create table demo1( rq date, shfu VARCHAR(20) ); insert into demo1(rq,shfu) VALUES ('2005-05-09','胜'), ('2005-05-09','胜'), ('2005-05-09','负'), ('2005-05-09','负'), ('2005-05-10','胜'), ('2005-05-10','负'), ('2005-05-10','负'); select * from demo1; select rq,count(case shfu when '胜' then 1 end) as 胜,count(case shfu when '负' then 1 end) as 负 from demo1 GROUP BY rq
create table demo2( yuw int, shx int, yy int ); INSERT INTO demo2(yuw,shx,yy) VALUES (70,80,58) SELECT * from demo2 select (case when yuw>=80 then '优秀' when yuw>=60 and yuw<80 then'及格' else '不及格' end ) as 语文, (case when shx>=80 then '优秀' when shx>=60 and shx<80 then'及格' else '不及格' end ) as 数学, (case when yy>=80 then '优秀' when yy>=60 and yy<80 then'及格' else '不及格' end ) as 英语
create table demo3( id int PRIMARY key AUTO_INCREMENT, rq date, pm VARCHAR(20), shl int ) INSERT INTO demo3(rq,pm,shl) VALUES ('2005-05-12','火腿肠',500), ('2005-05-12','方便面',100), ('2005-05-12','方便面',200), ('2005-05-13','矿泉水',200), ('2005-05-13','可乐',150), ('2005-05-14','可乐',50), ('2005-05-14','矿泉水',300) select * from demo3 #1.各种商品共有多少 最大一笔和最小一笔入库分别是多少 select pm,count(pm), max(shl),min(shl) FROM demo3 GROUP BY pm
#2.显示各种物品最后一次记录 select pm,max(rq) from demo3 GROUP BY pm
create table AAA( mc VARCHAR(20), sl int ) create table BBB( mc VARCHAR(20), sl int ) INSERT into AAA(mc,sl) VALUES ('A',100), ('B',120) insert into BBB(mc,sl) VALUES ('A',10), ('A',20), ('B',10), ('B',20), ('B',30) select * from AAA select * from BBB #用一条sql语句算出商品A,B还剩多少 select a.mc,a.sl-(select sum(b.sl) from BBB b WHERE b.mc= a.mc) as sl from AAA a GROUP BY a.mc
#sql语句计算SPH00017453 + 5000的结果SPH00022453 怎么写 select concat(substring('SPH00017453',1,6),17453+5000)```