select employee _id, last_name.salary
from employees
where salary >(
select salary
from employees
where last_name='abel'
OR 满足所有值列表中的任意一个。
in :等于值列表中任意一个
-- 题目:返回其它部门中,比job_id为‘IT_PROG’部门 任一工资低的员工的 员工号、姓名、job_id以及salary
select employee_id , last_name, job_id,salary
from employees
where salary <any (
select salary
from employees
where job_id='IT_PROG'
) AND job_id !='IT_PROG';
-- 问题:查询员工中工资大于本部门平均工资的员工的last_name, salary 和其department_id及平均工资
select last_name, salary, department_id, (select avg(salary) from employees where department_id=e1.department_id)
from employees e1
where salary >(
select avg(salary)
from employees e2
where e2.departent_id= e1.department_id
-- 解法二
select last_name, salary, e1.department_id,e2.avg_sal
from employees e1, (
select avg(salary) avg_sal, department_id
from employees
group by departent_id
where e1.departent_id =e2.department_id
and e1.salary>e2.avg_sal;
--问题:查询与141号或者174号员工的manager_id和department_id相同的其他员工的employee_id, manager_id ,department_id
select employee_id, manager_id, department_id
from employees
where manager_id in (
select manager_id
from employees
where employee_id in (141,174)
) and department_id in (
delect department_id
form employees
where employee_id in (141, 174)