; }
/** * 获取第一个相交节点 * 两个链表分别走到末尾,记录len,end * 1.end是一个内存地址,则存在相交问题 * 将长链表先走到和短链表一样长,然后一起走,相遇就是第一个相交节点 * 2.不是一个内存地址,不相交 */ public static Node noLoop(Node head1, Node head2) { if (head1 == null || head2 == null){ return null; } int len = 0; Node cur1 = head1; Node cur2 = head2; //分别走到尾节点 while (cur1.next != null){ len++; cur1 = cur1.next; } while (cur2.next != null){ len--; cur2 = cur2.next; } //不相交 if (cur1 != cur2){ return null; } //此时len就是长度的差值(可能为负) //判断谁长,cur1设置为长链表头 cur1 = len > 0?head1: head2; //cur2设置为短头 cur2 = cur1 == head1?head2:head1; len = Math.abs(len); while (len != 0){ len--; cur1 = cur1.next; } //一起向交点走 while (cur1 != cur2){ cur1 = cur1.next; cur2 = cur2.next; } return cur1; }